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Assuming the technology was robust, reliable, non-intrusive, and affordable - would you want to record your whole life? (Poll Closed)


  • Andrew Sisk - 15 years ago

    For me, a full record, not just webcam that would be awful, but a high resolution reconstruction of the past would help me live in the present. I'd have a clearer picture of the causal agents which most significantly created the present situation. I would be able to link cause and effect to make one timeless whole. I would be able to see why things happen and that would give me a lot of peace of mind. Right now I just forget most of the past like everyone else (or just miss it in the first place) and am left with a present that seems as confusing as if I had just been born.

  • J C Garner - 15 years ago

    Would just hampers living in the present. The very moment we STOP replaying the past and programming the future, we become consciously aware of the present, and everything just naturally falls into place

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