Would you support requiring elderly drivers to take road tests?


  • gor - 15 years ago

    The over 80 year old group should have their driving abililties tested every year. I live on the Cape and the number of serious accidents caused by an elderly driver is staggering. There is nothing wrong being tested. Where were the 88 year old Canton woman's family in all of this? They have a role here too. My wife and I took the keys away from her 88 year old Mother when she could no longer keep the car off the sidewalk. Responsibilty starts at home.

  • Dee - 15 years ago

    I Think a road test for them after 60, every year, alot can change in a year, they just can"t react as quick as they get older, I would get into a car with a 17year old before a 70 year old.

  • Marlee Gomes - 15 years ago

    I for one think the re-testing should begin at age 65 and every 2 years there after.

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