Who do you think won the English Leaders' debate


  • Don - 13 years ago

    It has become known by myself a few years back at the age of 52, I'm now 63, that our Constitution doesn't show any political parties, or position for Prime minister. Even the Canadian encyclopedia backs me up on this. It doesn't have a description for Prime minister either, because there isn't a legal position to put a description to! The Governor General is the top person of authority in this wonderful country, except when the Queen is on soil! Please folks, go down to your local library and have a read won't you? A ten year old could with a bit of help read it and understand all of it. It also says that every member in the house shall vote on each and every issue before the house "yea" or "nay". What a joke this last vote in the house for stopping the long gun registry. One man (Mr. Layton) told his party to cowtow...Dictatorship won, and not democracy. Please help to stop this illegal running of our country, and don't be so ignorant of the true laws that are in place for which we should be governed.

  • Observant - 13 years ago

    Failing flailing Iggy ... and ailing aging Jack .... NOT leaders ... NOT credibly ... NOT WANTED!!!

  • Quigley - 13 years ago

    Harper didn't have to resort to name calling and insults. He just stated the facts - unlike the 'coalition'.

  • Ron - 13 years ago

    Canada is by far the best country in the world, the reason so many immigrants want to move here. Harper's Conservatives took us through the recession and we passed every other country who are still in a deep recession. Canada is clearly a G8 leader. Who cares if we didn't get a seat in the phony Nato old boys club, Harper looked after us first.
    The opposition leaders can only wish they were in Harpers shoes. Harper kept his cool while the coalition ganged up on him throwing mud and insults. The only thing Iffy didn't do was the playground thingy, "I'm going to tell my Dad"!
    Harper's performance last night was a majority knock out.
    "Thanks Steve, Your The Man."

  • Al H F - 13 years ago

    The debate was for the voters benefit and Harper did it very well, he addressed and faced the voters did not get involved in personal attacks and therefore in my view was and will be a winner.

    NDP came second and that is simple, you can make all the promises you want when you know you will never have to fulfill them. Nevertheless he presented himself very well a clear second.

    Ignatieff we all know that he is in a desperate situation, he will leave the Liberals fater this election and hand over the Leadership to a recycled NDP in the form of Bob Rae.

    Our friend from Quebec we know his position is one of strenght, should we be foolish enough not to elect a Majority government and end up with a Liberal,bloc,NDP Coalition he will be the Prime Minister no matter which of the otherv two hold the title.

  • Miguel Gómez-Arboccó - 13 years ago

    Despite being the target of the attack by the three members of the "coalition" Stephen Harper was calm and focus on the matter and priorities canadians really care about, never lowering himself to personal attacks, lies or bickering as the others did (even though Layton's revelation of Ignatieff dismal attendance to the House was quite interesting).

    Obviously Stephen Harper is the only leader who looks, thinks and acts like a Prime Minister, the other two are simply trying to please their egos, seize power and make money... the third "foreign" one should not have been there, period.

  • Dennis Forbes - 13 years ago

    "I am surprised that 2/3 of the votes on here believe Harper won, Harper was destroyed! "

    (similar to the prior one claiming that this is propaganda/not news, etc)

    It's interesting, you know: I paid attention to the political commentators of virtually all stripes post debate, and there was pretty much universal agreement that Harper won / Iggy lost (or failed to make any gains, as many had been so hopefully expecting).

    The people railing about how Harper was "destroyed" were dead set on believing that was true before the debate. They knew who they thought would "win" before a single word was spoken, and nothing was going to change their minds. See above for an example of that.

  • Daz - 13 years ago

    I do not believe Harper won the debate, every time he was attacked he would simply ignore the accusations and come out with "well we did this and that that was good" to cover it up. He played the innocent big teddy bear role, the only part he won points for was his argument over the fighter jets.
    I am surprised that 2/3 of the votes on here believe Harper won, Harper was destroyed! His party came out on top simply because Ignatief failed so bad. Watch the debates again, there are many points and accusations against Harper that he never addressed and probably never will.

  • Matt G. - 13 years ago

    It scares me that people think being "cool and confident" means a person wins a debate. All Stephen Harper succeeded in doing was sidestep every charge leveled at him - hell, he didn't even look at anyone but the camera!

