Who do you think is the most successful Idol contestant?


  • Juzie - 12 years ago


  • Voter - 13 years ago

    This is the first time I have read the comments here and this is so funny. Someone is copying comments and names from other sites. One of my messages and name was used.

    This person complains about Clay fans voting for Clay....yet, they spend much more time on this poll than any fan who votes does....really crazy!!

    I thought that when there was a poll, people could vote. I didn't realize that if I vote for someone you don't like it is called cheating.

    As long as the poll takes my vote, I can vote....and the complainer can continue to swipe comments and put them here. HA HA HA HA

  • Nancy - 13 years ago

    Who care how many extra votes Clay has been given?? Clay's fans take these polls so seriously because it’s the only thing they can control while they wait for Clay to do something. I mean do you think really think 5 new people came here in the last hour to cast their votes [1845 votes - 1840 votes] on this old poll from Feb 2010. I'm sure several months from now someone will still be coming here everyday to add votes. Most of time Clay barely climbs out of last place on these polls but thanks to someones efforts he is near the top on this poll. LOL!!

  • Sue - 13 years ago

    So.......read a book.....volunteer at a charity....learn to knit......tutor a student.......all positive things.

    STOP SPAMMING POLLS!! I would bet you would never tell your friends that is what you do with your free time!!

    Martha, I actually do ALL of those things.
    I just came here and gave Clay Aiken one vote.
    I do not spam polls, but I also do not let myself be bullied by the likes of you.
    Clay Aiken is a good man and I will continue to vote for him whenever I can.

  • Martha E - 13 years ago

    It is sad to see someone still spamming this poll for Clay Aiken. You can see the totals change too quickly to be real. Just today I saw 7 votes come in one right after the other.

    I am trying to figure out what kind of person would do this kind of thing....a small poll that is supposed to be for fun. Do people do this because they are bored, or love messing up the results, or trying to play with other fans?? Whatever the reason, these people should know that they are ruining fun for fans of all Idols. They also need to know that EVERYONE knows that the RESULTS FOR CLAY are BOGUS!

    So.......read a book.....volunteer at a charity....learn to knit......tutor a student.......all positive things.

    STOP SPAMMING POLLS!! I would bet you would never tell your friends that is what you do with your free time!!

  • Jamie - 13 years ago

    LOL. In the last couple of hours another 16 votes [1550 votes right now - 1534 votes] really?? Give us break!! Someone is really living up to Clay fan's reputation that the only way that Clay can be on the top of any poll is by cheating. Why anyone would want to cheat on an old poll is a mystery to me -- guess it give them something to brag about. This is exactly what happens when you leave a poll open. Yet they still will never be able to convince the average reader that Clay could ever have this many votes. What a waste of time and effort!!

  • Jamie - 13 years ago

    If Clay has become suddenly so popular now, how come he can't sellout his own tour that he has to tour with Ruben?? Even with Ruben, I heard that Clay has been begging those remaining fans to help increase sales [buy more tickets] or they may have to cancel part of the tour.
    I don't think he has very many fans left or his CDs and his own tour wouldn't have so totally flopped. I think he has a small handful of fans whose job it is to CHEAT on polls. Don't say it's because of lack of promotion because with all the "votes" on this and various other polls why does anyone need to spend money on promotion for Clay. Guess all your continued spamming has actually hurt Clay in the long run.
    This poll is suppose to be mindless fun and it won't change anything for Clay but the spamming has made you and those who cheat for him a laughing stock. I mean.....its a silly poll and you feel the need to continue to spam it by adding numerous votes every day on a POLL that is ONE YEARS OLD!! Do you really think anybody in their right mind would believe Clay has 1,534 votes? So keep the spamming coming as we all need a good laugh. Please go get a brain, a life and a clue.

  • Greg H - 13 years ago

    Another day and another 11 votes have magical been added for Clay on a poll that is going to be a year old next month. I can't believe anyone is surprised that someone has to cheat in order for Clay to get ahead in polls. Clay's fan are not known for playing by rules and they certainly don’t even try to hide it. They brag about the various ways they moved Clay ahead in the polls like when I one person told the others how they step up new emails accounts just to vote because Clay deserved to win. Or what about when they kept crashing a server on a monthly poll that caused the site to elimate the voting all together and then they actually verbally complained about not being able to "vote" for Clay anymore. The spamming is so bad from Clay's group on other monthly polls that the fans of the more popular idols have stopped voting altogether yet that hasn't stopped the spamming as numerous votes are added for Clay daily and there is practically no one else voting there anymore. I say if they feel the have to cheat let them since we are know Clay can't be at the top of any poll without help.

  • Jo - 13 years ago

    I see someone is continuing to cheat for Clay that they felt necessary to give Clay 5 votes in less than 30 minutes time earlier today. Is anyone surprised by this?? Either Clay does extremely well in the polls due to someone spamming for him or so poorly that someone has to come up with various excuses such as people are voting against him or they are not participating in the various American Idol polls because Clay has moved on. It's probably the same person that goes around the various polls that so desperate for Clay to win that they won't stop at nothing to do so which is probably why the average person does not believes it when Clay does so well in a poll!!

