Inoffensive Cookie Recipe Poll


  • Nancy - 13 years ago

    It would be funny if it was about dieting, but this is tasteless because it's about something that is uncontrollable.

  • Roger - 13 years ago

    You women who preach this stuff are not showing your kids that it's okay to have a sense of humor. Lighten up and get a life. It's clear the article is good, clean humor. Seems like you are all too stressed out. It's good to laugh. Try it.

  • Joy Meyer - 13 years ago

    As above poster said, please take a minute to educate yourself before poking fun....poking fun at things that affect others everyday real life is just being a bully. Sorry, you are entitled to your own opinion but would appreciate if your humor did not belittle what others have to live every day.

    Thank you for taking the time to read the comment. Ignorance is bliss, or so they say....I too, would rather be ignorant but I no longer have that luxery.

  • ktclick - 13 years ago

    Not only was I offended, I was appalled. (This whole poll thing makes me cringe too.) I don't care how many millions of people laugh at the author as long as every few take a minute to learn about FPIES and EGID. It's the only way information about the disorders will become common knowledge. If enough doctors get interested in finding out WHY kids can't eat even "these crazy ingredients," maybe we can fix the problem - or at least spread awareness.

    I think this article should have stayed in its original spot on Associated Content - as long as comments about WHY this was offensive to some people were allowed to remain public there. However, the author blocked ALL comments that didn't sing her praises and wouldn't answer any of my e-mails until the article was pulled by Associated Content. The article on Associated Content would've served as an excellent touchstone for folks who deal with ignorance like this all day every day, but Ms. Michaud deleted all of them.

    Please take a moment to look at one or all of the blogs I list below. Families or children with FPIES live their lives in anxiety, fear, financial hardship (due to the extremely high cost of special foods and formulas needed for nutrition), doubt and frustration. Kids are hungry and upset over not being able to enjoy the same foods their friends and family can enjoy. Their families feel guilty about not being able to share bites of a delicious and carefully-prepared dish. Strangers offer these children foods that could literally kill them - or at least make them very sick - without asking permission. Doctors who have no inkling of any of these types of disorders accuse the mothers of abusing their children. It's a hard life, and something as simple as a cookie made from these ingredients could make it a little more pleasurable - if only someone weren't "laughing out loud" at the recipe that popped up when they Googled egg-free, soy-free, gluten-free, dairy-free cookies so they could make a goodie their FPIES child could have while their "normal" child(ren) had the real thing.

    Blogs to check out:

  • Nichole - 13 years ago

    There are many people out there who are offended by this. Not becuase it is all that offensive the way it is written. The fact is - there are many people who HAVE to eat this way. I am sure there are some people who do it because they think it is healthy....but to those who have no choice - this just seems very cold, and uncaring.

    Please take the time to educate yourselves on these conditions. They are heartbreaking to the families who live with them every day. These families would give about anything to feed their child one of these crazy cookies or a Happy Meal - ANYTHING. They just can't.

  • Erin - 13 years ago

    beth - she's not making fun of people, i think basically she's making fun that she eats everything, it'd be hard for her to have those allergies...people need to relax and lighten up. There's a lot in life we should smile at, when all we do is get mad....relax!!!!!!! If I can't eat chocolate everyday i'd be a skinny white girl, instead i'm tall and average weight ;)

  • beth - 13 years ago

    how dare you make fun of stuff like this, it's serious for people

  • frog lover - 13 years ago

    i don't give a rats ass about the recipe but i can't believe you are making fun of kermit by saying there is a drink called kermit the frog piss. that's offends everyone who loves kermit.

  • Anonymous - 13 years ago

    I laughed the whole way through this.

  • Reggie - 13 years ago

    Well, I do see how this could offend some people. I love the humor and laughed my ass off. But not everyone will get it... ya know what I mean?

  • Mandy - 13 years ago

    If anyone can't see the humor in this than they need to get a life!

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