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During this century, what will replace the nation-state as a primary locus of power? (Poll Closed)


  • roderis - 14 years ago

    well said!

    i think that the the future should be a global collective of decentralised autonomy(s)

  • Nick Holt - 14 years ago

    Thaler and Sunstein, in their recent book, "Nudge", define and emphasize the importance of Choice Architecture. Here, I would apply it to the formulation of the poll question as having significant influence over the answers. By phrasing the question as ..."what WILL replace the nation-state as a primary locus of power", it encourages or presumes a passive stance. The feeling is, it's inevitable, it's going to "happen to us".

    I believe that the poll could be made more meaningful and beneficial to society by at least posing a second question: "What SHOULD replace the nation-state as a primary locus of power?" This phrasing implies that we are actively making a value judgment regarding what is a preferable form of power/governance. It further suggests that we can and should be active participants in the creation of what we deem to be the preferable configuration of power. As Hughes posts in his "Problems of Transhumanism": "The best way to predict the future is to help create it."

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