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Which Conservative needs our financial help? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 2,044

  • tracy - 14 years ago

    !!!!! C H A R L E S _ L O L L A R !!!!!!

    i wish i lived in Maryland so i could vote for him

  • CK CoinsPlus - 14 years ago

    Van has demonstrated that he will adhere to the Constitution without pandering to the Republicans that have become the "Other" Liberal. Let's get him ELECTED !

  • Scott Marxer - 14 years ago

    Col. Chris Gibson is a real American Hero having served our Country for over two decades. He represents the Conservative values that will lead our Country out of our current quagmire. He is a true grass roots candidate of the people, who stands proud for family values, true fiscal conservatism, creation of a climate conducive for small business owners and commons sense solutions to challenges such as Health care Reform. All values needed not only in NY-20 but throughout our nation. Please support Col. Gibson with your vote hear and on election day.

  • Yvette Jones - 14 years ago

    Let's nominate Brian Murphy, Republican Candidate for Maryalnd Governor, Brian Murphy for the Right Klik poll.

    He stands for small government and low taxes and more freedom for businesses!

  • maartenesque - 14 years ago

    It is completely gratifying to see the groundswell of support for Col. Chris Gibson (NY20) throughout this extremely large district. Following a special election which carpetbagger democrat Murphy won by a razor-thin margin after a recount, we have seen him profess fiscal conservatism and support for small business while at the same time voting for health care reform and every Obama/Reid/Pelosi spendapalooza that came his way. Mr. Murphy is a very wealthy guy from Missouri who I understand has had the personal support of the White House to keep this seat in Democrat hands. Murphy is just one more limousine liberal elitist who clearly believes that the residents of NY20 are dumb upstaters who can be fooled by his slick words. Finally we have a solid candidate in Chris Gibson who deserves all of our support and financial assistance to return this seat to sanity. Help us in NY20 to achieve this goal and send a clear message to the White House that upstate New York has just broken the puppet strings!!! Support Col. Chris Gibson!

  • Panlittle - 14 years ago

    Col. Chris Gibson, Republican is running against Scott Murphy Democrat who is also endorsed by the Working Family's Party in the 20th Congressional District of NY. Scott Murphy won a special election by a slim margin disguising himself as a fiscal conservative and a vote against healthcare. Once elected Murphy voted for the Healthcare bill, Financial Reform Bill and every other bill that allows the Dems to spend, spend spend. He has the support of Pelosi and for his votes will be supported by SEIU.

    This will be a difficult race for Col. Gibson who is the real deal. He is retired from the military and has already served his country with honor. He is answering a second calling to help bring sanity back to DC. He is for repeal and replace and would not have voted for Financial Reform. Chris absolutely needs financing to fight the machine that has taken over Washington.

  • Sam Hale - 14 years ago

    Let's nominate Brian Murphy, Republican Candidate for Maryalnd Governor, Brian Murphy for the Right Klik poll.

    He is a true conservative running against a true "blue" RINO.

  • Dick - 14 years ago

    Col. Chris Gibson really needs financial backing to unseat a snake that is Scott Murphy. The democrats are funneling millions to him in a desperate attempt to keep this seat in the NY 20th district. This is a very winnable seat for Col. Gibson however we need financing!!!

  • Robert Briggs - 14 years ago

    12July,2010 12:58PM

    I voted for Van Irion because because he is up against the Republican establishment who wants all the liberal / Rinos to get all their support.

    Van Irion is the only true Constitutionalist in the race and that is another reason I voted for him, plus I have met and talked to him and we agree on how to interpret the U S Constitution.
    Robert & Barbara Briggs

  • Keep Up the good work ! Van Irion, ken and Brenda Battle Jordan we sit on the Genesee County Republican Executive Committee 7 years, good luck to you and yours []

  • Kevin Kangas - 14 years ago

    I voted for Van Irion because he is up against Republican establishment money. He is very grounded in his beliefs and the only true Constitutionalist in the race. He strikes me as committed enough to his beliefs that he will not be easily corrupted by Washington. He strongly supports the FairTAX, which is a key issue for me.

  • donna - 14 years ago

    Vicky is running in the most Republican seat held by a Democrat - in the country! She needs your help to get over the primary line, she has the intellect, drive and determination to take out a 30+ year incumbent. You can make a real difference in a seat that should be voting conservative instead of a "ditto that" vote with Pelosi!

  • Linda Garner - 14 years ago

    I voted for Sharon Angle because I want to see that sleeze bag Harry Reid not only beat but pulverized! The 3 people on the top of my "hit list" are Obama, Reid, and Pelosi. Take these 3 out and the rest will follow.

  • Gregg Juster - 14 years ago

    Van irion is a constitutionalist that will shake up DC. He is running against a bunch of party regular Republicans - who have a ton of money. We believe that we are winning, but the gloves are off now - and the other two candidates that have a chance are running commercials constantly during prime time on the networks. We need to run more TV commercials of our own which are concentrated on Fox News. I like Sharon Angle and want her to beat Reid - but she has money - and can easily get more.

    Please cast your vote for Van -

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