Do you or a family member adhere to a diet that's been prescribed by a healthcare professional?


  • Pookie - 14 years ago

    I have ceilac sprue and i would love to eat GLUTEN FREE but when it comes to the access of these foods it either hard to hard, taste like someone puked it up, or is way to expensive to afford in this economy(try going to Whole Foods on a modest budget and pay 10 dollars for gluten free rice bread it nuts). Some one really needs to market some cheap all gluten free organic choices. All these companys pumping chemical after chemical into there food to up boost bottom line and get more out of everything they produce just to make their profit margins & shareholders happy. Aspartame is one of the WORST POSSIBLE THINGS ANYONE can consume and company all of the world are shoveling it into their products to make it so call sugar free, but if people would just open there eyes for the mainstream market and did some research they would notice Sugar may be fatting but Aspartame is killing your brain. The FDA needs to regulate things more but even they are more than likely in those companys pockets.

  • RbnLegnd101 - 14 years ago

    My wife was recently diagnosed with celiac, so I am learning the whole gluten free routine. I can't imagine trying to do it becuase it's trendy. I've done low carb, low fat, doctor supervised 800 calories a day, south beach, etc etc, and gluten free is far and away the hardest "diet" to maintain that I have encountered. It's also the only one that actually changes my wife's health in a positive way. It took 12 years to find out what was wrong with her, partly because many doctors still think that celiac means malnourished and underweight, when that is not the only outcome.

    For people who actually benefit from gluten free, you find out about hidden glutens the hard way, a few hours later, the misery comes back, with a vengence. It's everywhere. Even restaurants that seem to know what they are talking about and want to help, get it wrong.

  • NonGMOTalk - 14 years ago

    I eat a non-GMO diet recommended by the AAEM.

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