Lauren is incredibly ugly and has no personality. She's also an evil selfish whore.
Good thing is, Bo will live 1000 years and marry Dyson while human Lauren will get old and die in 30 years and Bo will leave her old hag ass.
TeamLauren - 10 years ago
If you're going to watch the seasons and episodes again and analyze the situation, you can see that Bo never had a feeling for Dyson as much as she had for Lauren. Although, when Dyson officially announced to Bo that they're not exclusive, it still hurts her to the fact that she trusted him. But really, Dyson has just always been Bo's healer and a friend. On the other hand, Lauren and Bo had this thing called, "love at first sight". They did really like each other. If Bo was inlove with Dyson, why would she still chase Lauren? That's because she likes Lauren and she just got hung up with Dyson because, of course, they're both Fae and she doesn't have to worry about killing Dyson during sexual intercourse since Dyson's a Fae.
Theresa - 12 years ago
Lauren personality is too dykish. She ls annoying and makes me hate this show
Kelley - 12 years ago
Is everyone gay nowadays? Dyson Dyson Dyson you fucking liberals
Holly Gullickson - 12 years ago
The only reason she has a better connection with Lauren is bc Dyson lost his passion! She loved Dyson and she chose him already over Lauren it would be a contradiction if she chose Lauren knowing Dyson has his passion back. What about Vex haha
sam - 12 years ago
well Bo def has a way better connection with lauren then dyson and according to the poll mostly everyone agrees with that. i never liked dyson. that relationship was mostly just healing for Bo. Bo and Lauren belong together and i really hope they are in season 3 because if not im gonna be pretty pissed.
Kathy Kang - 12 years ago
I really think that it should be Dyson. Mainly because she was in love with Dyson first and he can only ever love Bo now and forever because of the wolf thing. Also Dyson was Bo's first and she made him soooooo happy I mean look at the scenes he would always protect her make her smile.
Dyson no question.
Lauren is incredibly ugly and has no personality. She's also an evil selfish whore.
Good thing is, Bo will live 1000 years and marry Dyson while human Lauren will get old and die in 30 years and Bo will leave her old hag ass.
If you're going to watch the seasons and episodes again and analyze the situation, you can see that Bo never had a feeling for Dyson as much as she had for Lauren. Although, when Dyson officially announced to Bo that they're not exclusive, it still hurts her to the fact that she trusted him. But really, Dyson has just always been Bo's healer and a friend. On the other hand, Lauren and Bo had this thing called, "love at first sight". They did really like each other. If Bo was inlove with Dyson, why would she still chase Lauren? That's because she likes Lauren and she just got hung up with Dyson because, of course, they're both Fae and she doesn't have to worry about killing Dyson during sexual intercourse since Dyson's a Fae.
Lauren personality is too dykish. She ls annoying and makes me hate this show
Is everyone gay nowadays? Dyson Dyson Dyson you fucking liberals
The only reason she has a better connection with Lauren is bc Dyson lost his passion! She loved Dyson and she chose him already over Lauren it would be a contradiction if she chose Lauren knowing Dyson has his passion back. What about Vex haha
well Bo def has a way better connection with lauren then dyson and according to the poll mostly everyone agrees with that. i never liked dyson. that relationship was mostly just healing for Bo. Bo and Lauren belong together and i really hope they are in season 3 because if not im gonna be pretty pissed.
I really think that it should be Dyson. Mainly because she was in love with Dyson first and he can only ever love Bo now and forever because of the wolf thing. Also Dyson was Bo's first and she made him soooooo happy I mean look at the scenes he would always protect her make her smile.