What cuts in government services are you hearing about in your area?


  • Frank Ochoa - 13 years ago

    While the USA insists on policing the World and participate in every international conflict, will be broke. Why not to let every country to solve its own problems? To invade foreign lands to kill the natives is very, very expensive. The Spaniards could afford it in their Lastinamerican conquests because they robbed the colonies of thyeir treasures. But the USA is taking nothing but losses from those lands.

  • R.A.Dupless - 13 years ago

    As a State employee living in Florida we have been vilified for all of the states budget shortfalls by the governor and the republicans in the legislature. We have not had a raise or cost of living increase in six years. I, and many state employees, have no problem with stepping up and paying 3% towards our pension plan. What we are more in fear of is the proposed increase in health insurance that would 1) raise our rates by 10 times beginning July 1st 2011, and 2) create a voucher type system where the state will pay a flat $500.00/month and we have to pay the rest of the premium out of pocket beginning January 1st 2012. What we are infuriated about is the reduction to near nothing in State taxes that the republican legislatures have passed for state businesses - and this year are funding at our expense. What the republicans aren’t telling you is that they are the cause of the financial problems the state is facing now and that governor rick scott wants to make even worse. For years they have cut business taxes back until Florida has become the 5th most business friendly state in the nation and predictably, bankrupt. What did they think was going to happen as they cut state revenues down year over year? Florida has become a perfect example of the failure of trickle down economic theory and what happens when legislators pay more attention to ideology instead of sound government. State employee salaries and pensions are not the problem – short sightedness, poor planning, and strict adherence to failed ideological economic policies are. For example have any of the legislators even thought about the effect cutting state employees pay would have on the rest of the State? Conservatively figuring 130,000 employees loosing at least $150.00 a month would mean $19,500,000.00 less spent every month to support Florida’s businesses and the State’s economy as a whole. Destroying the income of Florida’s families to benefit an elite few is a poor economic model. So far all that the republican tax cuts for business have resulted in are higher fees and less service. As a nation in order to cut spending and balance the budget we need to end the wars we are in - immediately, cut military spending (we really don't need 1000+ military bases across the world or to be paying Halliburton 50-Billion a month for "logistic support") and develop a long term energy policy. No one has the right to complain or threaten to cut Social security or medicare. We were all forced to pay into it without any option since our first paycheck and it is not an "entitlement" is it the first and foremost debt owed by the American government to its people. Privatizing medicare is absolutely one of the worst and most stupid ideas the republicans keep throwing up. The government estimated overhead costs for medicare are approximately 6% while the estimated overhead costs for privatized health care are approximately 26% . Lack of leadership is destroying this country.

  • nate - 13 years ago

    All of the above.
    "Don't tax me" mentality is creating a 3rd world country. Libertarians are seriously delusional. During our most prosperous time tax on the wealthiest was > 90%. A system like this encourages reinvestment. No amount of tax cuts will ever encourage reinvestment, instead we need strong tax system to encourage reinvestment.

  • Cacurmudgeon - 13 years ago

    Mr. Larsen's analogy about the fact that the congress looks like the famous Keystone Cops is correct. They are even worse. They remind me of a bunch of elementary school children arguing about the makeup of teams or who owns the ball. The ultimate threat of a small child is "I won't play" or "I'm going home!" Reminds me of both parties, but the Republicans are the champs at playing childish games. Have you noticed on CSPAN that there are only a handful of these Congressmen and women who can give a decent clear and logical speech without reading it (after having it prepared by someone else, an intern just out of college)? And most can't even read well without stumbling all over the print! But we are expecting this clearly incompetent group to solve our fiscal problems? Has anyone noticed what they are arguing about: whether a private organization should be allowed to give family planning advice, morality of contraceptive pills for the poor (while complaining about their children), whether PBS should have its funds removed, and a host of totally irrelevant arguments having little to do with fiscal responsibility, peanuts in the big picture. But rather cultural, moral and social values are the talking points. Who needs this crap and interference? Congressman Ryan is suggesting killing Social Security and Medicare among other things, but his "complex" answer is "leave it all to the free market". Yes, I have noted what the free market has done to health care in this country (especially after living in Europe several years) and how the free market banks and Wall Street brought this country to its economic knees and is profiting enormously from the taxpayer bailout. As usual, a lot of hot air promoted by the media but absolutely no workable solutions. And then there is our President, who always stands in the shadows and is completely lacking in any leadership skills, and worse, is usually spineless against any pressure. Finally, neither party has the guts to bring up our costly wars (Iraq, still going, Afghanistan, going strong, Pakistan, behind the scenes, and coming attraction, Libya) and the costly industrial-defense-security industry that is making up about 40% of our owed money. Worse, these nuts are willing to shut down the government while our troops are fighting overseas, with their lives on the line. As a WWII veteran, I wonder where most of these politicians served (other than themselves)? What do any of these people in Congress have on the line, but expert at spending other people's money and sending other people's children to war? The insane are obviously in control of the asylum.

  • Flkoyd Ragsdale - 13 years ago

    The politicians in the U.S.A. are interested in themselves 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The American citizen is last.

    I'd like to fire all the politicians and send them on a one way ticket to the moon.

    As a WWII veteran, I fear what is in store for our country.

  • James - 13 years ago

    Politicians love to spend other peoples money - its like a heroin addiction, they just cannot help themselves.

    When the money runs out they threaten to curtail the most popular, visible, and necessary programs so as to cause maximum pain.

    And every tax increase, every regulation, every new tightening of the noose is "for the children".

    The answer is TERM LIMITS. End the empires!

  • George - 13 years ago

    You should have had another choice, "All of the above." If you live in Florida, that is certainly true.

  • T A Habshey - 13 years ago

    We have the lowest tax rate in the US but it is unfair and puts the burden on the lowest incomes. For instance, I have a very adequate income and could easily pay more state income taxes. I have not had to pay state taxes in years. Instead of correcting this problem and creating a more fair tax system, they want to cut services, reduce the number of teachers and other public workers, cut their pensions and health care and even decrease taxes on corporations and upper income brackets. I want services, I think I should pay for them. What has happened to America. I fear we are creating a third world county.

  • James H. Slappey - 13 years ago

    County & City government in Garfield County, CO operte as usual refusing to make any substantial cuts in services and personnel. There exist an air of ureality amoung government officials. In the past year a new fire station reportedly costing upward of $5 million was recently opened in New Castle pop 1700+-, a new library $6 million in Rifle pop 7,500+- ,
    new library under construction in New Castle. Businesses are closing daily. It makes no difference what political party a politician is from. they all want more regulation, more taxes, & more programs to spend money on.

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