Should nondairy products like Silk and Muscle Milk be allowed to label themselves as milk?

1 Comment

  • Kelly - 15 years ago

    These products aren't being marked as dairy products just because the word "milk" is in their names. The word "milk" doesn't just pertain to dairy -- almond milk and soy milk are similar to coconut milk. In this sense, "milk" just refers to the white liquid made from nut.

    And I didn't think about it this way at first, but yeah, the people who buy these products know they're not dairy products. And for Silk, other soy milks, and almond milk, that's the point for most people -- to have a non-dairy milk substitute. As for Muscle Milk, everyone knows it's not real milk, and I think it was just the company's way to name a catchy-sounding product.

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