What is it about India that irritates you the most?


  • prem - 13 years ago

    Why the list does not include rampt theft of Indian tax payers' money by rampat corruption by our esteemed leadesrs & now by bureaucracy also ?

  • KRISHNAN NAIR G - 13 years ago

    In order to maintain the largest democracy in the world live and healthy we need to maintain good qualities such as hard work, respect towads laws of the land, respect towards the fellow citizens, a vision to the future, a concern for the future generations, above all love and kindness. We, the ordinary men and women, are the guardians of this great land. We should not allow enemies from within and without to spoil this great nation. We should try to keep ourselves away and above from the evils such as power politics, nepotism, fundamentalism, money squandering, etc. We should become good citizens, everything else will follow that will strengthen our effort to protect this great nation. JAI HIND!

  • Krishnan Nair G - 13 years ago

    Ours is the largest democracy in the world. Obama said during his India visit that India is not an emerging economy but it has emerged. It was a great cetificate. But how these affect the common man. We, indians, worship political leaders, sports persons, industrialists, artists, etc. How the health of a society is/can be assessed. Can we believe that our society is healthy. Or what is health? We should be proud of our rich heritage, culture, dmocratic institutions, etc. Are we able to do that? We do have great leaders worthy of wordship in sports, music, art, spirituality, etc. Poitics (not poly tricks) governs us through vrious law making and enforcing institutions such as the Union Government, various State Assemblies, Governmrnt Departments, Police and Military, The Judiciary, etc. But do we have great politicians, to be called STATESMEN? Out of thousands of political leaders of th active politics, how many are in the above mtioned catagory. There is only power politics, politics to acquire power. Power to make money (black or white), power to control others, power to evade laws of the land, power to control others, to silence enemies. But

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