Which striker would you most like to sign?

1 Comment

  • Glenn Bradley - 15 years ago

    This is a difficult one,IF we could actually sign any of these three i have my doubts about all three tbh,TORRES without doubt one of the best strikers in the world,however he does have injury problems,to much of a gamble imo with this injury record in mind,DZEKO what do we actually know about this guy it would again be a huge gamble to bring a player from another league and expect hime to hit the ground running straight away,however he just could be the next big thing!!As for ZLATAN this guy flatters to decive,looks unplayable one minute then a sunday league player the next,his laid back style of play would not endure himself to the eastlands faithfull.IF i was Mancini i would gamble on DZEKO but only after studying all the scouting reports and tapping into all his contacts thoughts.

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