    Sure, he "stayed on message," but in a real debate, that means you lose. If you don't address your opponent's claims with logical, clear, and non-rhetorical rebuttals, it highlights your inability, or unwillingness, to engage in important discussion. Saying, "let's be clear," doesn't make it so.

    All leaders had their stump speeches, but what's truly sad is that the only real debater was Gilles Duceppe - a party leader that 90% of Canada can't vote for.

  • David - 13 years ago

    For ANYONE to believe Iggy won the debate, you are 100% delusional. Harper was steady, didn't lose his temper, which is all he had to do. Layton was far stronger than Iggy.

  • Paul - 13 years ago

    Harper looked cool and comfident when he was on message and could control the target but he sure looked uncomfortable, sheepish and actually kind of creepy when caught in his lies - then he just changes the topic and ignores them. We need to keep tossing out liars until the politicians actually know they are accountable to voters - otherwise we just encourage it!

  • Sherry - 13 years ago

    FYI - POST - your polling game is lame too .

  • Sherry - 13 years ago

    Had no idea before I logged in here just how biased this publication really was. It certainly looks more like propeganda than news. A lopsided presentation of reality with a comment thread right out of Deliverence. WOW - is this Canada? The land of the free? We sure have alot of people here who would like to impose their ideology on the rest of us and that is the problem most of us have with Stephen Harper. Hence, the contempt charge. It was certainly the point that the other leaders were trying to get through to him. Could it be true that there is a segment of our society that has ignored the rest of us for so long that they believe their voice is the only one? Say it ain't so. CPR for Democracy STAT.

  • Douglas - 13 years ago

    For Larry:

    While Jack did very well in the debate, he did not win.

    I'd say Jack and Gilles tied. Jack was effective against Harper, but less so against Ignatieff except for the pointed dig on attendance...

    Jack failed miserably in countering Duceppe which he really needed to do to make a big push for Bloc seats in la belle province.

    And Jack looked terribly insincere when speaking of the Green Party's non-presence at the debates and the role of women in politics, particularly since we all know he colluded with Forrret Grump Harper in 2008 to keep Elizabeth May out of the debates.

    And though I actually like his position on Afghanistan, he did not defend it well at all.

    That said, Jack had the most difficult job tonight. He had to take swings at Harper, but not too many because he wants to remain competitive with Ignatieff, all while taking swings at Duceppe (but none that would offend le peuple Québecois).

    And considering Jack was all-too-willing to hike up his skirt to negociate price to keep Harper in power right before the budget, his swings at Harper rang a bit hollow among other progressive voters.

    The thing is that given the sheer level of corruption and stench from the Conservative side for over a month now (it has literally been a gaffe/scandal/lie a day since about two weeks before the contempt vote), for the progressives in the country who "get" that the absolute worst thing for the country is giving Stephen Harper yet "MORE TIME" in the PM seat, each swing against Ignatieff was met with a groan.

    If Layton wants to remain relevant, he needs to go full bore against Harper, treat Ignatieff as if he's irreleveant and pretty much ignore him, and try to focus on Duceppe given his personal popularity in Quebec and the level of disaffected federalist or soft nationalist vote in an attempt to convert Bloc seats in suburbs of Montreal and Québec City.

    He should be selling to the Québecois that the best way to get rid of Harper is for traditional Bloc supporters to "lend him their vote just this once" so that Liberals, Greens, and NDP together secure at least 155 seats.

    All pundits consider most Bloc seats in Québec as simply out of play. Harper wouldn't see it coming if Jack managed to convert a few.

    But overall, he performed quite well

  • Douglas - 13 years ago

    Burcanuk -- Yes, because anyone who has a different opinion than yours MUST be a liberal hack. PMSL

    Look at my arguments. They are hardly the basic ones being spouted by Liberals in their daily media lines.

    You simply weaken your own position when you resort to base behaviour.

    You insult because you have no viable, evidenced-based, counter-argument to present. Just like the leader you support.

