Would it be a good idea for SM to publish instead of 1 big articles 4-5 smaller articles instead?


  • Tavy - 15 years ago

    That's not a good idea....

  • Jorge - 15 years ago

    I think you can mix it. One big article and 3 or 4 little news and tips but definetly not quiting the long deep ones wich makes SM different from other design magazines.

  • Steve Ottenad - 15 years ago

    I would rather see shorter, more concise articles focusing on a particular effect, technique, or what have you. The larger case studies are amazing and should continue, but the shorter articles I have time to fit in during work are the reason I visit.

  • Adiya Saxena - 15 years ago

    Nope! It is true that lots of stuff to read is always good, but that doesnt mean you guys should compromise the quality of your content which comes from the in-depth approach to each topic you cover.

  • Ben - 15 years ago

    Quickies are great when your in the mood... but the good stuff takes time!

  • WilhelmR - 15 years ago

    If you are talking about the "8000 sparkling brushes for photoshop" then no, keep those in the same post.

    If you mean splitting the results of studies, trends, surveys, and the like. Do it, if it means you can release the results sooner :)

    As jonas said, always quality over quantity.

  • Uncleserb - 15 years ago

    THe long in-depth articles are exactly what makes your content so interesting! Please don't!


  • Richard Reddy - 15 years ago

    I don't know. I'd prefer one well written long article than 4-5 quick rush jobs myself. I'd hate to see this have a negative effect on the articles you guys are currently putting out.


  • V1 - 15 years ago

    NO, than the information would be scattered all over the place. Its already nearly impossible to find what you are looking for on SM. This will just make it horrible.

    Have you ever tried searching for that one icon you saw on SM and typed in icon @ the searchbar? Its total madness...

  • Jonas - 15 years ago

    Quality > quantity

  • Ă–mer UZUN - 15 years ago

    Yes man!

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