Would you buy an iPhone from T-Mobile?


  • leap - 14 years ago

    I would not have an i-phone from anybody. I am an android

  • Cathy - 14 years ago

    It would be GREAT if T-mobile got the iPhone. I have wanted an iPhone for years but hate the AT&T network. My Dad had it and it always seemed like he was out of the service area. I had Verizon for years. Although there were some good qualities about Verizon, overall, I disliked having service with them. There were problems with my bill, warranties on my phones, and conflicting information from different sales representatives. In the end, I ended up switching over to T-Mobile. I love T-Mobile. The plan is much more affordable I just wish they had better phones.

  • M - 14 years ago

    Already have an unlocked iphone 3G on t-mobile and love it. Have used sprint, verizon, and AT&T in the past - never again. I hope t-mobile gets the 4G iphone though - would be nice to have a new one!

  • Roughneck18 - 15 years ago

    I have the 2g on TMO. I am in customer service. And I really wonder what TMO does to get their employees performance so great! They are awesome! Plus 85 bux a month including all taxes for unlimited everything. I talked to AT&T customer service once and never again. Also the service works great in my area.

  • bigliquid530 - 15 years ago

    BB's are garbage anyways bring that bad boy IPHONE TO T-mobile!!!!

  • Gabriel - 15 years ago

    I LOVE AT&T! No way would I ever go to that pompous Verizon and I haven't been happier since I ditched Sprint. Why on earth would anyone go to a limited coverage aread that is T-mobile? Yeah, AT&T may have issues in some parts of the country but they are working on it. Service continues to improve and as such, AT&T beats out all the other service options.

  • Jennifer - 15 years ago

    I'll walk the plank head held high with all those others with long standing family accounts with T-Mobile and scream to the hills "the only reason I don't have an iphone is T-Mobile isn't offering one." I wouldn't buy my way to the head of the line, but I'd definitely snatch one up mighty quick if they'd but offer me the opportunity. I'm still trying to figure out how restricting sales to one U.S. carrier maximizes profit for Apple. I know countless people who've switched carriers and multitudes more just twiddling our thumbs as it were waiting for Apple to come collect money from the rest of the country (those of us unwilling to down AT&T's swill).

  • BIG Dawg - 15 years ago

    I will only buy one, IF it is made available on the Sprint network.

  • Abhay - 15 years ago

    Iphone has a standard set. I think iphone should be sold without any contract. People should have option to choose service providers. By this service providers will compete to provide best service. Service providers should win the market by the services and not by the devices.

  • Sir Thoas - 15 years ago

    Yes I would by an Iphone from T-Mobile. It has nothing to do with ATT, Sprint, Verizon.. etc. Its about the Iphone itself. Don't attempt to make it about anything other than smartphone to smartphone. I have used Verizon, ATT and Sprint. If you ask the carriers, they would love to have the problem (more customers than their network can handle) that ATT has. That means more money for the company. If the truth be known, the best thing that happened for the Andriod market, the windows moble market, the palm market..etc...REPEAT THE BEST THING THAT HAPPENED FOR THOSE MARKETS. is that THE APPLE IPHONE COULD NOT BE SOLD BY VERIZON, PALM, SPRINT, T-MOBLE.. ECT. Otherwise whatever OS systems the other smartphone used would have had a much harder time becoming established.l

  • Mark - 15 years ago

    Everyone on my T-Mobile family plan has an iPhone 2G, we do not have the Data Plan, I will be picking up my iPhone 4 (official unlock) in Europe shortly. I will use the CutMySim tool to make my current sim a micro sim and I will continue to use T-Mobile without a data plan. If need be, I will connect via WiFi to my iPad 3G (jailbroken) to do the MiWi teathering.

    If the plans have reasonable (for me) rates, I may upgrade everyone to the iPhone 4.

  • Charlie - 15 years ago

    I love my 2g i phone UNLOCKED with t-mobile.
    I travel a lot and t-mobile's prices and customer svc
    are excellent! (former sprint customer) I can't wait
    to upgrade to the "4" with t-mobile.

  • Scott - 15 years ago

    Keep the iPhone off of my network!!!! My Nexus One works great now, and I would really rather not have iphones taking away my bandwidth.

  • gene - 15 years ago

    I have an EVO from sprint. Love it, and a lot less on the monthly cost. And true unlimited data! I am a truckdriver and the number of dropped calls and coverage is far better than A&TT which I had for years.

  • BigJamoke - 15 years ago

    AT&T is the only REAL option in the Tulsa, OK area and I'm happy with there service overall. Few dropped calls, good 3G speeds, etc. T-Mobile & Sprint have very limited coverage here. Verizon supposedly has good coverage but I don't know one single person that uses Verizon. Not one! Honestly, I do not understand why everybody is so "Verizon is the best".

