Did You Switch From Windows to a Mac (Or Vice Versa)?


  • dell gx620 - 15 years ago

    I have PC but i didn't experience Mac yet but i really want to have one to see the difference.

  • Video - 15 years ago

    I have a Mac and PC and i use the both.

  • Janz - 15 years ago

    I switched from Vista and XP to Mac because they both kept crashing on me. My computer should be a tool which just works as I'm a developer. Now using OS X (unix), everything just does.
    Coming from an engineering background, I find unix more stable for my work. Also not having to fix Vista and XP 'features' or 'updates' every time it BSOD on me it's great. My previous PC now pulls Linux duty ;)

  • thebeatless - 15 years ago

    I've been using Macs since around 1995, and still do. But... I built my first PC a few months ago for compatibility with my "older" pretty pricey PCI audio hardware, and as of now, I don't plan on buying another mac anytime soon. Currently my setup is actually more stable than it ever was on mac, and I love the ability to swap out components when I get bored. I've even grown to like windows more for day to day web browsing needs as well. I didn't stop there, I recently built an HTPC to use for gaming, DVR, DVD, and Hulu. It cost about 600 bucks to build, and there is no real competition from apple. There's no way I could have done this with current apple hardware for the same price. I have to add, I'm really just a geek, and like to "think different". Now that apple is so "cool", especially in the music biz, I enjoy being the odd one out using "uncool" pc's, and my T-mobile G1. Not even a year ago, you could have easily called me an apple fanboy. I neve thought it would happen, but I'm pretty happy with my decision to go PC.

  • Esteban Perez - 15 years ago

    I switched from a Desktop PC to a MacBook, and installed Windows 7 and Ubuntu on that sucka along with OS X. I use OS X the most though.

  • Rust - 15 years ago

    I run OS X on my Mini 9, but I don't find it all that much better of a user experience. A lot of what Mac users consider amazing is just eyecandy or simplification for the computer illiterate, but after using the OS X a lot there's really not that much separating it from the Windows experience. I completely agree with Adam Frucci's point on the lack of freeware.

  • Dilznoofus - 15 years ago

    I switched from separate boxes running Linux and XP to OS X about 4 years ago. When I upgraded from a G5 iMac to and Intel MacBook, I brought XP back in to the mix running under parallels. OS X is nice, but the cost of Apple hardware is probably going to drive me back to Linux when it comes time to upgrade later this year. Not sure what I'll do for Windows then.

  • Awesome Al - 15 years ago

    I used Linux for 3 years, Mac OS X concurrently for 1.5 of them. Eventually my Linux desktop broke down and my iBook G4 fell apart, so I moved solely to a Windows Vista laptop. Haven't looked back since; the productivity gains were more than worthwhile, and it's great to not have to fiddle to get basic things to work, not to mention the great software ecosystem available on the Windows platform.

  • Eric - 15 years ago

    I went from PC to Mac and then back to PC. OSX had issues with usability from what I found. After working with windows for a long time I was used to a certain degree of control over my system. OSX didn't provide this same level of control and forced me through assorted tools and wizards for the same actions I would do on Windows. Also there is a general lack of app support for OSX. Sure the half dozen or so apps that everyone has on a mac are great, but I want a machine that can do more than that. My mac just couldn't keep up.

  • Evan - 15 years ago

    I switched from PC to Mac about seven years back and couldn't be happier. I consider myself a "power user" and bought a Powerbook more or less out of curiosity. I used both latforms for about two years but the Mac steadily got more action and my PCs ended up in the storage unit. I'm now on my second MacBook and my third iMac with no windows boxes in sight.

  • Chris - 15 years ago

    I use a Mac for audio and video editing, but a PC for everything else.

  • eli skipp - 15 years ago

    For a long time I used both OS's (X, and XP), my PC at home and my Mac in my high school where I did Viscom. Macs are definitely superior for the things I prefer to do. They're quick, simple, streamlined, and work perfectly for graphic design. I love the look of it. Also a lot of people dislike Macs because you can't exactly remove parts or make one yourself etc (you could if all you wanted was the OS and not the machine I suppose), but the fact that most components are standardized is WONDERFUL. I've had a lot of problems with it (mostly hardware) but getting a Mac instead of a PC is one of the best decisions I've ever made. No viruses, no spyware, no bugs, constant updates, great customer service. SO EASY.

  • James Lauser - 15 years ago

    I use Mac OS on my desktop, Ubuntu on my Eee and HTPC (MythTV), FreeBSD on my servers, and Windows at my office (because the company says so).

    While in school, I switched from an IBM ThinkPad running Windows XP to an Apple PowerBook running OS X and will never look back. At the time I was becoming very interested in *NIX OSes, and was doing all of my development there. My switch to Mac was a desire to get a *NIX system that I didn't have to argue with to get it to do what I wanted (Linux wasn't really a great choice for mobile computing at the time).

  • JYN - 15 years ago

    I run windows and osx on my pc.

  • JMC - 15 years ago

    I switched to Mac from years as a PC user, my first PC was a 386. I grew up on DOS, 3.1, 3.11, 95, 98 and XP (missed the 2000 thankfully). What a difference my Mac has made, I love the simplicity, efficiency and actually using the machine. I have owned 3 Macs since 2004 and every single one still works perfectly and the same speed that it turned on at. Brilliant.

  • mekon - 15 years ago

    Hmm, Linux to Mac isn't an option? I must be a rare case.

  • Cyrus The Great - 15 years ago

    I was pc but now im kind of everything (Windows and Linux), I have experienced Mac(I consider myself better than average with a mac) and consider it Nice looking only. Mac has a crappy file system, and its way overpriced and full of proprietary software. My verdict I am PC and LINUX, but anti-MAC.

  • JakeChance - 15 years ago

    I grew up using the classic Mac OS. Up until this year I've only owned Windows machines but lived on Ubuntu linux for 1.5 years before getting my Mac.

  • Axle - 15 years ago

    Next time add options for those that have not switched. It would be interesting to see those numbers.

    My first computer was a mac and have always been too lazy to attempt a switch.

  • Aerankas - 15 years ago

    I use windows and linux, but I work for a Microsoft partner so I don't have to deal with the cost of licensing. Honestly I can't stand Macs but mostly because I'm so used to Windows and I find the "user friendliness" of Macs hinders a power user. With Linux, if you have problems, you need either a lot of patience or a lot of experience to get it to do what you want.

  • Stirling Hewitt - 15 years ago

    I switched my main computers to macs, but still have my pcs for media libraries.

  • Dan - 15 years ago

    Of course it was a good move! I love my Mac. It is better in every way.

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