  • Erica K - 14 years ago

    What happen? Last time I checked Clay was a least 350 votes behind Kelly. Now Clay is 631 votes (and growing every day) ahead-- someone is definitely cheating to add over 980 votes on a poll that is all but dead in such a short amount of time. Oh well, this is not the first time they have cheated for Clay nor will it be the last time. Guess that's why on a recent USA today poll readers voted Clays' fans as those who do the best job of skewing online polls. Congrats to you as you definitely prove someone deserve that award!!! So go on and keep on adding those votes as it only proves what Maryn and countless others say is true. By the way why is this poll still open for spamming????? Can you believe while I was typing this someone just added 3 votes so quickly I had to do a double take. I don't know who to feel more sorry for Clay or the person who feels it necessary to cheat. Thank goodness Clay has been disqualified do to cheating so all their hard work is for nothing.

  • donna - 14 years ago

    I just saw this poll and decided to vote for Clay...I'm not spamming. Success is not mangered in money but what people do with their success. I don't know about the other Idol's and could care less. All I know is that Clay has started his own foundation to help children with disabilties. Having a child with a disability, and know how hard my husband and I had to fight to get him into summer camp makes me partial to Clay, as he has drawn attention to our child and children like him. Clay has given a great deal of his time to his foundation and holds gala's at least twice a year to help support the foundation. To me giving back is more important than money one earns.

  • Maryn - 14 years ago

    Yet another month has gone by and more CHEATING is being done for CLAY AIKEN. In the past month someone has added 167 extra SPAM votes. This brings his new total to 1098 votes and the total extra SPAM votes to 501 votes.

    I guess someone feels they have to find old polls that Clay is losing badly and spam away so that everyone can see that Clay is really popular.

  • Maryn - 14 years ago

    A month later and YES someone is still CHEATING for CLAY AIKEN!! Guess they won't stop till Clay unfairly wins this poll!! In the last month they have managed to add 196 extra SPAM votes with 16 votes coming yesterday alone. This brings his new total to 931 votes and the total extra SPAM votes to 334 votes.

    Someone would have to be very sad to spend their time cheating to skew the results in Clay's favor but apparently they feel Clay needs all the "help" he can get.

  • Maryn - 14 years ago

    THIS POLLED OPENED February 12, 2010 at 1:55 PM. On April 1st that's when someone started cheating for Clay Aiken putting large amounts of votes everyday going from 597 to 798 [gain of 201 votes] right now . They cheated him into 2nd place after being behind Kelly by 107 votes and they are still cheating to this day.

    As far as record sales Clay comes in 4th place behind Carrie, Kelly and Chris:
    Carrie Underwood $11,485,000 3 albums
    Kelly Clarkson $10,524,000 4 albums
    Chris Daughtry $ 5,667,000 2 albums
    Clay Aiken $ 4,853,000 5 albums

    As for Clay being more successful than all the Idols it is your opinion and I respect that, but his sales would suggest otherwise.

  • Jo - 14 years ago

    I am sure missing something, I guess. I voted the week the poll opened, and went back the next week to vote again. It would not take my vote the second time. Lots of polls do, this one did not.

    I guess there is some way around it, but Clay is doing just fine without my efforts. Considering all he has accomplished, far above record sales of 6 Million plus, he is more successful than all the Idols.

  • Maryn - 14 years ago

    Still see CHEATING going on for CLAY -- an additional 22 SPAM votes for Clay Aiken and with that someone has cheated him right into second place with a total of 138 extra SPAM votes. What makes people do this sort of thing?

  • Maryn - 14 years ago

    Another day and more CHEATING going on for Clay!! Someone has added an additional 24 SPAM votes for Clay Aiken making the total extra SPAM votes at 116 votes. Guess they have way to much time on their hands.

  • Maryn - 14 years ago

    Unbelievable someone is still CHEATING for CLAY!! An additional 39 SPAM votes were added for Clay Aiken making the total extra SPAM votes at 92 votes.

    This is unacceptable and all of Clay Aiken's votes should be removed!!

  • Maryn - 14 years ago

    I see someone is at it again. Another 22 votes for Clay in a SHORT space of time -- that's a total of 53 extra SPAM votes for Clay Aiken. Guess they have no faith in Clay to do it on his own without resorting to cheating!!!

  • Maryn - 14 years ago

    Make that another 10 votes for Clay Aiken for a total of 31 votes. Can't you find nothing better to do with your time??

  • Maryn - 14 years ago

    Surely I am not the only one on here noticing that Clay's votes are going up in a SHORT space of time -- another 4 votes make over 21 so far. I don't think ANYONE is monitoring this poll anymore. Kind of sad someone has to cheat and ruin the poll for everyone. Clay could not have this many votes this quickly without cheating.

  • Maryn - 14 years ago

    Wow!! Looks like Clay Aiken has a true fan -- 17 votes less than a hour. Get real--this poll has been out over two months and he goes from 597 votes to 614 votes in the blink of a eye. Whatever happened to one computer, one vote??? Hope someone checks this out!!

    By the way if you are going to spam a poll and use the "dedicated fan base" excuse you might want to spread the votes over a longer period of time say several days as it would be much more believable.

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