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Which of these two shows do you most want to see renewed? (Poll Closed)


  • Dima - 13 years ago

    Its absolutely unfair to compair these 2 serials... But i hope V's ll be renewed.

  • dave - 13 years ago

    I want them both renewed. Fringe is definitely better, but still I like V. V still seems to be finding its stride.

    With SGU going down the tubes, don't want to lose another decent scifi show like V.

    Fringe was picked up. Now I hope V is (though I doubt it).

  • Vinnie Bressan - 13 years ago

    Fringe é obviamente uma das melhores séries de sci-fi de todos os tempos.
    É feita por pessoas talentosas tanto no que tange à interpretação quanto ao roteiro e direção.
    Brecar a arte por ausência de entendimento e conexão é estúpido.
    Muitos gênios da pintura e mesmo da sétima arte só tiveram reconhecido o seu talento depois de mortos.
    Deixar de dar suporte a eles seria tolher a sua capacidade criativa e perder a oportunidade de fazer do mundo um lugar mais inteligente, curioso e questionador de sua própria relevância e limites.

    Pela vitória do intelecto sobre o entretenimento barato, salvem FRINGE!!!

  • Brady - 13 years ago

    I LOVE V!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • as - 13 years ago

    Fringe-always & forever

  • dasha - 13 years ago


  • SEUILLOT - 13 years ago

    moi je dis qu il ne sert à rien de commencer une serie sans la terminer qu est ce c est que ces conneries de voter pour l un ou pour l autre les deux sont bien de toutes façons et si maintenant V n etait pas renouvellé ce serait pour ma part prendre les gens pour des cons et les laisser sur leur fain bisous à tous

  • Gabriel - 13 years ago

    Fringe and V , in my opinion , are the best sci/fis on TV nowadays .

    I voted for fringe because it's even better than V . But V is awesomeee to :)

  • mykey716 - 13 years ago

    I know Fringe is most likely going to be renewed, but V is still on the bubble.
    It started out strong, then kind of lagged a bit...then had that long winter hiatus (I actually thought it had already been cancelled!), and then those last episodes were like, Bam! Bam! Bam! - Way cool, hot finish for the season....I really want it to come back!!
    So, I voted for V!

  • Natalie - 13 years ago

    Серёга, он сказал: Те, кто голосует за V не смотрели Грань, либо настолько тупы, что ничего в ней не поняли!))) Посмотреть чтоль... Lol

  • кристина - 13 years ago

    Joe - 1 hour ago

    простите за ужасный английский,работаю с переводчиком.
    я люблю V и зачем вы Joe навязываете свое мнение?

    sorry for the terrible English, I work with an interpreter.
    I love V and Joe why are you imposing your opinion?

  • klYYY - 13 years ago


  • FleiK - 13 years ago

    "V" - the Best! Хотя "Грань" тож ничё...

  • Serёga - 13 years ago

    Па руски учись разгаваривать , а точёто непанятно )))

  • Joe - 13 years ago

    Anyone who votes for V over Fringe may have seen V, but definitely has not seen Fringe. Or saw Fringe but was just stupid enough to appreciate V, and therefore nowhere near smart enough to appreciate Fringe.

  • alex - 13 years ago

    Визитеры супер

  • alex - 13 years ago

    Визитеры супер

  • alex - 13 years ago

    Визитеры супер

  • alex - 13 years ago

    Визитеры супер

  • Serёga - 13 years ago

    V is our all !!!

  • Natalie - 13 years ago

    "V" is very interesting!

  • итрь - 13 years ago

    V лучшие

  • итрь - 13 years ago

    V лучшие

  • fall - 13 years ago

    Fringe is the awsomeness of TV
    Fringe is made By GENIUS people for GENIUS people

  • кристина - 13 years ago

    Хотелось ты что бы побелили "Визитеры"
    а что решает это голосование?

    Like what you would have whitewashed the "V" and that decides the vote?

  • klYYY - 13 years ago

  • Serega - 13 years ago

    "V" the best.

  • Nico - 13 years ago

    Fringe, hands down. No contest.

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