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Should Fredy Avellaneda be allowed to stay in this country?


  • Flo - 15 years ago

    He should be deported - he has had plenty of time to do the right thing and he chose not to. There is a reason for immigration laws---- obvious today---- we are swamped with immigrants who are DEFINITELY taking jobs away from American citizens. They work cheaper-and apparently our national language is becoming Spanish --- rather than English. Wake up America---- see what is happening to our United States of America!!!!

  • Alan - 15 years ago

    Ship him home. Ship all illegal aliens home on their own expenses. You broke the law regardless you were brought here by the illegal alien parents' fault. Those people keep saying even he is here illegal, he should stay because this and that. Are you out of your mind? How about if I kill a person illegally, can I walk free? HELL NO because I would break a law. It is the same thing. Wake up America, these illegal aliens are killing us in every single ways. I am for legal aliens. Hell I am one anyway. I came here legally 26 years ago. It does not matter you are white, black, Hispanic or Asian, if you are here illegally, you need to be deported. That is the end of the story. Go home and stay in line just like everybody else wants to immigrant to this country. What does it make him special? Because he is Mexican..... Come on!!!!

  • maria gonzalez - 15 years ago

    I think all the people that is or is not illegal has to have the oportunity keep their dreams up, if this person is illegal and has never been in trouble, and wants to keep his way up, I totally agree with the goverment to let him study and if possible give him a visa to stay in this country to meet his dream, if anything happens and he gets bad person in this country instead of keeping the good way, i will vote to deport him a.s.a.p.

  • Jack - 15 years ago

    People who voted "yes" that this illegal immegrant should be allowed to stay show that they do not have respect for the laws of the USA. Moreover, some of them may be here illegally. I think the DHS and the FBI should do a computer search to see who voted "yes", investigate them, and if possible, deport them.

    You know, there are times when people have been stripped of their US citizenship. I believe that we should be doing a lot of that in the near future. If a person was born here of illegal immegrants, they should not be granted citizenship. The law that granted citizenship to someone born here was written long, long, long before the advent of air travel. Back then, if you were born here your parents had in fact traveled many weeks on a ship and had entered by Ellis Island.

    People who stow away across the Mexican border or who weasel their way from a mid-east country are not valid candidates for citizenship. However, the only reason why we don't deport them is because the Democrats are thrilled that they're expanding their voting block.

  • Marilyn - 15 years ago

    He should be deported, as should all illegals. However, why aren't his illegal parents being deported with him? Since his mother is so concerned that he knows no one in his native Mexico, the rest of his family should go along to keep him company. I strongly object to illegals' children born here being allowed to automatically assume citizenship (his siblings). Congress should change that law if they want to get a handle on stopping illegal immigration.
    I will say that I'd prefer to see all the illegal gang members and those who commit crimes and misdemeanors deported first.

  • AGuinan - 15 years ago

    We reward people for breaking the law, sympathy given, when illegals cost this country money. No, the taxes do not cover the rewards they get, the schools, the medical,dental, housing, food stamps, all of it cost the tax payers.

    No, we need to stop the sympathy, and control our borders. This is why our country is in crisis, but no one wants to own up to it. People vote accordingly in all elections.

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