Whose side are you on in the Season 5-delaying 'Mad Men' contract talks?


  • Teresa Green - 13 years ago

    I chose AMC because I think their requests were reasonable and I think they could replace Betty with a manequin and get the same "nuanced" (eg flat, monotone) performance. Every line she says has same lilt. Sure she's pretty but couldn't they have hired an actress who didn't sell her soul to the devil so she got good looks?

  • Sam - 13 years ago

    I chose Weiner but not because of the cash, because of the non-negotiables. I say he takes a smaller paycheque but that AMC relaxes on those three issues. The network should not force the direction of the show, whether that be episode length, product placement or the elimination of characters. Allow the story line to unfold as the writers see fit but Weiner does need to check his greed at the door.

  • mike - 13 years ago

    I picked AMC's side...... But only cause I think Weiner is being greedy. Although I really like this show, the numbers are not there when it comes to ratings, Weiner's Mad Men is not in the tens of millions in ratings, so why should they pay him tens of millions? A dollar a rating is what I'd pay him; after all we are in a recession. LOL. As for making the show shorter to accommodate more ads, I don't like that anymore than the rest, but a 30million dollar salary is a pretty large overhead for a show with 3 million viewers. It's a matter of dollars and sense folks, I would only expect AMC to try and recoup there investment in this fasion.

  • John - 13 years ago

    AMC is totally in the right here. What it's asking for is not unreasonable in the least, especially since they can't afford to pay Matthew Weiner his salary should this go through. Mad Men is not a ratings smash. Yes critics and fans love it, as they should, but it's ratings are not very high at all. They need to get more money for the deal to work out. Not to mention that two minutes could easily be trimmed from every episode, and there are so many unnecessary characters on the show. Don, Peggy, Sterling, Joan, and Pete is all you really need, especially with Betty being a horrible woman now, who is never even on the show. Also, they have already been doing product integration, and they work in an ad firm. Hell, the advertisers could maybe make some of the slogans up to actually give Don some credit. AMC, do your thing, and Matthew Weiner suck it up and get rid of Cosgrove and Cooper.

  • Pam - 13 years ago

    AMC's side? How could anyone be? They have a lot of nerve asking for anything, much less the cutting of major series regulars. AMC was a big fat nothing station and Matt W. and Mad Men put it on EVERYONE's radar. They should bow down and give him whatever he wants and be happy to do it.

  • TVsenior - 13 years ago

    I'm "Team Matthew Weiner" because I'm still upset at AMC for cancelling "Rubicon"!

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