Which do you think will be most important to balance the U.S. budget?


  • william ahrens - 13 years ago

    The root of virtualy all our problems is the government either directly or indirectly. Lobbiests control what happens in Washington. We the people get lip service and the powerful get the government that benifits them most. The operative word here is unbridled GREED and its a world wide problem. The US government is way out of control and being they're not stupid people (except for Pelosi), it appears its by design, be it George Soros and the like, or a one world government goal. The US has been the cornerstone of the world economy, the place to go for stability and prosperity. That is going away so fast as to be almost invisible. The pot is boiling and most Americans are swimming around either ignorant (the product of public education) or have the feeling of helplessness, just waiting for the hammer to fall. And it will fall. When, not if, the US dollar fails, the cry for a one world currency and banking system will be furthered. Those who are inclined to trade their freedom for security will happily get on board. It will be the Euro on steroids. Our medical system is broken, our education system is broken, our economy is broken, our energy plan is broken, our immigration policy is broken, our military stratagy is broken, our trade policy is broken, our maufacturing is broken, environmentalists keep most efforts to become energy independent at bay and they're just as dangerious as any of our known enemies. The way I see it we will have to fail completely and hopefully rise out of the ashes finally to eventually return to greatness, something for future generations. Our so called "representatives do not have the will to do what is necessary to save America. We have seen the enemy and the enemy is us. Nobody else could beat us.

  • jon - 13 years ago

    I was reading the comment about post 911's homeland security. I have first hand knowledge of the billions of dollars being wasted. We are required to furnish 911 locales with emergency response trailors full of supplies ready at an instant for that next 'disastor' that might or might not happen. The problem, most of the supplies in these trailers expired. Things like class A suits (haz suits), and other equip. The money could have been spent for more relevent equipment.

  • Chuck Burton - 13 years ago

    Government employees, including military, account for less than 3% of the population, but they control about 40% of the economy. Why? Because we, the sheeple, have put professional politicians in positions of control, instead of people who are honest and reliable and who think of themselves as servants of the people instead of masters. Now we are reaping the crop we have sown. If we want a different crop, we must sow better seed.

  • Bill Madden - 13 years ago

    Reducing government spending to constitutional limits would be a good first step toward balancing the budget and strengthening the dollar. Creating fairness in the tax system would have to precede any increase in income taxes. As an example, when the Federal Reserve Bank and the IRS were created in 1913, the tax-free foundations were also created to allow the wealthiest families to shelter their income from the IRS. Forcing these super-rich families: www.namebase.org/sources/dZ.html to declare and pay income taxes like the masses would, I feel, level much of the playing field. They would still own quite a bit of corporate America through offshore numbered accounts but that loophole will always exist.

    Growing the economy with deficit spending is exactly what helped cause the problem that we are now enjoying. Those controlling our country forgot about the surplus budgets required to dampen business cycles and, instead, forced the artificial stimuli of deficit budgets to the extent that for years we have been an economy predicated upon waste. Unfortunately, wars are a great form of the waste required to soak up the excess of overproduction.

    Your close to junk rating of our debt has been caused by the close to junk status of the character of our political leaders. Got to go.

  • Tim - 13 years ago

    The Fed will never raise rates, the Congess will never raise taxes and the growth in Gov't spending can not be ended because the math does not work. We are a nation sailing on a ship of fools. It is absolutly vital that we continue spending hundreds of billions defending China's 2ND and 3RD largest export markets. We have not yet begun to fight. With 3 wars now going on in the MENA region it is clearly time to attack Somalia as well to restore a more total level of anarchy there. All the Congress ever wants is to get re-elected, all the people ever want is more, now it is Obama scare and the Unions. How quickly we forget Mediscam Prescription B and who started these two massively expensive wars in SW Asia. We forget who jettisoned the Powell-Weinberg doctrine as soon as we invaded those countries. We call the mujahadeen insurgents and tomorrow's Muslim fundamentalists in Libya freedom fighters resisting tyranny. Now coal miners from Mr Ryan's state will need to work in those mines to age 70? The rough necks on those oil rigs in the US Gulf will also last to age 70 working those 18 hour days in the +100` Summer heat? Anyone under age 55 is then genetically superior to those over 55 that Mr Ryan's proposals would not touch. We can not call entitlements social welfare and shift from means to affluence testing? When the Chinese and Japanese decide to cap & cut off the HELOC we can just go on stroking at the keyboard creating 100s of billions more PE$OS? Some one could step up and lead. It could be anybody. But nobody wants the kind of leadership Carter and Bush I provided. Carter is still befuddled. How could he have been so foolish to think that 5% of the global population could not go on indefinitely consuming 60% of the global resources with out at some point incurring some cost to their society? There was no such thing as Voodoo economics! The pathway to prosperity is to alaways increase spending and not just hold taxes level but cut them unceasingly. The Bernank making yet one more foolhardy decision to now hold press conferences to explain the land of OZ. He will destroy Obama when his sound bites are read back a year from now in the election campaign. We will throw the spineless weasel out of the White House who sold out to the Wall Street banks and the Defense industry by vilifying him over Obamascare. The 2014 mid-term election will then be swept by the Democrats as we throw this current cycle's bums out. We will not step back from the eve of destruction, so then it will come.

