Who is to blame for strip club being approved near a residential neighborhood?


  • Scott - 15 years ago

    The Overlords of the City don't spend their own money fighting in court. They spend yours, the tax payer. So they don't care what its costs. It dosn't fit Fiola's Master plan for they city.

    Re Elect No One.

  • Jay - 15 years ago

    Why doesn't the Mayor and the city council get it through their HEADS that the only place for this or any other strip clubs is in the INDUSTRAIL PARK. Steve Camara's idea is the best solution. The Mayor is afraid to OFFEND the owners in the park but to HELL with the CITIZENS. Wake up Mayor or you are going to cost the city more money if we are sued and we SURELY can't afford it.

  • Scott - 15 years ago

    Your are right, the industrial park is the best choice. But our wonderful Overseers that control our city have decided to fight private enterprise with your tax dollars in court for years.

    If you were mayor and someone said "I want to open a business that will hire local people and pay taxes" How do you fight that? It's not the mayors place to judge the kinds of businesses to be opened. I though good Liberals were supposed to be Tolerant.

    Ashamedofmycity talks about embarrassment. I am also embarrassed of my government not my city. Every year they spend more than they are given. They find new ways to take from you the tax payer/citizen. They provide marginal service at best and tell you how to run your life from cradle to grave.

  • ashamedofmycity - 15 years ago

    I think the many houses in the surrounding area of this "Business" should be granted a waiver of paying taxes. Especially the families with children, what an embarrassment. Put it in the Industrial Park where it should have gone years ago, and hundreds of thousands of dollars ago. Shame on you all

  • jose - 15 years ago

    To topoftheriver, why not put it in your back yard, or Mr Lund's ? Why should someone move from a neighborhood thats trying to improve? People like you should move out of the city.

  • Topoftheriver - 15 years ago

    Everybody in Fall River wants to blame someone. Who cares? There is no one to blame. Fall River government has broken the law for years stonewalling the strip club by needless delays and excuses. Now a citizen has exercised the right to develop a "business" and it finally has been granted. There is no one to blame for a person placing a new business in Fall River.
    I personally am not a patron of strip clubs but I believe Mr. Lund has the right to develop it if he so chooses. I am confident that Mr. Lund will try to minimize any adverse impact it may have in the neighborhood and the city.

    For those it becomes a problem for, MOVE to another location.

  • Scott02721 - 15 years ago

    BLAME. Thats an incorrect word to be used in this question. The proper question is "Who is responsible for allowing a business to be placed in a business district?"

    I'm sorry if this particular business is not to your liking. I don't like church bells or fast food yet I don't try and have them banned.

    If you don't like the establishment, then don't go. Its called freedom to choose. Freedom, one of those annoying principals this country was founded upon. Remember?

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