2010 Brodies: Best Religion-and-Homosexuality Discussion
Don't Eat That - It's Icky
[Emily Pearson/Dancing with Crazy]
My apology to Pastor Ted Haggard
[Jon Adams/USU Shaft]
Prop 8 and Christian Persecution
[Andrew/Hackman's Musings]
Facts Don't Hurt.... Dogma Does-The Continuing Same Sex Debate
"A Situation That Defies Our Nature"
[Invictus Pilgrim]
Sacrificing Conscience to Obedience
The Confederate Flag and the Angel Moroni
[Swearing Elders]
On Boyd K. Packer, Homosexuality, and Mormonism
[Seth Payne]
If Homosexuality Is OK, Why Is Incest Wrong?
[C.J./The Narrow Gate]
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