Do you think Lamar's kids should be featured on his TV show?


  • Sunshine - 12 years ago

    NO, simple----they need to stay away from the KARDASHIANS!!!! While Khloe is the best of the LOT----those childrens DO NOT need to be exposed to those "Folks"! Stay strong Liza and when Lamar's the father he should be-----and they get OLDER----only then can U exposing them on a limited bases. Good luck!
    PS Lamar has been around them long enough and if he loves his children, he should agree w/the above!

  • liz gee - 12 years ago

    I just think liza moralles has a bitter spirit aboout her and need to ggive him more acces to his kids. To me it seems like she is jelous that he diddnt marry her an it using the kids against him. I ddont think he not there for his kids she is making it hard on him out of jelousy because i saw her i nterview she did and she was trying to hide it but she looks jelous.

  • LISA SMITH - 13 years ago


  • Nonhlanhla - 13 years ago

    As a mother, I understand where the baby mama comes from. I suggest Lamar works on being a father to his kids first. Make himself available to them whenever possible, spend time with them as a daddy first before he could want to be a "screen daddy". Once he gets to know what it means to be a daddy again to his kids, he can then ask to have them once in a while on their show. Why does he want to be daddy on screen, he needs to do it off screen as well. I actually think he needs to go and consult with the Smiths (Will and Jada Smith) just to find out how they went about getting all this thing with the kids going... they have a plan and to be honest, it is the best so far!!!!!!!
    All the best

  • Edith - 13 years ago

    I think they should be on the show, it wouldn't harm the kids, my hubby was horible with his baby mama from domestic violence to infedelity and hardly saw his daughters after the relationship was over, he was also young. Just cause Lamar was a sertain way with his ex dosen't mean he would do the same to Khloe. Its rear but a man does change, it takes the right woman!
    PS love you Lamar hope you stay with the Lakers and Khloe your FINE! dont worry about your body.

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