What's your take on banning toy giveaways with fast food meals?


  • Winston - 14 years ago

    When did we appoint San Francisco to be our nation's Big Brother? Forget nutrition issues--it's downright unconstitutional to ban legal substances and products like Happy Meals and cigarettes. Why is there no talk of banning alcohol sales if San Fran is so concerned with our collective health and welfare? Aaah, because the local economy and tourism would take an unrecoverable hit if alcohol sales were banned. All that lost tax revenue!

    I think McDonald's should throw its substantial corporate weight and resources into suing San Fran. It has no business telling any restaurant what they can and cannot serve to patrons or how to package product. This is a consumer choice issue, not a local government watchdog issue. No more of my tourism dollars will go to San Fran--had enough of your uptight attitudes and unwarranted consumer parenting.

  • Erin - 14 years ago

    It's not the toys! It's not the cereal, or the chicken fingers, or the cookies, or anything else! If your kid if fat it's because YOU didn't teach them moederation. It's because YOU didn't take them outside and play with them. Stop blaming the food chains and the food and tv. YOU are their parent, not McDonalds, and it is your responsibility to teach your child to make good choices when it comes to thier bodies. Speaking as a parent, myself, they will follow your lead. If you lead a fat filled sendentary life, don't be surprised when your child does too. You want to see a change in your childs weight, start with YOU.

  • MGB - 14 years ago

    It really does not matter about the toy that is in the kids meals. The toy is not what makes the kids fat it is the food. With or without the toy the kids are going to eat what the same food anyway. Su just leave the toy and put the blame where it needds to be. I have seen parents let kids you are only about 9 years old eat 2 1/lb. cheese burgers with a large soda.

    Look at the size of the meals now , when I was a kid and I can remember that the fries did not come in as large of servings. What we now call the medium was the large frie , so I think there needs some responsibility taken on your own and do not let the kinds get such large servings.

  • Lady D. - 14 years ago

    I say if you don't like it," Stay Away"! Someone is always trying to mess up things
    for others. That's what 's wrong with this world. Everybody is in Everyone elses business.
    These toys bring a little fun & joy to kids and adults too. I'm 57 yrs. old and I like my
    Happy Meal Toys! It's true,We should try to eat healthy most of the time.BUT, Life is short,
    Put down that carrot stick and go get an order of those good McDonalds French Fries!
    Your kids will be glad you did!

  • POUCHIE - 14 years ago


  • Aldo Pignotti - 14 years ago

    I don't understand why Liberals insist that they have run everybody else's life. I understand Liberals are offended by fast food, fine, but why is it their business how a fast food business operates? Is there some reason why anyone is required to buy a Happy Meal? Just because Liberals have trouble telling their little spoiled brats, "No," it doesn't mean that other people have this problem.

  • someone - 14 years ago

    ithink that mcdonalds is 2 toxic we should just mak food healthy and get better toys (lower the price)

  • Bill - 14 years ago

    Its not a Governement Issue it's a parenting issue. When I was younger my parents had no problem telling me "NO" if I wanted to eat at McDonalds. Parent's should take an active role in what thier kids eat and tell thier kids "No" and quit trying to blame the way the fast food chains advertise and what they offer to kids. Its not the toys fault, its not the fast food companies fault, its the parents fault. Bottom line it's a parenting issue simple as that.

  • Ashley - 14 years ago

    When I was younger, my mom would take me through the McDonalds drive through and just let me get the toy- no happy meanl- then we'd go home and have a healthy lunch. The toys are fun. Let's fix the food instead!

  • Michael - 14 years ago

    Your kid cant go get the toy if there parent wont let them. The parent is the one who decides to go there not the kid.

  • MamaSan - 14 years ago

    My kid will eat the meal with or without the toy. Sometimes she even picks the healthy choice (apples over fries). Half the time the toy is just junk and eventually ends up in the landfill. Quit creating more junk. Future generations will thank you.

  • Judy - 14 years ago

    Fix the kids meal so that it is healthy and keep providing the toy. The toy isn't the problem, the meals they choose to fatten up our kids is the problem. Change the happy meal to baked bbq chicken or something like that with lots of flavor that they can eat with their hands. Only give healthy choices for sides (aka no fries, nothing fried) - instead provide one fruit choice and one veg choice plus a drink. For a fruit, they could choose from apples, oranges, or a banana. Then for the veg they could choose from steamed carrots, a baked sweet potato, or peas, and for a drink, water or a lowfat white milk. no soda, chocolate milk or juice - too much sugar. You can give my kid a fun toy for eating proper food, a real square meal.

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