If given the choice, what would you choose?


  • Scott02721 - 15 years ago

    Raise the property taxes I will raise the rent to my tenants.

    The government likes raising property taxes because they can easily enforce the collection by threat of prison, fines and confiscation of property.
    Too bad more people don't see it that way. They would understand our government better if they did. Go ahead geniuses, keep voting for Liberals.

  • renter - 15 years ago

    Even though I don't own property, I fully expect the homeowner will pass it down to me and I still support a modest increase. At least this way not only city employees are being expected to carry the burden for the entire city. And there must be some other ways, this mayor just isn't creative or smart enough to come up with any. Or he's just arrogant and wants it his way and this is how he has chosen to "punish" those who dared not agree with him. Or maybe both?

  • Tax Payer - 15 years ago

    Not all People that vote in this poll are property owners and therefor should not have their cote counted when posing a question in this way. Only taxes that apply to ALL citizens paying taxes should be asked in this way.

    Unions throw their own under the bus verses lowering their income. It's apparent they are all about the money and only in for themselves.

    Most union contracts are negotiated under the threat of strike or work stoppage therefor are not negotiated in the best interest of the people of the city. If the Unions don't like what a city offers to pay, they can go work elsewhere. Its called competition. I for one am tired of paying lifetime benefit to people that only work a few years or double dip from multiple states.

    I agree with AGM. The Mayor is 2 dimensional and offers only a choice of this or that. No dynamic thinking or options. The Mayor is right in that the Unions have to come back to reality in their pay and benefits. (Herald news publishes an annual report of salaries of city employees). Time to do so again I think.

    Several programs are useless and should be cut in this city. Programs that have taken up tax dollars for decades and produced no results in percentages of change. There are programs that charities should be doing, instead the city is paying for. Not something I want my confiscatory tax dollars going towards.

    Small government is a better government.

  • GJM - 15 years ago

    There were only two options offered, taxes or lay off. Be a bit more creative. The mayor developed a tax based on the amount of rainwater that flows off your house and into storm drains. In my instance it runs onto lawn in all directions. The mayor gave 2 options to Public Safety, pay cut or lay off. Did he lose his creativity or is he flexing a mayoral muscle? Make cuts elsewhere and protect the taxpayers.

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