  • Galeno - 13 years ago

    It was a reeal pity that after the former Preisdent of the Bank of Canada stated a couple of days ago that the Public Insurance Health Plan in itds present structure was unsustainable , all leaders agreed to continue the 6% annual increment after 2014 without requesting a revision on its operation, and one of the leadres assured the people that its party platform will resolve now the shortage of Health Perosnal . Does this leader know the number of year necessary to form a Family Doctor or a Nurse? Please be serious !!!

  • Douglas - 13 years ago

    ON STIMULUS -- Before Layton or Ignatieff even opened their mouths about stimuls spending, Merkel, Sarkozy and Obama got Harper to committ to spending from 2 - 3% of GDP on stimulus spending as part of THE GLOBAL EFFORT to stem the time of the global economic crisis.

    And when push came to shove, Harper didn't even want to respect his promise to the international community and had to be dragged kicking and screaming to do it. But now, he takes credit for the Economic (IN)Action (Scam, errr I mean) Plan he never wanted to implement in the first place, blowing $26M on adverts about it prior to the election, and to add insult to injury, having all the signs made in the USA!!!

    Layton and Ignatieff had NOTHING to do with the amount spent. They only influenced ON WHAT the money would be spent.

    But the deficit this year is $56B... Now, I'm almost 100% sure that we did not spend $56B in stimulus ALONE this year. The portion of that $56B that was not directed stimulus spending IS A STRUCTURAL DEFICIT.

    The trained economist "didn't see the recession coming" as late as October 2008 though the trade deficit had turned to red in July of 2008?!

    I call BS.

  • burkanuck - 13 years ago

    Hey "Douglas" you liberal hack, anyone who is the least bit objective saw that Harper won this debate "hands down" in spite of being constantly ganged up on by the future coalition members who lied through their teeth that they won't form a coalition.
    Your brainless cut and paste liberal braindead BS isn't convincing anyone with a functioning brain. Go crawl back down into your parents' basement loser.

  • Douglas - 13 years ago

    On the Economy -- there hasn't been a Conservative government in Canada that has left Canada in a surplus position since John A. MacDonald over 100 years ago!! The Conservatives know NOTHING about managing the economy and they haven't for a CENTURY already!

    Steady hand on the tiller?

    Hand steadily dipping into the till, is more like it.

  • Douglas - 13 years ago

    Yes, I do believe it. Harper was hands down the worst in this debate by ANY objective standard:

    1. Telling the truth: Harper lied right off the bat about there being no tax cut in the budget. A corporate tax decrease (even scheduled) is a tax cut. If Iggy wanting to put a freeze on the planned decrease for this year = a tax increase, then logically Harper's plan is a tax cut given that taxation rate is lower this year than last. While the specific measure was not presented in this year's budget, the amount of money less that will be collected this year is accounted for in the budget. Harper says this so as to create the impression his hands are tied because it was voted into law last year, but his hands are no more tied on this that they were by his own fixed election date law, that he went against when he saw fit. If Harper wanted to, he could've reversed, frozen, or slowed down the pace of the cuts and we all know it. That was a lie and he lied about much else throughout the night.

    2. Directly answering questions: Errr... not a one did he candidly and directly answer.

    3. Body language: Never looked at opponents while answering which came across as creepy on TV, not being able to look Duceppe in the eye early on, face contortion and lip quiver when Jack cornerned him on the 2004 coalition, and very quivering voice when answering questions on AG report and again in the closing statement. If you watched with no volume, he looked GAWDawful.

    4. Policy: Did he mention anything of substance from his "platform"?

    5. Living in reality: Still denied that contempt has anything to do with why we are in an election

    6. Zingers: Many landed against him but had not a one of his own. No humour whatsoever

    7. Interaction with audience: Forgot most of the time that the question was asked by a viewer/voter and refused to answer directly. REALLY not cool!

    (Not bad for someone who is alleged to have not watched the debate, eh? -- PMSL)

    Like most of his campaign to date, he phoned it in and it was dismal.

    You know the media has set the bar REALLY low for you when: "Not losing your cool" while lying through your teeth is considered "coming off well" in Debates?

    Then again, the NP and G&M are known pro-Con media, C(onservative)TV is as well (right, Sen. Duffy?), as is Global... and where the CBC is concerned.. Well, follow the money. We all know who signs the paycheques there so, of course, in most of the media (esp pro-Con media) it will be said Harper won.

