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Should all drugs be legalized? (Poll Closed)


  • mason - 14 years ago

    get over yourselves potheads, it shouldnt be legal but it would end the recession, tax the hell out of it and it wont be cool anymore, and youll all switch to crack or meth. then that will have to be legal.

  • Andro Machy - 14 years ago

    We are finally here, where weed is finally legal and just before it happens morons are asking for ALL drugs be made legal.......get real

  • Yapoco - 14 years ago

    Cannabis and psychedelics like mushrooms and LSD should be legalized on the basis of a simple truth: they are less dangerous than alcohol and tobacco, and even have medical uses.
    But I'd go further and legalize hard drugs as well: it would not impact the use amongst the population (if one does not use crack or heroin, it's cos it's dangerous, not cos it's illegal) and destroy the revenues of mafia and drug cartels, while producing amazing tax revenues for the state.
    Prohibitionism has proven to be a total failure.

  • Hatchet - 14 years ago

    I wouldn't say legalize all drugs outright, but there are some big negative effects of illegalizing everything without sense or value. For example, small doses of LSD have been shown to be pretty much the only effective cure for cluster headaches, the most painful condition known to medicine. And yet, because illegal, those of us who don't want to break the law are stuck living in hell, and the fact that the law forces us to live in hell is just disgusting on every level.

    Also, these laws aren't laws to protect people, only restrict them. Yes some drugs can be dangerous, but who the hell is the government to tell you how you are allowed to live your life? It is wrong on the very face of it, and on every level in between. Sure they can say "no driving high" that is already illegal, and everything would likely still be illegal to children. At least this way you wouldn't be making those who live in pain suffer because of bullshit bigoted bullshit, freedom would be restored, there would be increased tax revenue, ect.

  • Michelle - 14 years ago

    Marijuana is not a gateway drug. This is one of the myths. What criminalizing marijuana does is put people who might smoke it into contact with those who often sell other drugs. Other drugs are suggested, pushed, etc.... and your marijuana user may end up on harder drugs. Cutting off that contact by legalizing marijuana ends that whole cycle.

  • David - 14 years ago

    Legalization of marijuana and non-addictive psychedelics after proper research studies have been conducted related to their application. Marijuana would no longer be a "gateway drug" if it were legal, no more than alcohol is. It is only a gateway drug because the same underground economy that traffics marijuana also traffics other drugs. To separate marijuana from this underground economy would be the fastest way to reduce the strain on our legal system.

    Decriminalization of addictive drugs seems more reasonable than outright legalization. Would be wary to legalize only for the reason that I would hate to see how big business interests would attempt to exploit the consumer with opiates and other hard drugs. However, flooding the prison/justice system with possession felonies and exporting the violence of the criminalized drug trade to other countries is also not a solution. Legalization and heavy regulation might just be the only humane solution to the American appetite for drugs.

  • mark - 14 years ago

    legalise drugs but wannabe users of drugs that have a high incidence of inducing criminal behaviour, psychiatric & lifestyle impairement need to recieve some form of counselling for obvious symptoms of psychological/ psychiatric disorder before allowing themselves to tread paths of self destruction.

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