At their March 15 meeting the Federal Reserve expressed more confidence in the US economy. Do you agree or disagree?


  • Mary Jo - 13 years ago

    Get rid of the FED!!!!!!!!

  • Kris Smock - 13 years ago

    I don't see any activity locally to support a growing economy. There has been one working drill rig added to the state of Colorado last month. At about half of all the retail and office space is vacant, and one of the most popular palaces to shop is the Goodwill store.

  • tall tom - 13 years ago

    Most people just don't understand this nightmarish scenario at all. In conversations with many people my senses are continually assaulted by their irrationality. When I produce factual information, such as the current price inflation, they are quick to deny the facts.

    It seems as if they are unable to incorporate the factual information as it is disturbing to the fallacious opinions that they have previously drawn. Their exposure to the propaganda that is repeatedly spewed by the Corporate Main Stream Media has endoctrinated most that the economy is recovering when, clearly, it is not. Even with a high unemployment rate many more are working than those whom are unemployed. Those that are unemployed will end up, if they have not already, on the welfare rolls.

    Although this poll has demonstrated that some have an understanding that the economy is not improving the understanding seems to be vague. A respondent who commented did not even have the basic knowledge that the Federal Reserve was a privately owned banking system, a corporate entity!!!

    The corporate propagandists have an advantage, the Main Stream Media, that is insurmountable. The Main Stream Media, like the Federal Reserve, is corporate owned. I do not see any solution to this problem as they can, and do, manipulate the thinking of most of the public to their advantage.

    The goal of the corporatist is to remove the rights of free people to work for themselves to prosper. In other words the Main Street America's businesses will disappear. The small Mom and Pop shops cannot compete against large corporate interests. The has been planned by the Central Banksters at the Federal Reserve. Small businesses, as a result of the Federal Reserve's planned "financial crisis", cannot obtain "cash and carry" loans that are necessary to conduct business. So they are forced to close their doors by the corporatists (The Federal Reserve IS A CORPORATION!!!). Isn't it odd that large corporations, those that are labeled as "too big too fail" get loans and government bailouts while small businesses and homeowners could not? It is just part of the plan to collapse the middle class, pals!!!

    Don't you just love competition? Well the corporatists do not love competition at all. They squech competition by having the U.S. Government pass regulatory laws to force small businesses into bankruptcy. They squelch small business by creating a "financial crisis". The Government also squelches small business by borrowing most of the available, LIMITED FUNDS to finance large deficits thus leaving little to none for small business to borrow. This is all just part of the master plan.

    The loss of personal economic freedom is just one of the goals that the corporatists wish to achieve. So the corporatists, in tandem with the U.S. Government, have also planned and designed the concept of a custodial state that is intended to replace the welfare state. This system is outlined in a book by a Harvard Sociologist, "The Bell Curve". The chances for change in the public's mindset will not happen until most have become enslaved to the custodial state. The inherent loss of freedom that the masses will experience, as a result of this manipulation, is revolting to freedom loving people.

    After mass enslavement has been achieved by nefarious corporations, in tandem with our totalitarian government, a member of the masses will either accept the bare essentials provided by the custodial state for personal survival, or, reject the custodial state at their own personal peril. Then they will be imprisoned in a private, corporately owned prison and the corporate shareholders can profit from this invoked personal misery as well. The outlook for personal freedom has not ever been at a graver risk than that which exists today. I have lost hope in the American Dream as it has turned rapidly into the American Nightmare. Are you also ignorant to these facts?

  • Paul Hutchinson - 13 years ago

    "There's a basic mathematical principle; a debt that can't be paid won't be paid."
    The USA will default on some of their loans in the near future; be wary of investing in the USA treasury

    Cheers Paul
    Canberra Australia

  • Brady C. Harness - 13 years ago

    Poor fellows up there in their ivory towers just can't see the foundation is showing signs of Rot all around them.

    The people are hungary and disturbed and worried; and ticked kind of like the people of France when Queen Marie Antoinette made her stupid statement and we all know what happened to her lofty beliefs!

