Assassin's Creed 3. What features do you want to see most?

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  • Mark - 13 years ago

    I'd be happy to see:
    - more altair
    -less Ezio
    - actual sneaking and assassinating not public executions
    -choices that could affect progress of the story
    -multiple endings
    -more use for the eagle vision
    -ability to change the look of the character like a different beard
    -some kind of a class selection so you could play as a fast sneaky assassin or a slower but stronger or a weak but skillful trap maker and hunter could use a eagle to distract a guard and sneak by him while hes occupied with the bird
    -mission where you need to "scout and plan without the assassins robe so you would look like a normal pedestrian"
    - more believable characters, Ezio is alright but he's too Mary-sue in my opinion and being a bit too open about him being one of the most wanted criminals in Europe.

    Also if there could be a difficulty setting that forces you not to be seen and be skillful, while giving penalties for murdering guards and/or making the combat so hard that you MUST run away most of the time, unlike Assassins Creed II and Assbro where combat pretty much is built around blocking and countering which is just too easy, repetitive and makes Ezio practically invulnerable.
    Game that would take place in Russia or England or somewhere a bit more norther could be cool, kinda tired of all these "exotic" and generic areas. (don't take me wrong i don't mean that assassins Creeds have generic landscapes, i mean that games these days in general have a problem with being new and exciting)

    Thank you if you bothered to read through all that, hope i'm of any use to you guys and girls.

    PS. Assassins Creed series is one of the best series i've ever played, watched, read and listened to.

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