    I can't wait for tomorrow. Harper will really be toast, particulary since his French is the worst of all 4 leaders and he can't get through a debate without his crib notes (oh yes, the media consortium lowered the bar on that too and allowed Harper to bring cheat sheets in this year)

    But we'll see what the poll numbers are by Friday.

    And they will reveal not only did Harper have his keister handed to him, but that the other 3 were kind enough to gift wrap it before doing it.

    So go ahead, keep on congratulating (consoling) amongst yourselves about how well Chicken Wings did in the debate but remember, just because a chicken is born in a stable... It doesn't make him a stud.

    Time to Un-seat the Cheat!
    He deserves a Two-seat Repeat!

    10 - 15 years from now, when all is known, we'll have concluded that the Harpercons made the Grant Devine govt in SK look like altar boys, ADSCAM look like a 5 year-old's lemonade stand, and we'll be cannonizing Lyin' Brian.

    Yes folks, he is THAT bad.

  • Pluto - 13 years ago

    Ignatiff, I'm gonna let you finish but Stephen Harper is do a better job in keeping the Canadian economy strong of in this time!

  • burkanuck - 13 years ago

    "I live in Quebec, therfor I'll vote for Duceppe and hope to be free from Cananda political crap (aka Harper)."

    Yeah and you can also be free of the $8,000,000,000 in "transfer payments" you get from Alberta too you filthy leech! PLEASE separate!

  • Vince - 13 years ago

    Harper clearly lost the debate. He did the typical broken-record "let me be clear" thing he does. He also evaded points, recited lines, and didn't adjust during the rebuttal areas. He's overall pretty close-minded in his politic. I live in Quebec, therfor I'll vote for Duceppe and hope to be free from Cananda political crap (aka Harper).

  • Burkanuck - 13 years ago

    "Remember the Harper government inherited a surplus and if they were such good stewards why are we in deficit now?"

    What an utterly idiotic comment from a paid lib hack! I wonder if part of it could be the demands of the loser parties that we absolutely HAD to pump $50 billion into the economy as a "stimulus" because their pseudo-god obama said that was the way to go.
    Prime Minister Harper rightly said that a stimulus wasn't necessary because our economy has safeguards in place that the US didn't have but the losers couldn'y accept that so we wasted $50 billion on a stimulus that we didn't need and then the very morons who demanded we spend the money want to lament that we are in debt now.
    Leftists are so freaking pathetic!

  • John - 13 years ago

    MK you just gotta get out more.
    All corporations realize the benefits of the lower tax rates, mine included. We are probably at the smallest of the small end of the corporate size scale but our tax rates are cut by the exact same percentage as Chrysler Canada.
    A little bitty business like ours benefits much more than the large businesses from the tax rate reduction because we have limited abililties to realize the write offs and tax shelters available to the big guys. We pay tax, every bloody year.
    A 1 1/2 percent tax cut to us means we pay 1 1/2 percent less tax which gives us 1 1/2 percent more of our profits to grow our business with.
    A good portion of our business comes from large corporations so when they save the 1 1/2 percent on the tax they would have to pay they are able to spend more on our services, which again helps us to grow our business.
    Please don't screw with our lifestyle just because your Harvard Count likes to use his catchy little finger waving campaign slogan.
    He is destroying the heart of all Canadian Business, namely Small Business.

  • Frank Lewcock - 13 years ago

    Well Mr harper you are on the right track. I would have to say I got the feeling Canada is your county and we would be better served by you. I can not say I felt the same for any of the other candidate who appeared to me to have nothing but promises that we all know will never come to anything. But if we want the same minority situation why not just sit on your lazy backsides and don't bother to vote. Yes, that's it most of us should do nothing, I mean let's face it there are millions of people who would love to vote but can't because they live in county that is ruled by a dictator. Please take an interest and VOTE.
    I must admit I like Steven Harper but whoever becomes our next prime minister I sure hope it is with a majority.

  • Larry - 13 years ago

    MK, they didnt teach your sarcasism in that fancy school your parents paid for huh?

