Should property taxes be abolished?


  • Si Klegg - 13 hours ago

    I agree with abolishing property taxes and have for a very long time. The only property I own is the ground I will be buried in; I have rented my entire life. Now they talk about renters not paying property taxes which is not correct. We may not pay them in the same manner property owners do, but our rent payments go towards those property taxes, so in essences we do pay property tax. But to say rental property owners will still have to pay property tax is unfair, especially if those rental property taxes go up to offset the tax money no longer collected on regular property. Rent is already astronomical due to property tax on rental property and insurance as well as interest on loans the rental property owner has to pay and then pass on to renters! There is no easy way to resolve this issue but to burden renters even more than they already are is insane!

  • tmarch35 - 14 hours ago

    How anyone could respond no is beyond me!!! How can ANYONE enjoy paying taxes forever on a house you bought?? Afterall we don't pay taxes every year on everyday items, (clothing, cars, etc).... We have to stop the government from always being in our pockets!!!!

  • Beverly Heart - 16 hours ago

    Property taxes are unfair. Get rid of them..

  • Mary - yesterday

    IMO, why can't the government just eliminate property taxes once the house is paid off by the owner? If someone else buys the house, then the property taxes continue with the new owner paying until they pay off their mortgage. This would help elderly people stay in their homes until they can't anymore. JS

  • Gma2dawgz - yesterday

    if you don’t pay property taxes, they’ll just raise the cost of utilities. they screw you either way

  • Charlie - 2 days ago

    Dreams do come true sometimes !

  • Gina G - 2 days ago

    Here where I live in NE Pennsylvania, there are lots of elderly people. Many of them have to choose between paying their taxes or paying for their medications. Their taxes might go unpaid for years, until their homes are put up for sheriff's sale and sold right out from under them. It's terrible. They just want to be able to live in the home they worked for and paid off years ago.

  • K80 - 2 days ago

    So, in tax props up the school's the deal. I never had any kids....why should I have to pay property tax at all? I'm 55...its nit like it's gonna happen now.

  • D - 2 days ago

    I agree totally with the senators!! You can own that house completely and the country can raise your taxes just because they say they need more money for this and that and if you disagree and/or don’t have the money to pay those taxes they can seize your property and you lose your home!! I’ve seen it happen in my town and real estate agents are always looking for those properties to seize upon and buy for whatever the past taxes are and they turn around and list that property and sell it for a huge profit!? Some have gotten filthy rich doing this! As for ways to pay for schools there can be added sales tax to be used to handle that. These tax offices employ a large staff that doesn’t do much of anything except collect taxes and issue tags for driving cars that you also already own and yet our city streets are a huge mess and they collect the property taxes and raise them at will. I’m old and can’t walk like I used to and in order to deal with contesting any increases I have to go there and present my argument and others do as well and most of us aren’t successful. Or we collectively have to organize a protest at a meeting and try and get our city government to stop it. Yeah right.

  • Charlotte - 2 days ago

    It is a good idea, but first I think we need to know how are we going to fund these ideas.Maybe first cut them by half to see how this works

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