  • John QP - 13 years ago

    If you believe there is not inflation , just go to the grocery store or the gas station. try buying something with a large steel component that price goes up every month.
    There are twice as many people unemployed as the govenment suggests. They just rig the method of counting. Housing prices are continouing down. People who bought " bargains" two yearsago can't get their money back. today My guess stocks are grossly over priced and due for a slump. but the Govenment says " all is well, so I must be wrong"

  • Frank - 13 years ago

    The public is finally on to the whores running this country. No matter who is elected to the presidency they all pull the same cart. The elite are only concerned about one thing now: CONTROL! I lost all faith in elected officials to do what is best for the people of the USA. Their only concern is to pass bills to increase their pay and benefits and kiss the behinds of lobbyists and big business that will contribute to their campaigns. I understand the widow of Senator Byrd gets $250,000 a year till she dies. Obumer violated the War Powers Act of the Constitution which is an impeachable offense by sending missiles into Libyia. He has spent more money than all the presidents from Washington through Regan putting this country in debt that we will never get out of. Our manufacturing base went to China. He refuses to drill for oil in the USA to please Soros. He sent billions to help Brazil because Soros invested in oil there. I suggest you all read Trickle Up Poverty by Michael Savage. He references everything and will let you know if a remark is his opinion. It was a best seller. We are in deep manure people and slipping into an abyss.

  • tall tom - 13 years ago

    Jack had it right. Protect yourself by purchasing Gold and Silver. The Powers that are in charge hate the discipline of the monetary preciuos metals. The naked shorting of Silver has set up a price explosion in the near future. In my opinion price inflation has already manifested contrary to the Fed Apologist who posted about credit deflation. He must not go to the grocery store or gas station because it is EVIDENTIAL that it has. Blindness is such a disabling affliction especially when it is by choice.

  • Bob K - 13 years ago

    Big Ben buys up more and more US debt because our government's spending is out of control and fewer and fewer countries are willing to buy a commodity that is losing value. Watch the news. It's clear that a gutless Congress and President are unwill to face the economic challenge. "We will not raise taxes." We will not cut benefits." So, we will pile on more debt.

    So, what happens if Ben stops the presses? Cosmic crash! I don't buy a socialist conspiracy, one world government, or even crazy capitalist greed. All may be out what? They always have been. Whatever "motivates" those in power on one level, the biggist driving force now, I believe, is fear.

  • Buddy Eldorado - 13 years ago

    Everybody seems to buy into the inflationary scenario. The FED creates credit inflation not
    currency inflation. The FED issues credit through repurchase agreements, usually 1 to 30
    days and only on prime assets. If timely repayment isn’t made then the borrower must sell
    assets usually at distressed prices. This is deflation. When credit dries up all asset classes,
    except cash and short term government paper, lose value. The real estate market is a prime example. Yes, there probably will be extreme inflation some time in the future, but only after
    we go through a massive credit deflation first. I went through the last depression and what is
    going on today is the beginnings of a super deflationary credit depression. Hopefully, our
    'Con'-gress will limit or abolish the FED and its credit creating policies.

  • Carol Ferguson - 13 years ago

    Rosina, i totally agree with your comments! Everyone should read
    The Bilderberg Group by Daniel Estulin, Creature From Jeckyl Island,
    Edward Griffin. If the globalists in our government have their way
    Obama will be the last president of a sovereign USA. The destruction
    of our country has been planned for decades to make way for
    The New World Order. We are only a crisis away , what is going to
    be the triggering event?

  • rosina - 13 years ago

    The older I get the more cynical I become.
    The government lies with its statistics to make PEOPLE FEEL THET THEY ARE SURMOUNTING THE DIFFICULTIES. But it is usually a pack of lies.
    Just recently unemployment WENT DOWN? Did it really? Or is it just that the numbers seeking unemployment has fallen and so the numbers SEEM TO HAVE GONE DOWN. tHOSE NOT ON UNEMPLOYMENT ARE JUST NOT CCOUNTED.
    AND, this present government has an aim to destroy the USA. and it's economy to induce a new communist government where we are the serfs and they control.
    It is sad that such a powerful nation has come to this.

  • Wayne - 13 years ago

    Most people ignore the Federal Reserve because they don't know its place in the big picture. They will only learn the truth when it is taught to them. They are about to learn that lesson. That is how it seems to me. If you don't want to get tripped you have to look where you put your feet.