    Dennis gets it, how do you think owes business? Do you really think its some shadowy group of old white men sitting on thrones around a desk? Guys like you and me....yes even uneducated folks like me can own a business.....we even hire educated people like you!

  • Bob - 13 years ago

    Vive le Québec libre!

  • Dennis Forbes - 13 years ago

    "It's one thing to give big corps all the tax cuts in the world and building billions in profits when we as citizens of this country are being taxed at 30%"

    Corporations are nothing more than collections of people: owners (which is generally shareholders, often via institutional investors through mutual funds, pension funds, etc), employees, and customers.

    All people. No mythical beast gorging on your dollars.

    When you imagine that corporations are something more than collections of people -- each of who pays taxes -- you lose sight of reality. Taxing businesses is simply a proxy for taxing people: There's no magic extra source of income suddenly appearing in the middle.

    As to oil companies, Alberta and the federal government are making an absolute windfall on the backs of them.

  • MK - 13 years ago

    Larry, could you please speak proper english you sound like a retard

  • MK - 13 years ago

    It's one thing to give big corps all the tax cuts in the world and building billions in profits when we as citizens of this country are being taxed at 30%. Do you know what this is doing to the middle class family in canada? This is the type of ignorance that you have Douglas. You need a lot of education for gods sake and even that I'm not sure if it is going to do you any good either. This election is an election of ideology, do you want to put more money in the oil companies pockets or do you create a bush like country where he iroded all the middle class family. It simply not exist any more. So education is a blessing Douglas which I don't think you and your fellow conservatives really understand its true meaning.

  • Larry - 13 years ago

    MK, sorry but us dumb rednecks without bein' all properly edumecated such as yerself must not git it. I guess the rest of us shouldnt have an opinion in the face of such great wisdom our post secondary has given to you. Man alive you come off as spoiled as Iggy, shocking thats wherr your vote is.

  • John - 13 years ago

    MK - you must have watched a different debate than the one the rest of us saw. You know, the one where Iggy kept jumping up and down trying to reach the countertop at the big peoples' store?

  • Larry - 13 years ago

    Chris, you dont run a business do you? Economics really aint that hard, if it costs too much to run a business you dont run it. You dont work for free do you? You work for the value your job pays, you never tell an employeer thats fine take my raise back. If business isnt profitAble you get out of that business. Look how the unions killed the north american auto business. Too expensive to run the business, therefore making cuts on new tech and ideas.

  • Dennis Forbes - 13 years ago

    Why would I cry? We're a democracy and the will of the people will rule the day. Great for all, and any outcome is a celebration of this right.

    I am not a huge fan of ignorance, however. If we really need to drag the US into Canadian politics, this simplistic tactic of cheap slurs ("neocon") and superficial correlations is the fodder of US election campaigns. It's tiring to see them take root here.

  • MK - 13 years ago

    I feel sorry for you Dennis, you'll be crying on election day

  • Dennis Forbes - 13 years ago

    "Remember the Harper government inherited a surplus and if they were such good stewards why are we in deficit now?"

    Massive, unparalleled recession. Is that really so difficult to understand? Why act so dumb?

    "It's because Harper follows the same ideology as George Bush and look where that got the US."

    I really, really wish you people would stop with your simplistic infatuation with the US. Is this some sort of perverse inferiority complex or something? Finding every superficial parallel with something that at some point occurred in the US is a tiring bit of sophistry that only plays among the most ignorant, ill-informed crowds.

  • MK - 13 years ago

    Thanks Chris, that's what we have trying to convey to the conservatives, but they cannot understand what we are trying to tell them I guess education is a blessing.

  • Dennis - 13 years ago


    I find it troubling to believe that you're actually being serious. Either you are paid by the Liberals, or you are so far down that rabbit hole that you've lost all perspective. Iggy was, by far, the loser of the debate. He has been an enormous mistake for the Liberal party. Forcing this election is just another of the Liberal's enormous mistakes over the past 5 years.

    The best part was how Iggy played with truth regarding the coalition. For those who missed it, he essentially said that there's "no coalition" and "the party with the most seats wins"...but then added the disclaimer that they win the first right to get the confidence of the house. Meaning a coalition is in the cards which is hardly a big secret. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with a coalition (it's how many democracies work), just BE HONEST ABOUT IT. Saying no no no non and then hoping that everyone forgives after the election is unacceptable.

