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Should this blog cover any negative news about Christine O'Donnell? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 4,265

  • papersack - 14 years ago

    if it's true, then say it. if it's a lie, debunk it. only traffic in truth

  • Richard - 14 years ago

    There are opinions and then there are facts.

    There are "stats" and then there is "The Fog of War."

    Make no bones ya morons, this IS a war which will decide if we wake up to an America which is "Exceptional".....or ...France. Please don't be spooked into second guessing your beliefs, and start sending e-mails to ALL the REPUBLICAN ruling class, Back the play of the TRUELY PISSED OFF BASE...thats right YOUR get a bunker christmas with all the MRE's you can stash after Nov. 3rd.

    The Hammer and sickle crew will attempt to play 3 card monty with any outsider that wipes out a GOP old dog, that is THEIR playbook (ain't that right Sal ya C.P.F") but that is not the REASON this is happening. WE DON'T WANT THE SAME OLD 2 party 2 step....and the old guard is in their back rooms...and they are VERY afraid. New media has given the common American more information about the workings of both partys in the past year than ever before and this information will be our musket ball and not our undoing. If the Republican leaders attempt to lessen the influence of the Tea-Party and the contributions made thus far....the term "Flash-Back" comes to mind and is most appropriate.

  • Plaster Walls - 14 years ago

    "Are you kidding? Negative information on Coons?"

    Yes. Yes I was. Being ironic, actually. We get lots and lots o' negative news about Christine here on AoSHq. I'm hoping that if, as you say, there is negative news about Coons, we may someday hear about it here on AoSHq.

  • andycanuck - 14 years ago

    So the gays at Hill Buzz get it.

    The atheist Instapundit gets it.

    So WTF is so difficult to get about this unless you've got wet dream fantasies of her stepping down and the rightful heir of the RINOs (a disproportionate amount of whom seem to be lawyers and lawyers with GOP connections at that), Castle, filling in?

  • get informed - 14 years ago

    Are you kidding? Negative information on Coons? He called himself a "bearded Marxist"... his own words. He inherited a SURPLUS and turned it into a DEFICIT, even while raising property taxes THREE TIMES (once as much as a 25% increase) which violated his promise to NOT raise taxes. He's a raging tax and spend Marxist lefty.

  • jann - 14 years ago

    How about just tell the truth, period. Not what you think is the truth, the truth, about everybody. I don't know what got up Roves butt he needs to shut up, he just keeps digging a deeper hole for himself. It's so obvious he's out to get her, he's looking really pathetic. He just cut off all chances of selling anything let alone a book. Him and Krautdog, they just look like they're out for vengenace. Hang in there Christine we have your back, just sent some more money to you. It's so insane, this administration should be in jail and Rove is harping on a girl.

  • Plaster Walls - 14 years ago

    There's negative news about Coons? What is it? When will we have access to it? Is it a secret or something?

  • Adobe Walls - 14 years ago

    Right or conservative blogs are not obligated to be "Fair and Balanced". They usually should because many rely on them to keep them informed. The problem with the O'Donnell story is there is so much negative news and commentary coming from both sides that the fact that Coons is just as left radical as anybody in any race in the country. In other words if the right blogosphere only follows the lefts stories they may as well be the left.

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