Would you accept an 8 percent pay cut if it meant saving some jobs at your workplace?


  • Another concerned citizen - 15 years ago

    To the people of Fall River, I totally agree with the comments of angry citizen and " the mayor is a piece of shit". He needs to wake up and smell the coffee he can't be taking the money of the hard working man of Fall river. thats right, the HARD working man. Ask Mayor Correia if he's ever done a hard days work in his life. I stand behind the DPW guys, give em hell boys. As for the cut back on the police department, and basically the option of taking out ALL SROs in the schools ( ya know, the police who keep children from killing eachother), i think Mayor Correia and the Governor should take a look at the STATE POLICE who make 200k for standing around and giving people tickets.

  • THE MAYOR IS A PIECE OF SHIT - 15 years ago

    The mayor has plenty of other options to make money in the city and i am not talking about charging everyone for the rainwater landing on thier house. Why not charge for city trash bags and start giving fines for all the fucking slobs and welfare cases that dont put thier trash in barrels. The city has rats the size of water buffalo and they are breeding like rabbits. Maybe he could legalize heroin and tax it since there are so many fucking junkies and low lifes in fall river. Instead of giving free housing and food stamps he should be handing out condoms so these animals will stop breeding if you cant feed them then dont breed them. We need to tear down all the projects and build shelters and halls for our vets and military. Get your priorities straight obama life isnt all about fried chicken and watermelon. The mayor wants us to take an 8 % pay cut and 2% to come hes a fucking fruit bat how can he do that you dont cut the bloodline to the city and expect it to live. Firemen Police DPW pretty much every department but city hall deserves a raise not a deduction. These are hardworking dedicated moms and dads struggling to survive in todays fucked up thing called life. They lay down thier services and risk thier lives every day for the people of Fall River and the mayor. And this is how he repays them by taking food out of thier childrens mouths . Maybe its just me but i think the mayor is the biggest fucking piece of shit Fall River has ever seen. I hope he trips on one of the pot holes he never fixes.

  • Angry citizen - 15 years ago

    There is no way any city employee can afford the pay cut he is proposing. It's funny how he has neglected to tell the media that his plan for the 8% cut for this year is retroactive. That's right!!! He not only wants you to give up 8% right now, but he also wants back what you owe from the fiscal year as of July 1 2008. And he expects it to be automatically deducted from your payroll that will be 8% lighter. So that could be up to $200 a pay period additional, to the cut. I don't see him cutting out unnecessary fluff any where in his budget. While all his cronies fill their pockets, the hard working people will be up shit creek without a paddle. Time for another Boston Tea Party!

  • Mayah Coruptria Degrading 4 - 15 years ago

    The WORKERS of Fall River, will not, can not, shall not give anything back, if they do, they will never see it again. NO PAY CUTS.....Lay off if you must, but turning Fall River into Brockton will be your (Mayah) legacy. Step up and tell Devil Patrick to clean out his attic first, instead of dumping it on the cities. This is no time to weak kneed, so get your head out of the sand and stand up for YOUR CITY. TID

  • Dean M. - 15 years ago

    I am currently employed for the fall river DPW i personally think the mayor is just at worthless as the shitty trash that i empty every day. He is a greedy sex hungry pig he needs to wake up and smarten up. He has lied to his own people of the portuguese nation and he needs to repay us fall river citizens for all of the morcelas he has raped from us. The mayor has nipples the size of dinner plates and he isnt circumsised either. I would like to hold a meeting with the mayor and his staff and let them smell my index finger after i give myself a prostate massage. I believe that the mayor if he wants to save money then he should layoff the 24 prostitutes he has on call weekdays 9-5 mayor correia i respect him just as much as i would respect the little corn kernels in my poop after i eat shepards pie. His cologne smells like the semen of a seven year old alaskan wolverine. His plans remind me of a time when i was just a boy playing on the beach with piss clams. Like obama the monkey, mayor dum dum is also the antichrist. He has so many unneeded lawyers yea prob for all his sex scandals with catholic schoolboys. I hope and pray that the mayor listens to the lord and makes the right choices for us and our children. If not then at least free chorico. por ha. fooooo dis

  • Angry citizen - 15 years ago

    For starters, why should the WORKING MAN have to be burdened with the overspending of the corrupt politicians. Most rational people understand you can't spend more than you have. Yet, the city, the state, heck, the nation isn't making cut backs in the appropriate areas. They are burdening the tax payers who have been putting food on their tables, and buying their multiple homes, again. At what point are we going to realize that the voice of the PEOPLE is not being heard, and the PEOPLE are not being represented. The average city worker can't afford a pay cut, especially if they already have a spouse that has been laid off. Come on people, let the cut backs be their burden, not ours. Is the Mayor going to payback the money from his $100K office/bathroom renovation???????????????

  • tom obrien - 15 years ago

    if mayuh correira gives up his salary along with all his high priced lawyers and dumping all his gophers your looking at close to a half million dollars. mayuh correira does'nt need a chauffeur and he can get his own coffee.if he does all this and find a few more perks that he gives his cronies maybe we wouldn't have to take a cut

  • God help us all - 15 years ago

    Good idea to save money is these promotions that are being given out, let them be just a title not increase in pay, that's how you save money

  • one voice - 15 years ago

    I don't see my bills being reduced by 8-10%. I am already behind with a 0 % increase this year and probably the same for the next fiscal year also. Unlike some of the higher end employees of the City, who get automatic pay increases, we have to negotiate for what we get and that means giving up one thing to get another. Some of them also get free health care. Let them start contributing to their health care.

  • ed - 15 years ago

    I for one will NOT give back a dime. If layoffs occur, it will only be a matter of time before they are all hired back because it will turn out that the city cannot function with a 20% reduction. Also, what's to say that we take a pay cut and "HE" still lays off. We know by now that "HE" can't be trusted. Very simple people.....we want the services....we need to have our taxes raised. If I need a police officer I simply want to make the call and have one at my doorstep. So Mr. Mayor, go ahead and layoff. I make a quarter of what you make and I don't own a gas station like you do. I will NOT give back a dime.

  • Charles - 15 years ago

    This approach by the mayor is lunacy ! Workers are struggling and a pay cut is not the answer.Let the City administation get rid of the the high priced lawyers hired by the mayor. The salaries paid to the city clerks and municipal workers are barely enough for them to make ends meet.Let the city remove the highly paid department heads and the City WILL save money..I urge the City Unions to say no to this plan by the Mayor.It took years for City workers to get ANY modest raise and now the Mayor wants to take away 10%? NO WAY!

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