What's your view on better health benefits for the Albany City Council?


  • Bill - 14 years ago

    40% would NOT GIVE ANY healthcare to the City Councilmembers. Yowza. Tough crowd. That means all 5 get zero. None. Nada. Yikes. (According to a later note, folks taking the poll could have voted multiple times; maybe that explains it.)

    The City Councilmembers currently earn $5 a meeting, not to exceed $25 per month (in the event they sneak in an added meeting for the extra $5). Barely enough to buy a mocha decaf capuchino at Starbucks. This amount was set in the Great Depression during the 1930's. More recently the voters approved an increase to $300 a month, which is less than the rate of inflation.

    The minutes of the meeting indicate that the City Councilmembers were considering a savings of $3000, which amount if enacted, would be DEDUCTED from their paychecks. Currently at $25 a month the Councilmembers would have to pay to serve on the City Council. Only Meg Whitman need apply.

    When the new pay kicks in next session, then the CITY ADMINISTRATOR remarks in the minutes that the $3000 could be deducted.

    Seems to me that decrease in pay does not comply with the voter's increase to $300 a month. If the voters voted an increase, then only the voters may cut it, not the City Administrator.

    A lot of anger was directed to the majority of the Council that voted to send the matter back to the City Administrator for further consideration. There was no vote down, but only a request for more information. This is done all the time. They shouldn't be rushed into a decision.

    The City has been providing healthcare to the City Council for many years now. Why stop now? Healthcare costs have been going up.

    The City of Richmond, according to a document posted on Albany Patch, pays more pay and provides the same Kaiser plan. Shouldn't Albany at least do the same as Richmond?

  • Merry Selk - 14 years ago

    Everyone needs health care. Glad that the city makes it possible for councilmembers to get it. I don't begrudge them the coverage. Wish it could be offered to us all via the city!

  • Suzan Snider - 14 years ago

    Look, everyone...It is time to wake up and take a stand on election day to change the "block" to something more fair and representative of all of us. Albany has many problems that have gotten worse under the watch of the Atkinson/Wile/Leiber. It is amazing to me that they are so popular...

  • jewel Okawachi - 14 years ago

    The Council health benefits should be the same as employees. I served on the City Council for eight years and was greatful for the benefits. However, I would have served without them. I had a small typesetting business in Albany for 28 years and always paid for my own health insurance. The Council members ran for their position to serve the Community and to set policy. Most of us, over the years ran for the good of the whole communty and not on one issue, as three of the present council members did.
    Let's take some fiscal responsibility. I voted against spending over a half million dollars on a Waterfront
    Vision, a vision that will sit on a shelf for many years. Again, let's think of the whole community, not just ourselves.

  • David Danby - 14 years ago

    Instead of having the council vote on determining their own health benefits (isnt't this a conflict of interest?) the citizens of Albany should vote to approve if they should have benefits or not. If the citizens approve benefits they should be the same as the city employees.

    I am curious to know if there are other benefits the council receives (penison?) and what benefits, if any the school board receives?

  • Mary - 14 years ago

    It doesn't matter. The council of 3 will give it to themselves nomatter what the people of Albany want. They have proven this fact over and over again during their terms. The only way to deal with them is to vote accordingly November 2nd. Compared to the city of Bell the monitory amount might be different, but the tactics are identical.

  • Ellen Davis - 14 years ago

    I have known councilmembers who ran for office just for the benefits.

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