  • william ahrens - 13 years ago

    People with two digit IQ's can see the path of destruction we're on so I don't think those who's responsibility is to maintain and secure the present and future of our country are stupid. They're perhaps devious, even possibly enemies of the very people who they're charged to protect, but not stupid. That said I'm inclined to believe this is a planned action the purpose of which I can only imagine as a necessary collaps of the existing monetary system in which the American Dollar is pivitol with the intent to put us into a world currency. Something like the Euro on steroids. People want security, particularly when it comes to their finantial future. The current and growing uncertainty will make people an easy sell for a world currency. But for that the only other explanation is that the fox is in the chicken coop and he's destroying everything on purpose.

  • Jack - 13 years ago

    I can't believe what John wrote! He wants to "privatize" the Fed, which is ALREADY a private operation, contrary to the "Federal" in its name!
    The "fed" was just the foot in the door leading to control of America's financial life by the Globalist pigs who ruined Europe, and in the last 50 years, have already ruined many of the other countries in the world. Think Argentina, for starters. Also Portugal, Italy, Greece. Even GERMANY is having fiscal problems. We've been in their cross-hairs for over two centuries as well, but our leadership consistently denied them their "Federal Bank" until the big money boys met on Jekyll Island and plotted to pass the law establishing the "Federal Reserve System". This ploy had proven highly successful in Europe, so they were enraged that one American President after another consistently said NO to their demands. It led to many assassinations of American presidents over two centuries, including that of Kennedy. They even tried to take out President Jackson! Look it up - it's H-I-S-T-O-R-Y !

    Now for Mark H: He says -
    "Obama and the multitude of radical lefties, union bosses and wide - eyed Marxist control freaks he surrounds himself with are all puppets with their boss George Soros pulling their strings, have clearly and openly stated their goal is to destroy capitalism to realize their twisted fantasy of a "new world order"."

    WHOA, HOSS! If what you believe is true, why did Obama "Surround Himself" with so many of Bush's wild-eyed fanatics, like Bernanke, etc.? Guess who REALLY gives Obama his marching orders!

    "Chicago style crony state-ism is the rule. They managed to socialize housing with the Fed, Freddie, Fannie, Acorn, unions and political coercion tempting banks to make bad loans, but don't worry the taxpayer will be on the hook for it."
    WOW! This is so far into right field, it's hard to know where to begin a reply. You're right about Chicago in one sense, however - it's where the Chicago School of Economics is, and where the New World Order gets its steady supply of "economists" (really just corporate hatchet-men) that go around screwing up economies like those of Argentina, Portugal, Italy, Greece, and the USA using the World Bank and other "Federal" institutions. You really ought to get your facts right.

    "This could not have been done so effectively without President Clinton and Larry Summers repealing Glass/Steagal, allowing banks unrestricted bundling and leverage. They caused the housing crash, then appoint FrankenDodd to "fix it". We have laws against conspiracy to commit financial fraud/terrorism/racketeering. The corruption is staggering."
    Whose corruption? I seem to recall that PRIVATE Banks and PRIVATE loan companies encouraged applicants for loans to lie on their applications (LIAR'S LOANS!). I don't like Clinton any more than I liked Bush or McCarthy. Put politicians of any affiliation together in a line, and you couldn't squeeze a business card between any two of them. In my reckless youth, I voted for GENERAL Goldwater. Since then, I've had lots of opportunity to get educated, found that EVERYONE lied, and started digging for facts as opposed to swallowing punch-line drivel from every ignoramous who had an agenda.

    I'd like to leave here on a happy note: REAL change is coming, but not the CHANGE expected by the one-world globalists. The "little people" will have their day after the psychopaths who now rule everything are frog-marched off 'stage right'. (thanks to BP for the term "little people").

    "Who is going to jail these commies?"
    Well, one of them is already in jail - Bernie Madoff. This schmuck is taking the SYMBOLIC fall for those far more guilty than he!

    "We need another McCarthy".
    Apparently, you weren't around in the early '50's to hear and see the McCarthy Hearings. He was PUTTING "reds under every bed", whether this was true or not. This alcoholic pig ruined the lives of many good people who ha

  • sheldon gershman - 13 years ago

    i cannot pretend to know what is happening to our economy or the causes of the abysmal ineptitude that our governing bodies have shown in the last 10 years
    For me there is one saving grace, i wont be around to see what greed and complacency have brought,upon what was once the greatest nation on earth

  • Mark H - 13 years ago

    Obama and the multitude of radical lefties, union bosses and wide - eyed Marxist control freaks he surrounds himself with are all puppets with their boss George Soros pulling their strings, have clearly and openly stated their goal is to destroy capitalism to realize their twisted fantasy of a "new world order". Chicago style crony state-ism is the rule. They managed to socialize housing with the Fed, Freddie, Fannie, Acorn, unions and political coercion tempting banks to make bad loans, but don't worry the taxpayer will be on the hook for it. This could not have been done so effectively without President Clinton and Larry Summers repealing Glass/Steagal, allowing banks unrestricted bundling and leverage. They caused the housing crash, then appoint FrankenDodd to "fix it". We have laws against conspiracy to commit financial fraud/terrorism/racketeering. The corruption is staggering. Who is going to jail these commies? We need another McCarthy. Anyone read Term Limits?

