Should Fall River raise property taxes?


  • Scott02721 - 14 years ago

    All the Democrats do is Raise taxes. They tell you this before they run for election and still some idiots vote for them. Are people that stupid?

    Re Elect No One.

  • Scott02721 - 14 years ago

    RW Emerson - No, We get whom we vote for.

    If You vote for Liberal left wingers, you get Socialist ideals. Didn't work so well for the Soviet Union, it won't work so well for us either.

    Re Elect NO One.

  • RW Emerson - 14 years ago

    Unfortunately, folks, we get what we pay for.

  • Scott02721 - 14 years ago

    The city can raise my taxes as long as they agree to

    1. freeze the pay of every city employee and politician for the next 10 years.
    2. Quite fighing LNG and strip clubs in a legal battle
    3. Fire 50% of the lawyers on staff at City Hall
    4. If any city departments have dedicated Drivers for there vehicles, fire them.
    5. Reduction of pay to all department heads.
    6. All new taxes are to go to road repairs. No more money to be spent on City Hall or the failed down town area. Enough is enough already.
    7. Elimination fo the Trash Nazi position at the Fall River DPW.

  • johnybfallriver - 14 years ago

    Instead of raising the property tax, I will just go hand someone in the project $20.oo a week.

  • FRvisitor - 14 years ago

    I have no issue if the taxes are raised, so long as the money is used for infrastructure and required services.

  • 1972 - 14 years ago

    The city can raise my taxes as long as they agree to freeze the pay of every city employee and politician for the next 5 years.

  • Chris J Smith - 14 years ago

    Fall River has the lowest tax rate in the entire area. We got by before because of the many things that this city had, and the many things this city did for itself. Now, the city can't do as much, the resources to do things are drying up, and the people in this city are going to have to bite the bullet sooner or later. If later, the tax rate will really jump--and Prop. 2 1/2 won't help, since the city will either have to increase taxes or reduce services. The level of services is already at rock bottom--or close to it. Little choice is left, and the people who don't see that and only want to not have any increase in taxes better shut their traps when services are really cut--or even eliminated.

  • Scott02721 - 14 years ago

    The city makes contracts with Unions that bleeds public money to them for the rest of their lives. Its no wonder the taxpayer is over burdened. And you Liberal Democrats want to increase that? Sorry, you the Government confiscate enough from us little people.

    The Dems haven't seen a tax increase they didn't like.

    Higher taxes means higher rents to you renters out there. Remember that.

  • Passive Lamb - 14 years ago

    O.K., who is the genius who thought up this question?...A better Q to ask is should we abolish property taxes? But to answer the 1st Q Yes, YES, YES! We should raise the tax so you can pay for my 10 kids "education" they get for free at the government-run public schools, & they can learn how great Obama is, to disrespect authority, never mention religion, morality or truth because of Thomas Jefferson said sep of ch. n st. in some non-binding letter somewhere & my all-time favorite communist style public school lesson: "How to be gay" P.S. It would probably be cheaper for me to pay for all 10 KIDS private sch. ed. Then the taxes on the house year after yr. But the communists would say that would violate there#1 rule in the communist manifesto.

  • Ed Hardy - 14 years ago

    You have to pay all the police and firefighter pensions!!!
    You have to raise taxes OR eliminate these UNFAIR pensions.
    They should be illegal.

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