What should Dallas ISD do to trim costs?


  • Sandra Henderson - 13 years ago

    The bottom line is that going to school is about getting an education. Nothing else. Cut all non-essential programs, leaving academics only. Cut all athletic programs; these add nothing to education. It has been proven over and over again, that Texas students lag at the bottom of the list. What are we doing? Are we in a race to see just how poorly educated our students can be? Money saved by cutting all non-essential programs can be use to improve our schools and our children's education.

  • jd - 13 years ago

    Why is it always the working people that get cut when there is a budget crisis? Too many companys are top heavy with executives that make huge salaries and don't contribute one thing to the company.

  • ls - 13 years ago

    I think the state wastes tons of money on textbook adoptions. We adopt new textbooks way too often and the textbooks come with way too much fluff that teacher's don't have time to use. It costs a fortune. I don't even have room to put all of the stuff away. It would be impossible for anyone to use this much junk. If we are in a financial crisis we need to cut spending. Grammar, spelling, reading, and math don't change that much in 5 years. There's no reason we need to replace our books so often. If we have enough money well then that's fine, but we don't. Also grants and Title I money and that type of stuff from the government are very wasteful. It's great to have, but the government has that typical ridiculous idea that if you don't spend the money one year, you must not need it, so you lose it. Therefore schools are forced to spend money when they don't need anything in fear of not having the money when they do need it. That is ludicrous! Why not be rewarded for not spending money instead of punished! Schools and the state of texas could save so much money and not have to lay off nearly as many people if they would quit buying so much unnecessary stuff!

  • Lillie - 13 years ago

    "...has anyone considered the "counseling supervisors" who do nothing but create work for the building counselors. No one has ever known what these people do. And on the last note, how can DeDe Rodriguez, Dr. Hinojosa's 'Assisstant to the Superintend' makes over $80,000 when she doesn't even have a college degree. And did anyone figure out that the $32,000 raise given to the "Human Whatever Lady" would almost pay the price of one complete teacher."

  • LLG - 13 years ago

    1st cut the heck out of the supt. and the tons of other adman jobs pay, get rid of all the illegal's, teach english, its time we stop paying the $$$$$ to accommodate people coming to America then expect US to cater to them!!!

  • Elizabeth - 13 years ago

    I live next door to a teacher in DISD. She tells me that all the teachers that the district bring in from other countries to teach students in Spanish make an extra $4,000 to $5,000 per year over the teachers that teach in English. I have checked with several other teachers at my church, and they all say the same thing. Isn't is just as hard for a teacher to teach a child English if that language isn't spoken at home? What would the budget shortfall look like if DISD quit this sham and paid every teacher equally and realized that some teachers are not worth more. If we listen to the teachers, I feel, we would get a better idea of what really happens at the school level, and who is needed and who is not...and why.

  • ste'phan cole - 13 years ago

    I'm sick n tired and totally and completely fed up with all this budget shortfall news coming out of disd. How about getting the politicians/hypocrits to take a frigging PAYCUT!!! How much does Hinahosa make? $200-300k a year? It's always something with Disd. HELLO!!!!!!! the damn elevators at disd offices might go all the way to the top but nobodys home! IDIOTS!! and you news people never ever mention "HOW AND WHY THE RESPONSIBILTY AND ACCOUNTABILITY FOR THIS AND OTHER PROBLEMS SHOULD BE A HUGE NEGATIVE REFLECTION OF PISS POOR LEADERSHIP AND PUT RELENTLESS PRESSURE ON THEM TO STEP UP TO THE PLATE AND BE THE FIRST TO TAKE THEIR OWN ADVICE!!!!! SOS!!!!!! DIFFERENT DAY

  • Felicity - 13 years ago

    Having retired from DISD after 20 plus years I can say with all certainty that there are too many paper pushers who get paid far too much. Get them to go back into the classroom or take a a well deserved hike!

  • Michael Alexander - 13 years ago

    It only takes the trailers on the bad weather/snow days to let people know how much is being wasted on off-campus jobs. There is too much expense there.

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