  • MS - 13 years ago

    MS you are loosing your temper exactly this what we are trying to prove to the Canadian people. The Conservatives cannot keep their cool they are out of CONTROL.

  • Chris - 13 years ago

    For all those who say Harper won because he kept his cool - think about what you are saying. He lost on the issues. It is esdy to be cool when u are used to obfuscating the truth or avoiding it. He is well practiced, but lost his right to govern because of his contempt of parliament. The average Canadian loses more and more under a conservative government because thier ideology is not conducive to a collective society, but one that believes only the rich create jobs. The fact of our recent economic survival has less to do with the conservatives than it does to our general social culture and the policies of the past. Tax cuts don 't create jobs, and this misguided Milton Friedman neocon philosophy they have has never been successful in any country anywhere for the average citizen. Remember the Harper government inherited a surplus and if they were such good stewards why are we in deficit now? It's because Harper follows the same ideology as George Bush and look where that got the US. Jack Layton won hands down. We need proportional representation. Why can't we have it

  • Dennis - 13 years ago

    There is absolutely no question that Harper won the debate.

    Iggy was totally ineffective (at one point I wondered if he was having a stroke his mental malaise became so prominent), and Layton was just standard NDP (most weaselly when pressed on Bill 101 by Duceppe). Harper was on topic, usually actually addressed the questions, and didn't get sidetracked into inanities.

    This is a tough election for me. I'm not happy with a lot the Conservatives have done, and their arrogance and right-to-rule is reaching epic Liberal levels, however the Liberals have no fielded a serious candidate. They just haven't. They need to punt out Iggy and get someone credible. Even Bob Rae would have put in a much better performance. I came out of this debate feeling much better about Harper.

  • MK - 13 years ago

    The only slam dunk of the night was in the conservative basket. Your Harper looked dis-oriented and had to lie to the Canadian people to try to save his skin. Everybody that have seen the debate could clearly say the same. Harper was avoiding to answer the issues important to the Canadian people. He has clearly lost the debate. Please take a sleeping pill.

  • MS - 13 years ago

    @MK ....Your comment about "misusing our tax money" is out right hilarious...Especially when you consider that the Liberals are THIEVES....The sponsorship scandal was all about Martin's people STEALING tax payers' money..That's right..... STEALING...I wouldn't trust the Liberal party EVER with a reputation like that.

  • Larry - 13 years ago

    MK and Douglas, do you really think Iggy won? For crying out loud, I'm not left and Jack kicked the crap out of Iggy. Harper did best based entirely on the pile on he got, plus when the other leaders were suppose to be debating they took the time to agree with one another and pile on the big C. In fact it plays the entire Harper plan of presenting the coalition thoughts.

  • Laurie Eberhardt - 13 years ago

    Prime Minister Harper is the clear winner of this debate! He did not stoop to the Liberals and BQ mudslinging. It is hard to say that Canada is anything but widely respected when Stephen Harper lists the accomplishments we have and are still making on the world stage. How can a Canadian be anything less than proud of such a leader? Unless they are choking on sour grapes, like the Liberals, and the never form government NDP's and the Never wanted to be in Canada BQ ( who have no problem taking our tax dollars when it pleases them!)

  • BN - 13 years ago

    Seems like the poll here can be voted on repeatedly. Crap.

  • John - 13 years ago

    Harper slamdunked the Libs and the BQ. The star of the evening was Jumpin Jack the Evil Dipper. Iggy missed most of the debate, about 70% of it or so according to Layton.

  • MK - 13 years ago

    The National Post is known for their support for the conservatives. Hey guys all these polls results are fake. Iggy has clearly won the debate. This will be translated to more people voting for the liberals on election day. I would not want to be a conservative right now. Hey guys, you better start looking for a new leader to replace your Harper. Enough of misusing our tax money and using it on fake lakes and booz. The fact is guys you have lost the debate, it clearly went liberal. I wonder if you guys can sleep tonight.

