Would you support a Canadian Tea Party?


  • Dave Coombs - 14 years ago

    The Tea Party came to Canada 25 years ago. It was called Reform.

  • MEL DOUGLAS - 14 years ago

    IT'S TIME.

  • Les Randall - 14 years ago

    67% of Canadians would not support a Tea Party. That's the Canadian way. Like sheep off to slaughte down the communist road we go. But we don't know any better, we don't have a Fox News to bring us the truth of what's going on in our government.

  • Drew - 14 years ago

    The vote and comments demonstrate 1) the ignorance of too many Canadians about what the Tea Party movement is, relying as they do purely on the smear job by strongly biased left wing sources as well as 2) the famous Canadian smugness and moral superiority complex. By the way, Toronto is half minorities and they voted for Ford. It was the more white elitist old Toronto that voted for the spendthrift liberal wolf in fiscally responsible sheep's clothing so the racist card played against Ford above backfires. It seems minorities soon to be the majority in Metro Toronto don't like their hard earned dollars thrown around like confetti at City Hall for self-congratulatory retirement parties and the like. What a liberal miscalculation.

  • Steven - 14 years ago

    Kay-- "I don't believe many Canadians would support ANY political movement with the elements of hysteria, exageration, out right lies & general over-blown rhetoric that you see in the Tea Partiers. It's possible to shake-up a political system without demonizing your opponents the way the Tea Party movement does."

    I certainly hope not either. However, reading the comments page of crazed right-wing tabloids such as the National Post shows that there is a considerable amount of hate, hysteria, and lies being whipped up among Canadians by their columnists. It's truly scary how many people take the vitriolic views and outright lies of this newspaper seriously.... it's our version of Fox News.

  • howard doughty - 14 years ago

    Note to Kay:

    As the people of Toronto (or, more accurately, the complacent suburbs) have just demonstrated, loud-mouthed buffoons who trade in anger against the arts, immigrants and grammatically correct sentences can win as big in Canada as in Arizona.

    Considering the actual policies of the federal government (as opposed to the anal-retentive personalities that dominate the Conservative government), it is plain that the Canadian people (or, more accurately, our distortive electoral system) are friendly to fundamentalist Christian war-mongers as well.

    Asking whether the Tea-Party would do well here is moot. We are already suffering under our mapleized version of the phenomenon. What most people (including the Bachmann-Palin-O'Donnell axis of mendacity) is that the US variation on the theme bears no relation to the pre-revolutionary prank in Boston Harbor. It draws its real inspiration from the Mad Hatter's festivities down the rabbit hole.

    My only hope is that, after electoral games next Tuesday, someone will ask Grace Slick to sing the US national anthem, and then segue into the eternally awesome "White Rabbit" ...

    Let Stephen Harper try to beat that on his little piano!

  • Sang Riel - 14 years ago

    "A drab of state, a cloth-o'-red And white slut,
    To have her train borne up, and her soul trail in the dirt."

    Practically speaking, the opponents to a reform in Canada are not a hundred thousand politicians In Ottawa, but a hundred thousand merchants and farmers everywher, who are more interested in commerce and agriculture than they are in humanity, and are not prepared to do justice to the Native man , cost what it may. I quarrel not with far-off foes, but with those who, near at home, co-operate with, and do the bidding of those far away, and without whom the latter would be harmless. We are accustomed to say, that the mass of men are unprepared; but improvement is slow, because the few are not materially wiser or better than the many. It is not so important that many should be as good as you, as that there be some absolute goodness somewhere; for that will leaven the whole lump. There are thousands who are in opinion opposed to reservations and to wars, who yet in effect do nothing to put an end to them; who, esteeming themselves children of King and Laurier, sit down with their hands in their pockets, and say that they know not what to do, and do nothing; who even postpone the question of freedom to the question of free-trade, and quietly read the prices-current along with the latest advices from the Bank Of Canada, after dinner, and, it may be, fall asleep over them both.
    We have truly fallen asleep at the wheel and to fashion yet another silly metaphor, We left the fox in charge of the hen house.Where is the vision for a brighter tomorrow,where are the men of action and courage and daring who would at LEAST attempt to lead us down the path to a future where our children and grandchildren and their children will look back and say...that man...that day...thats when we found the path of the righteous and noble creature that is man and these are the times all of humanity has dreamed of.It is time for another way...........

  • Sang Riel - 14 years ago

    "A drab of state, a cloth-o'-red And white slut,
    To have her train borne up, and her soul trail in the dirt."

    Practically speaking, the opponents to a reform in Canada are not a hundred thousand politicians In Ottawa, but a hundred thousand merchants and farmers everywher, who are more interested in commerce and agriculture than they are in humanity, and are not prepared to do justice to the Native man , cost what it may. I quarrel not with far-off foes, but with those who, near at home, co-operate with, and do the bidding of those far away, and without whom the latter would be harmless. We are accustomed to say, that the mass of men are unprepared; but improvement is slow, because the few are not materially wiser or better than the many. It is not so important that many should be as good as you, as that there be some absolute goodness somewhere; for that will leaven the whole lump. There are thousands who are in opinion opposed to reservations and to wars, who yet in effect do nothing to put an end to them; who, esteeming themselves children of King and Laurier, sit down with their hands in their pockets, and say that they know not what to do, and do nothing; who even postpone the question of freedom to the question of free-trade, and quietly read the prices-current along with the latest advices from the Bank Of Canada, after dinner, and, it may be, fall asleep over them both.
    We have truly fallen asleep at the wheel and to fashion yet another silly metaphor, We left the fox in charge of the hen house.Where is the vision for a brighter tomorrow,where are the men of action and courage and daring who would at LEAST attempt to lead us down the path to a future where our children and grandchildren and their children will look back and say...that man...that day...thats when we found the path of the righteous and noble creature that is man and these are the times all of humanity has dreamed of.It is time for another way...........

  • kay - 14 years ago

    I don't believe many Canadians would support ANY political movement with the elements of hysteria, exageration, out right lies & general over-blown rhetoric that you see in the Tea Partiers. It's possible to shake-up a political system without demonizing your opponents the way the Tea Party movement does.

  • rafonpit - 14 years ago

    @davidhenry Take the US style extreme right wing rhetoric out of it and give it a Made In Canada slant! We need to shake up the system and git rid of the voter apathy that has plagued Canada for years! I think the majority of Canadians can distinguish between a grassroots political change movement and a bunch of Nazi thugs! The poll results so far just really reflect the general disinterest in Canadian politics! What a shame, we just continue to mumble and take it up the backside. Canadians grumble more when Tim Horton's raises the price of a cup of coffee by 5 cents!

  • DavidHenry - 14 years ago

    It's encouraging that the overall majority of the people participating in the poll don't support hate-fueled sects as legitimate, otherwise we might find ourselves giving credence to White Power parties, Ernst Zundel-lead parties, and all other shrill and screaming hate-inducing groups who just clutter the landscape with their inane beliefs that prove first and foremost that they are at the lowest rung of the evolvement stage.

  • flyingmonkey39 - 14 years ago

    It's disappointing that the people participating in the poll don't support freedom of speech or association.

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