Who, or what, deserves the most blame for Monday's layoffs in Fall River?


  • Meatball - 15 years ago

    Hey Laid Off! You had a choice. You chose to lesson to your Union Leadership. Explain to me why some cities in RI had no problems with the union to agree to cuts.

    Great, go and sit on your brains and collect a check, it will be like you were still working for the city.......

  • laid off - 15 years ago

    how many options were we given ? i remember being asked if i wanted to lose 24% of my pay until july then 10 % for all of fiscal 2010. i like many others don't do the job for the "great pay" but why would we risk our lives for less money than we could collect being home with our families ?

  • punce01 - 15 years ago

    People need to understand that raising the taxes will not help out at all this year. It will help out in fiscal year 2010 but this year nothing at all. We need to stop looking for a scape goats and try to work this out as responsible adults/citizens.

  • Where Is Our Leader? - 15 years ago

    A mayor is supposed to lead. He needs to have the courage to offer options to city workers, like raising taxes, even if it means losing a reelection. Raising taxes wouldn't solve all our problems, but it would show the workers that they are not taking the entire hit for a community of 90,000. Then, I'm sure they would be willing to make worthwhile concessions. Fall River has the lowest tax rate in the state. We are the biggest welfare recipient from state aid. When will we have the courage to take care of ourselves?

  • Keonli - 15 years ago

    No one really wants to blame the economy because that means we'll be blaming ourselves. Admit it, a lot of us overspent and lived well beyond our means, leading us to this major downfall. It was only a matter of time before such layoffs were expected. To blame the mayor when he was in such a hard position to begin with is only because we feel the need to find a scapegoat. It is unfortunate that it had to come to this, of course, but hopefully we come together as a community and help our neighbors out.

  • dorothy herz - 15 years ago

    It doesn't matter to him if he takes a pay cut. He doesn't need the money. l. Lucky guy.

  • Meatball - 15 years ago

    What other options could there have been folks? Unless you wanted your taxes raised. Its everyone's fault from the Governor to are Rep's who are puppets, to the Mayor and City Council and YES the Unions for not wanting to back and help there Brotherhood.....

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