I have been to Mt. Rushmore and listened as the tour guide said how unstable the mountain is. If they tried to carve another memorial into it, it would most likely destroy the current carving or at least a portion of it. He emphasized that there would be no more additions to the monument. I think Trump should have his own statue or monument and leave Rushmore alone, and I believe that Trump himself would agree.
Kathy - 3 weeks ago
When was Theodore Roosevelt or Abraham Lincoln a founding father? And where are the other founding fathers? They were great Presidents...like President Trump. I voted unsure because of the structural integrity of the landmark. If that is not an issue and there is enough room to do Trump justice, I would say yes! We have statues of criminals (George Floyd, for one), which offends me, (but that doesn't matter) since we had to rename pancake syrup, rice, military installation... because it offended someone.
Claudia - 3 weeks ago
I would love to see a memorial to Trump but, Mt. Rushmore is not the place. This is a memorial to our founding fathers. Trump deserves his own place, not one shared by others.
Steve - 3 weeks ago
Absolutely!!! Love the idea!!!
Teri Elmore - 3 weeks ago
Yes, I live here in Rapid City South Dakota, we live Trump and want him up there, he’s the greatest president in my lifetime, he deserves it
David - 3 weeks ago
We have to see, how he dose for full 4 years. Not just a week.
Norma Gilbert - 3 weeks ago
Yes!! 100% YES!!!
Audrey Lamar - 3 weeks ago
I said no. I love Trump as a great President that he is. But Mount Rushmore should be left alone. It should be left as the founding fathers. Again it would be a slippery slope. Then we would liberals wanting barack hussein obama up there too.
Peter - 3 weeks ago
Although I support President Trump I would not want to see such a national treasure as this changed. Just as I would never support the removal of statues regardless of concerns about their histories. Too many people have been allowed to remove / destroy America’s history.
I have been to Mt. Rushmore and listened as the tour guide said how unstable the mountain is. If they tried to carve another memorial into it, it would most likely destroy the current carving or at least a portion of it. He emphasized that there would be no more additions to the monument. I think Trump should have his own statue or monument and leave Rushmore alone, and I believe that Trump himself would agree.
When was Theodore Roosevelt or Abraham Lincoln a founding father? And where are the other founding fathers? They were great Presidents...like President Trump. I voted unsure because of the structural integrity of the landmark. If that is not an issue and there is enough room to do Trump justice, I would say yes! We have statues of criminals (George Floyd, for one), which offends me, (but that doesn't matter) since we had to rename pancake syrup, rice, military installation... because it offended someone.
I would love to see a memorial to Trump but, Mt. Rushmore is not the place. This is a memorial to our founding fathers. Trump deserves his own place, not one shared by others.
Absolutely!!! Love the idea!!!
Yes, I live here in Rapid City South Dakota, we live Trump and want him up there, he’s the greatest president in my lifetime, he deserves it
We have to see, how he dose for full 4 years. Not just a week.
Yes!! 100% YES!!!
I said no. I love Trump as a great President that he is. But Mount Rushmore should be left alone. It should be left as the founding fathers. Again it would be a slippery slope. Then we would liberals wanting barack hussein obama up there too.
Although I support President Trump I would not want to see such a national treasure as this changed. Just as I would never support the removal of statues regardless of concerns about their histories. Too many people have been allowed to remove / destroy America’s history.
No that’s is rediculous at this point in time