If they don’t comply. But it can’t be a long war. Bomb the hell out of them and be done. It shouldn’t take more than a couple of months.
DENNIS BRIELS - 1 week ago
I said YES, but only as a last resort. Islam only understand & respect THE STRONG HORSE!!! Their culture believes that anything that they CAN take belongs to them. Therefore, they MUST be BEATEN into submission - as they will do to us if we let them...
Nara - 1 week ago
Sanctions are the best negotiations.
Leon Woodland - 1 week ago
No war, Trump must use his negotiating skills and threats of actions to sort this.
Sam Cutright - 1 week ago
Sanction the heck out of them, take out their leader ship. most Iranians want peace, but they have unfair elections. most definitely bomb their nuclear capabilities.
Sam Cutright - 1 week ago
Sanction the heck out of them, take out their leader ship. most Iranians want peace, but they have unfair elections. most definitely bomb their nuclear capabilities.
Angelo Alvarez - 2 weeks ago
War with Iran would depend on if Israel or the U.S. are threaten or attacked they yes
If they don’t comply. But it can’t be a long war. Bomb the hell out of them and be done. It shouldn’t take more than a couple of months.
I said YES, but only as a last resort. Islam only understand & respect THE STRONG HORSE!!! Their culture believes that anything that they CAN take belongs to them. Therefore, they MUST be BEATEN into submission - as they will do to us if we let them...
Sanctions are the best negotiations.
No war, Trump must use his negotiating skills and threats of actions to sort this.
Sanction the heck out of them, take out their leader ship. most Iranians want peace, but they have unfair elections. most definitely bomb their nuclear capabilities.
Sanction the heck out of them, take out their leader ship. most Iranians want peace, but they have unfair elections. most definitely bomb their nuclear capabilities.
War with Iran would depend on if Israel or the U.S. are threaten or attacked they yes