  • David - 13 years ago

    I was impressed by Harper's complete composure throughout the debate. Duceppe would have done much better if he put his debating skills to good use instead of this robotic attack that was a disappointment in the least. Harper has my vote after this and I was undecided. Jack , what was with the walk through memory lane ? Iggy was ok but came off as just dishonest with the attacks that did not let up until the moderater forced him to give up the floor, looked scripted to me.

  • Sue - 13 years ago

    I felt Harper won. He was continually challenged on every aspect of his leadership and policies whereas the others rarely had to go on the defensive. He kept his cool and stated his points clearly.

    Layton got in some good zingers...where was Iggy all those days he missed in parliament?

    Iggy sounded like a prof...I guess people who are educated don't commit crimes in his opinion.

  • Frankemm - 13 years ago

    No question about it Harper won,Ignatief looked poorly prepared and disconnected.I thought Layton ate Iggys lunch every time they faced each other,and Duceppe was only practicing for the French debate tomorrow.

  • Eric - 13 years ago

    Stephen Harper was very cool. Sorry Douglas! I don't even think you're watching the debate.

  • L West - 13 years ago

    Harper looked solid, prime ministerial! Iggie ranted and lost his cool. I wouldn't his sort of negativity in leadership.
    Harper looked directly at the cameras (and the people), and wasnt dragged down to Iggie's level.
    (Layton had the nicest tie and Duceppe was Duceppe - who really cares what they said)

    Harper came out the big winner and will continue as PM.

  • Larry - 13 years ago

    Those of you running your mouths on who clearly won (save at least one), had your minds made up before it started. Dont act like anything could have happened tonight that would even make you think twice.

    Yeah, the Post is as balanced as the Star.

  • Marty - 13 years ago

    Douglas, were you watching the same debate as the rest of us??

  • Marty Cote - 13 years ago

    Great debate and great format. I believe all leaders performed well, but I was impressed by Stephen Harper. Attacked by all three opposition leaders, he kept his cool and stayed focus on his message. I'm now a fan!!

  • Douglas - 13 years ago

    Harper had his butt handed to him:
    - His body language was awful. If you watched for a while with the volume off... Yikes!;
    - He creepily did not look at his opponents while answering, and looked at the floor often;
    - He evaded most of the questions asked in a painfully obvious manner;
    - All three leaders made him look weak on the A-G report
    - "If you were PM at that time, my father would not have gotten in," Iggy to Harper on immigration
    - "Long guns, short guns, all they know is that they're dead," Iggy to Harper on guns
    - "Let some flowers bloom here," Iggy to Harper on difficulty with dissenting thought
    - When Jack cornered Harper on the 2004 coalition, his face contorted
    - The PMs voice quivered on the AG question and closing statement.
    - At one point he was simply stringing together media lines.
    - "You haven't earned a majority." Iggy to Harper

    Harper barely phoned it in. Harper had to do more than just not lose his cool; he's asking for a majority... He need to show he was deserving of one.

    Ignatieff defininitely exceeded expectations... and then some.

    Duceppe landed the best zingers of the night though!

  • Doug Roberts - 13 years ago

    And by the way, I'm shocked! Shocked, I say! The readers of this web site have said they think Mr. Harper won the debate tonight- by a landslide!

  • Doug Roberts - 13 years ago

    Derek? What the hell are you talking about?? There is the odd balanced article written in this rag that grudgingly compliments the Liberals or Mr. Ignatieff but only if they have done or said something that is extremely positive. Otherwise, its business as usual with full support for the Harper Government (tm).

    I'm a Liberal supporter (I just think their philosophy is more to my liking) but I think Mr. Ignatieff made a very mediocre showing tonight. Mr. Harper was boring but he didn't lose his cool and he stayed on point. Mr. Layton did a very nice job and Gilles Duceppe, as expected was the cream of the crop. He is an excellent debater. I'd really like to have him for a national leader.

  • bob17843 - 13 years ago

    I think Harper won the debate for sure. He kept his cool and clearly explained his position on all of the questions. HARPER MAJORITY, LET'S GO

  • Derek - 13 years ago

    The NP has gone to hell. What once was a decent publication has now become a propaganda machine for the economically illiterate liberals who would destroy this country if we let them.

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