Will Kamala Harris certify the election results?


  • Mary - 3 months ago

    I believe Judy is correct. There was something about a bill that was passed after J6. It made it so that the VP had to certify the election no matter if anyone disagreed with the results. The democrats shot their own foot with that!

  • Gail - 3 months ago

    Be ware ! This evil is astronomically embedded throughout our entire country. Trump Won North Carolina . But the People still fell for the demon democrat. Foolish people fell for the lies About Robinson They destroyed that man with bimbo whores that will never be seen or heard from
    Again . Remember Herman Cain ? Gods children have won the battles. Now God will win the war . Wake up .
    All I can say is. America fell under God’s Judgement with the killing of the first baby . Abortions are not about women’s health. But it definitely is about the health of the tiny baby within a womb. A blob has no body parts to sell But the baby parts make PP rich . If there is no ban. Across our entire country. Then ! We never learned. . Look at the churches that embrace drag queens and pedos. The church has followed Satan for the last 4 yrs. And America has been run by Satan and his children. Stand now or ! I ask ! Where will you be when you wake up dead ? Whose face will you see ? The one laughing at you or the one who says he never knew you ? Kamala and the democrats plan were the exact things Mussolini did . He murdered more of his own people than any other tyrant Until Mao ! Bidens buddy and Mitch McConnells etc . Kamala told us all how much she hated White people and Christians .

  • Judy Newberry - 3 months ago

    Please research a bill passed after J6 that takes the VP unable to certify the election. The clip I saw said it was near the end of the bill so was missed by many!

  • Arizona Kalde - 3 months ago

    She will but she won't like it. It will be a bitter taste in her mouth. Yes, she should be held accountable for her dereliction of duty at the border! But moreover, God's power is supreme and those who defy Him will meet a terrible end. Much like the Evil Queen Jezebel during 1 Kings 18:4, 13, 16-46. In the time of King Ahab, a weak & self-pitying man who abdicated his authority to his bride, against God's laws forbidding idolatry & the worship of any God but the Lord, with Jezebel's hundreds of priests of lewd Baal worship, a cult that tended to destroy manhood and drag womanhood into shame. Sound familiar in today's culture? Last night we witnessed God move like never before! Continue to pray and get right with Lord and bring others to the Lord as well - become fishers of men and(women).

  • Sandra Duffy - 3 months ago

    I don’t care is she concedes or not.
    She will soon be in GITMO where she belongs.

  • Vern - 3 months ago

    She has no choice

  • Kim - 3 months ago

    He won with no cheating and hopefully they know that there is no choice

  • Gc - 3 months ago

    No, she will stumble around and cackle.
    It doesn’t matter what she does. Trump is in the Whitehouse and he can file insurrection against her.
    I believe there is a precedent for that already

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