Do you agree that 'Teen Mom' Amber is totally the new Kate Gosselin?


  • Allison - 14 years ago are disgusting. I can't believe you do the things around your child that you do...I think your poor daughter needs to go and live with Gary's parents or him. You have lost the respect of all normal americans...only child abusers and your family for some reason think you are sane. I would be amazed if the friends you bring on the show to bitch about Gary to even really agree with you especially if they have EVERseen this show.....You make me so glad that I am a good mother and you show me exactly what NOT to do when parenting...good job...

  • T - 14 years ago

    Amber physically assulted Gary and should be arrested. If she was a male she would have already been arrested. She is an unfit mother. She is rude, crude and should not be allowed to see her child without being with another adult.

  • Amanda - 14 years ago

    Amber's baby should have been put in child services a long time ago. She doesn't play, there aren't any toys around the house and the only time she gets any attention is when she's being yelled at to shut up. These people aren't fit to be parents and it's disturbing. I've never heard so much swearing in my life....and around your kid?! They should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. I'm actually surprised child services hasn't stepped in yet..hopefully soon.

  • carmen - 14 years ago

    Amber: i think you recent and some part of you hates Gary for stealing part of the growing part process which is your youth. Every human beign has a developmental process. i think it would be beneficial for you to get coulseing sessions to figure out what is making you get those violent outburst and what is going on in that head of yours.
    Your baby is growing up and soon she will realize the environment that is around her. You have to get help so your relationship with Gary can work, and you can be a better mom.
    If you dont want to go to Therapy i will reccomend a book that i am reading is called ''CHANGES THAT HEAL: how to understand your past to ensure a healthier future'' by: Henry Cloud
    This book will help with
    Please read it,
    if you want to contact me my email is

  • cheesesteak - 14 years ago

    Amber and Gary need to get off of their fat asses and get jobs. All they do is laze around and eat. That child should be put in Child Services. I truly believe that Amber is going to harm her.

    Catelyn's mother is a crack whore. Why can't that woman get a job. Why can't Catelyn and Tyler get jobs?

    Why didn't Farrah get a paternity test when the baby was born? Why didn't her parents insist on this?

    Maci is trying to do the right thing but this new guy just looks like another buffoon.

    Everybody on the dole. Why didn't these girls get abortions or go the adoption route?

    Stupid show with more stupid people on MTV!

  • Lauren - 14 years ago

    Amber needs to grow up and get some counselling. Gary needs to permanently leave and get full custody of Leah. Every time he goes back he is repeating the power and control wheel. Amber should have already been arrested for all the violence she has committed against Gary on air. I am almost afraid to find out what goes on when the cameras are off.
    Amber: Please do what is best for you and your child which is giving Gary Leah and you getting counselling.
    Gary: LEAVE HER NOW! the longer you stay the more damage is going to be done! You need to think of your daughter. If you get sole custody and she comes after you or anything get an Order for Protection! I know that your family will stand behind you. i know that you can do this I know that you are strong enough to start a new life for you and your daughter.

  • Lauren - 14 years ago

    Amber needs to grow up and get some counselling. Gary needs to permanently leave and get full custody of Leah. Every time he goes back he is repeating the power and control wheel. Amber should have already been arrested for all the violence she has committed against Gary on air. I am almost afraid to find out what goes on when the cameras are off.
    Amber: Please do what is best for you and your child which is giving Gary Leah and you getting counselling.
    Gary: LEAVE HER NOW! the longer you stay the more damage is going to be done! You need to think of your daughter. If you get sole custody and she comes after you or anything get an Order for Protection! I know that your family will stand behind you. i know that you can do this I know that you are strong enough to start a new life for you and your daughter.

  • Barb - 14 years ago

    Amber is such a "little brat" she needs to grow up and start acting mom. Maybe you should have given up your baby up for adoption. You are so selfish and such a terrible mom!!!! Gary such get sole custody of the beautiful baby girl you don't deserved to me a mom. You have soooo much growing up to do. You are crazy!!!! And you certinly don't deserve Gary!!!!!

  • Jessica - 14 years ago

    Amber seriously has mental problems! She takes her baby and Gary for granted! When she was talking with her friend in the bedroom after slamming the door and letting Liah cry herself to sleep it was like Amber wanted to walk out on Liah and Gary and go be alone. She does not want to be a MOm. AMBER- if you dont want to be a Mom maybe you should give your baby to Catelyn!! At least she realizes she was too young and didnt want all the drama around her baby! Amber you are so selfish! Get a clue!

  • Jamielee - 14 years ago

    I cannot stand this freakin' girl. It's no wonder Leah is always whining or crying. You rarely see the kid even smile. If Gary was smart, he would get the hell away from her and take her to court for custody. I can only imagine the crap that goes on when the cameras are off. This girl has some SERIOUS mental issues and needs help desperately. Oh wait a minute, it's everyone else that has the problem, right Amber?

  • sandiann - 14 years ago

    Amber is guilty of child abuse. Social Services should have stepped in already. The abuse you're seeing now is the tip of the iceberg ~ what's going on when cameras are off? Her baby is going to be seriously hurt if something isn't done.

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