Shay Given or Joe Hart?


  • Johan SYLVESTRE - 14 years ago

    Pour moi, il n'y a pas de différence entre Joe Hart et Shay Given pour moi ce sont tout les deux les bons gardien et tout et façon, je crois que Mancini a fait le bon choix, il a mis Joe Hart numéro1 car lui c'est le gardien de l'Angleterre.
    johan, a bientôt et en anglais, on dit"a see a soon". Allez bye-bye.

  • Dermot - 15 years ago

    How delighted we were when Shay came to City and in my opinion he has been a steady and dependable goalkeeper bringing off some remarkable saves. Healthy competition in a team is good but I worry that this particular situation will lead to one or the other leaving us - our loss!!

    Shay I'm in your corner!

  • GaryCooksNapkin - 15 years ago

    I agree with the rotation plan/policy... only danger is that rarely does the 'keeper need to be rotated - unless he gets injured, he's not gonna get worn out in a season unlike say, a box-to-box midfielder. Also his defenders need to know what kind of a marshall they have in their keeper - Given doesnt come for crosses often but Hart does, which could cause confusion - the back four need to almost play on auto-pilot

  • niall burman - 15 years ago

    I think it a bit unfair to compare goalkeepers Joe and Shay both are very good. We are very lucky to have Englands number one and Irelands number one. Mancin wants two top quality players for each position he has that. In my opinion he should rotate them each game. Just look at the fixture list for this month alone. If the season goes to plan each keeper could play at least 30 games. The competition for places would be healthy, and the team would have more urgency in wanting to win and finish teams off because they will know that someone else behind them will want their place.


  • teeoneone - 15 years ago

    Jo experient not enough

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