  • jimarb - 13 years ago

    get down to the bottom line - banks borrow for nothing - savers get nothing - does that make sense ????

  • Paul B B - 13 years ago

    The "leaders" in our government are agenda driven (often to the detriment of their personal integrity). Some of them have agenda that are misguided, some have merely self serving agenda. Apparently it has become almost impossible to generate enough enthusiasm among the citizens to get elected without at least a proffered agenda.

    Their communications with the public was substantively different from their communications among themselves.

    The disconnect between reality and what our government reports to the "We the People" has become an ever widening chasm in the last three decades.

    Additionally, when my son was in High School serving as a Congressional Page, he was appalled at the abysmal level of understanding of basic economics exhibited by most members of Congress (as well as members of the Executive Branch with whom they were conferring).

    When you combine these factors, the outlook is not good for the economy unless a serious earthquake among the voters' mindsets creates a powerful tsunami changing the leadership in our government.

  • Randy S - 13 years ago

    The Fed lives on a cloud we live on earth. Too many Americans live on a budget where they have to be fiscally responsible.
    I'd like to put Tiny Tim and helicopter Ben in that position.
    As far as housing they are throwing away billions of dollars, try to prop up price that people CAN NOT afford and possibly creating a worse scenario when it all plays out. So many empty houses, so many people out of work. Every house sold puts people to work, weather its just escrow and title, to contractors for re-hab and improvements..

  • Randy - 13 years ago

    Ben Bernanke and his brain-trust are going to keep on printing money till the dollar faces complete collapse. I am totally convinced of this after watching the last three years. Nobody wants our treasury notes now. I am afraid our economy is going to get much worse and I am equally concerned that the middle class will no longer exist after a new currency comes in to play.

  • stingray - 13 years ago

    stupid till dark

  • Harold Webb - 13 years ago

    Bernanke was selected by a Republican president and reconfirmed by a Democratic president who was supposedly committed to change. This means he was the choice of Wall Street. Bernanke did not see the housing bubble and the consequent crisis but his incompetence was overlooked. Bernanke is committed to helping the financial interests in this country-first by bailouts then cheap money for the banks. His plan is to inflate paper assets of the wealthy on the backs of the middle and poor classes .This in turn causes the standard of living to skyrocket. Another consequence is to punish savers and further destroy the middle class. When asked on Capitol Hill whether he was involved in the takeover of Merrill Lynch by B of A, Bernanke could not remember. Bernanke is a certified liar and I have no faith in anything he says or does.,nor do I believe in statistics coming from the Fed.

  • Linda Teter - 13 years ago


  • Jan - 13 years ago

    Retirement is not as much fun as I had planned. My very meager income has been
    extended to keep food on the table for grown family members who are having
    a terrible time with not being able to keep their jobs . All this with fine educations.
    We the people allowed it so we the people are trying to manage the truths of designed
    corruption in our country.

  • John - 13 years ago

    Ben Bernanke was one big mistake on Bush's part in nominating to the position of head of the federal reserve bank. Bush should have used the of the Executive Order and obolitoused the Federal reserve and placed banking into private sector.

  • Myron - 13 years ago

    We are all on our own as the Gov is in such denial of the true facts. We have to all think of new ways to save money and create stability for ourselves. I don't have to but every saturday I get up early and bake bread for the week and all the sweet goodies we will consume. I am doing so in order to not go to the coffee shop for a sweet roll and not spend over three dollars a loaf for bread. The savings go int an acct. My last luxury I have is the YMCA, this gives me exercise. I don't go as often as I did as the gas is eating me alive.

  • ian - 13 years ago

    Between the leaders and me,one of us is stupid and it aint me.But what can they say,the truth,sorry thats out of bounds,but you can expect more of this drivvel.

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