  • Joseph Camp - 15 years ago

    I think it would be nice if Apple did what HTC has done... allow the iPhone on T-Mobile, US Cellular, Sprint, AT&T, and Verizon. This benefits all wireless carriers, Apple, and more important it gives the customer more options in regards to coverage in the area they live in. It only makes sense.

  • Ed B - 15 years ago

    Sprint has, by far, the best rates for smartphones, and a good network. The Evo 4 is arguably better than the iPhone 4 and just as beautiful, so there is no reason to go to AT&T for an iPhone. Evo 4 on Sprint for me.

  • Elij - 15 years ago

    As opposed to Rev, I wouldn't take AT&T because there is no service in my office, have to walk 100ft from it to get a signal. I have been with TMO since the days of Voicestream, still have the old SIM card that makes my phone read Vstream rather than TMobile and I have been very happy with the service, rarely drop a call, good customer service when I need it. My whole family is on TMO and that alone would keep me with them as long as things continue to work, BUT... I have no intention of buying an iPhone regardless of the carrier. I say this with some sadness (and trepidation), but, while I am an Apple fan (I have 3 Macs, several iPods, and an iPad, all of which I love) but I think there are other options than the iPhone. I bought the first Android phone that TMO released and have been eagerly waiting for a worthy successor. With the introduction of the Vibrant, I am sold. It is fast, has lots of apps, brilliant display, open source, freedom to customize, widgets, and I could go on. And it will only improve as TMO gets ready to drop more Android devices. For now at least I will take these over the iPhone. Sorry if that upsets the diehard iPhone fans but thats how I see it :->.

  • Rev - 15 years ago

    No eFfing way.
    B!tch all you want about AT&T but my Corporate BB is on T-Mobile and their coverage in my area is for SH!T.
    I can't make or receive calls in my own office w/o wifi UMA access.

    Most I'll hope for is that competition is good for the whole market, but T-Mobile Fudge no (only I didn't say fudge...)

    I'd get U.S. Cellular 10x's over before T-Mobile and consider my self fortunate that my older 3G iPhone works very well in my area on AT&T. I did have occasion to travel to NYC and the Manhattan experience on AT&T's network was atrocious, so now I understand what everyone is always complaining about, but am lucky to live near but in larger suburbs of Chicago I guess.

  • llamacide - 15 years ago

    Verizon, Verizon, Verizon!!!!! Please bring the iPhone to Verizon!!!

    I live in Los Angeles and AT&T is TERRIBLE here!! Dropped calls, awful reception.... If T Mobile can do better then I would consider it.

  • Phil - 15 years ago

    " I've never heard anyone say, "I'm not buying one until I can get it from T-Mobile."

    Well, here it is . . . I am saying just that! I love T-Mobile's customer service -- they actually serve the customer, so after 10 years I won't leave.

    So there it is, when T-Mobile gets the iphone, I'll get one! :)

  • sk - 15 years ago

    Yes, definitely. I've been a TMobile customer since Voicestream and Omnipoint days. Now my whole family is on TMobile and I never have any problems: no dropped calls, good coverage in Europe, etc. We've been holding out for the iPhone so this would work out perfectly for all of us. Hope this happens.

  • sk - 15 years ago

    Yes, definitely. I've been a TMobile customer since Voicestream and Omnipoint days. Now my whole family is on TMobile and I never have any problems: no dropped calls, good coverage in Europe, etc. We've been holding out for the iPhone so this would work out perfectly for all of us. Hope this happens.

  • Joseph Robles - 15 years ago

    I would only if they offer the iPhone 4.

  • ben - 15 years ago

    AT&T is just charging me too much, they are a monopoly when it comes to IPhone and I think any competition will eventually mean lower prices to customers. If there is an alternative phone company that can bring competition to AT&T that company will do well cause a lot of people are just waiting for another company to come up and offer better services and better prices and it is about time that Apple should welcome competition if they want to sell even more IPhones in the future.

  • Ward - 15 years ago

    I would get the iPhone on Tmobile not because of AT&T shortcomings but because I am currently on TMobile and so is my entire family so we never wanted to make the switch but we have all always wanted the iPhone. I believe there are lots of current TMobile customers who would switch to iPhone but didn't want to pay the cancellation fees from TMobile.

  • Ryan - 15 years ago

    AT&T rocks hands down better than T-Mobile and Sprint in my area of St. Cloud MN with 3G. Never tried Verizon, but have heard they have great service here too.

    No complaints about AT&T here and glad I ditched Sprint 3 years ago now for an iphone and am on my second model with moving from the 3G to the 4.

  • Chris - 15 years ago

    I presently have my jailbroken and unlocked iPhone 3G working quite nicely thank you on T-mobile's network. It does not however work on their 3G network but that's ok for now because wifi hot spots abound. I will WAIT until T-mobile is the alternate carrier BEFORE I get the iPhone 4 game changer! I'm sure Apple will have done their thing to make sure the new iPhone and OS can crush the other smartphone pretenders along with ATT (boo hoo hoo!).

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