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What do you think of Google's new Chrome logo/icon? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 4,578

  • GraGra - 13 years ago

    They have now dissabled the "X" button on google chrome install icon!!
    I think its time to dissable Google entirely and choose a more appealing homepage.

  • Joey ST - 14 years ago

    I just found a blog that can solve the issue of the ugly new logo:
    I try it and I'm happy for now. Do you guys know a better way to go back and revert to the old one like this blog does?

  • Jamey - 14 years ago

    I think the bright white ring around the center of the logo is ugly (mainly due to aliasing in low resolutions like 32x32 pixels). The way the center pops out more than the rest of the logo also seems a bit out of place. I also dislike the perfectly horizontal red line on the upper right. That said, it doesn't look too bad in the larger size 64x64 and up. But I agree with several of the posters that the 3D icon had far more pizazz.

  • jono - 14 years ago

    NonProfit you gottit in 1!

    Perfect reference material for the old Chrome logo - and I loved it for that! (The new one sux though don'tit?)

    Thank you SO MUCH for the .jpg you rock - now I just gotta find a playable Simon website or iPhone App - hmmmmm

  • jono - 14 years ago

    Really liked the old Chrome logo, but the new one does nothing for me - very bland I think and and truth-be-known I feel slightly cheated that Google are taking the easy way out and dictating from above what icon we can have when we should be able to select our own as per commenter no. 2 above right at the top huh

  • Nuclear Popcorn - 14 years ago

    I like the old one better

  • Daniel - 14 years ago

    Google chrome's new logo is horrible! °A°
    Please switch back to the old one!

  • Noname - 14 years ago

    It's more simple then the old one, but it remind's me of logo that I used a while ago , a three leaf rose, which was formed with three 6-es...

  • Why change? - 14 years ago

    Indeed, with the mania of graphic modernisms, they will ruin the Chrome logo.
    There are people who, just to justify a high salary, begins to invent and spoils which took several years to earn a Mark of Prestige…
    It would be like changing the logo from Picasa or Google: we look and there is no need of subtitles.
    A BRAND takes many years (with luck and in rare cases, a short time) to consolidate. And even today you sell products/articles because of the symbol/mark/badge/logo, rather than by quality. Just let us remind, brand clothing, shoes, watches, wallets, perfumes…
    Nobre Luso in “Revolução Digital” (

  • NonProfit - 14 years ago

    To me it has always looked like Simon

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