What was the meaning of the very last plane crash scene?


  • Amy - 15 years ago

    I think it was just there to remind us of the pilot and the original plane crash. Just memories of the show.

  • Wendy - 15 years ago

    The wreckage was there to prove the crash really did happen, which in turn proves everything else on the island really happened. If you look carefully at the cabin of the plane, you can tell it had been burned (the losties burned it back in season one because of the dead bodies). And you can see the remains of Jack's medical tent.

  • Gunbato - 15 years ago

    To me, even in afterlife, Christian explains he is real so I don't think we have to take "events on the island are real" literally. I think they died in the crash but I am a little lost and there is so many questions in my head.

  • Jennifer - 15 years ago

    To me, showing the wreckage was just completing the circle of the story. It didn't mean anything more than that.

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