Who's to Blame in Arizona Legal Fight?


  • dgm432 - 14 years ago

    At what point in all of this mess is the media going to ask the American citizens in Arizona their opinion on the mess and how this law was even an issue. So far we have heard from the Illegals that feel they are being treated illegally...but now let's hear from the TAX PAYERS. And then the question of all the TAX DOLLARS WE AMERICANS SENT TO MEXICO THROUGH NAFTA SO NAFTA would employ it's own people for new roads, etc., etc.. Mexico doesn't do it's job and they get to keep our tax dollars and send their people here to get more tax dollars and send them back to MEXICO...This is a win win situation for the Mexican President. Then to make matters even more interesting is the UNIONS BUSING LOADS OF PEOPLE TO ARIZONA USING UNION DUES...THAT THEY RECEIVED TO PROTECT JOBS HERE IN AMERICA...TO PROTEST ARIZONA"S LAWS That would actually protect American Jobs. I am not a union member but if I were I would stop letting these BUMS take my money from my checks if the best they could do is Protest against our laws that would keep American Jobs in The Hands of American tax payers!!!

  • neil internicola - 14 years ago

    it's obvious the present and past administrations lack the moxy to secure the border and really make our nation as safe as it needs to be in regards terrorism,drug and human smuggling that occurs on a daily basis along the southern border.if they were serious it would be addressed.

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