  • John Hasse - 13 years ago

    End 3 illegal and undeclared wars, and close about 100 overseas military installations, (which congress could do if it had courage). that would make a good start to close the gap between what government steals and what it wastes.

  • Argus - 13 years ago

    Take military spending back down to pre- 9/11 levels (or lower), we'll still spend more than the rest of the industrialized world combined, close a couple hundred foreign bases, end one or two of the wars, bring top tax rates back up to pre-Clinton levels, close corporate offshore tax loopholes, bring back reasonable tariff policies, deficit problem solved overnight... Then we can get serious about preparing for $10/gallon gas and beyond. But we won't do any of that, it makes too much sense and is far too radical for the people in charge.

  • Ron Ward - 13 years ago

    All of the choices are vital but first things first. Face it, this disaster came after decades of disinformation that deregulation and tax concessions to the rich and powerful would create wealth and jobs instead of making it easy to steal both from everybody else. Before taking more from the victims, rescind the Bush tax cuts, tax any manufacturing jobs left that they export and reward those who REALLY create them. Remove incentives to any group or industry that is not struggling without them. Put much stricter limits on election campaign lengths, financing and pay per vote earned from public funds to return power to the people from the 'special interests' who get that power dirt cheap before the ballots are even completed. Just letting the military respond to real threats instead of those 'special interests' could massively reduce the deficit. There's a lot more to do, but this would be a
    great start back towards the ' American dream' that the world loved and admired barely a generation ago.

  • decotah - 13 years ago

    We are a REPUBLIC and it is time the STATES rule in the federal government. The Feds have created a haven for themselves. Most of the Federal gov't is a waste land of out dated departments, rules, and bureaucrats. It, simply put, is a black hole where money just disappears. Every time there is a crisis a new department is created after a major study is performed....ex: 911.....we got the dept of home land security......all we got here in my neighborhood was few signs on poles......but the over all bill was billions.....billions for a few signs on poles in NJ.. just doesn't add up.
    Federal government needs to be restructured and only the STATES can do that....and they better do it fast.

  • Harold J LA.Shomb Jr - 13 years ago

    The time is now to burn the play money. Return to Gold, Silver, copper, to pay the bills. Once this is done ,we may have a small chance to come out of this mess. My biggest mistake was to except american money, now I am in the same boat as you watching it sink with no resoures to fix it. Last but not least, Stop printing your play money, for every one you print it cost us and the world. I hope they run out of ink and cotton ASAP. Yes, I am was born in the usa, and own a company many years

  • Passive Resistance - 13 years ago

    The budget is secondarily important to regaining control of the issuance of our dollar .
    Our Congress hacks at the branches of evil yet avoids the root of the problem ; the (privately owned ) Federal Reserve ! This trojan horse gives lip service to our constitution yet holds no allegiance to our Republic ! Unless Congress retakes the constitutional authority to coin currency and resists being bought off by deep pockets , Our medium of exchange and our economy will fail (as they Banksters have planned ) . End the Federal Reserve ! Vote RON PAUL 2012 ! V ( for VICTORY )

  • nobodyatall - 13 years ago

    I feel as if I'm driving slowly past a horrific pile up on the freeway. I see this wreck every day as I drive to a job I may not have much longer. Then the day arrives that I see my face and body being covered by the ambulance crew. This slow train wreck has now killed off my family and our once beautiful country. I can blame the greedy bankers or the Fed but in the end I allowed them to destroy me. I saw the accident coming for me each day until there was nothing left of America. I can only wonder if this is how people felt on October 1929

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