Who is to blame for the Budget Impasse at the Capitol?


  • John - 13 years ago

    I encourage people to dig deeper, especially you Michele T. Ask hard questions, don't let people get away with simplistic answers or no answer. Above all Michele, please inform the listener that the person you are interviewing MIGHT just have an agenda. There are always two sides to a story.

    Read the following books and you will know exactly where the Republican party stands & what their over all objective is. Then start putting the pieces of the puzzle together from other sources & listen closer to what is being said and not said.
    1. The Wrecking Crew
    2. The Republican War on Science
    3. C-Street

  • William - 13 years ago

    It is going to be very interesting when all these representatives come up for re election... The longer we wait the longer the people will remember and we will possibly go back to democrats. These stalemates should not be happening and it seems the only one willing to give up any ground is the Governor. Maybe it is time that the republicans realize there are more middle class in this state than the rich...

  • Dean Zimmermann - 13 years ago

    If we put more money into education would the writers of this poll learn to say, "WHOM to you blame?" Whom do you blame for the in ability of people to use correct grammar?

    My grandfather used to say, "Money is like blood, it doesn't matter how much you have, if it doesn't circulate, it does no one any good." It is the job of government to find where money is piling up and get it circulating to where it is needed so that every part of our collective society is brushed by it. Just as it is the job of the heart to circulate blood to every cell in our body so that every part of our body is brushed by it. As in our body, our society must make sure that each and every sector is kept healthy, so that the whole body (whether biological or social) will stay healthy and flourish.

  • Ryan - 13 years ago

    Its a shame people don't understand what is actually going on.

    GOP Started at about 32 billion and Dayton at 36 Billion. GOP moved to 34 billion. It's time for Dayton to do the same.

  • Karen - 13 years ago

    I say go for it Governor Dayton, call the Republics bluff it will only be them selves they will hurt in the long run. Let there be a Government shut down people think we Government employees make to much any ways. Then when all the people who voted in those unwilling Republicans into office no longer have the services they like & need at their finger tips they will see just how unfortunate it was that they voted in a bunch of spoiled brats who never learned the words negotiation or compromise.

  • Ricky M. Clark - 13 years ago


    It is my very true opinion that if we are to SAVE this United States of America, we MUST pass laws that have to REGULATE this no good Republican Party. They root emphasis on public matters is based on evil.

    This Republican Party is NO LONGER the party of good AMERICANS: like ; Presidents , Gerald R. FORD, Abraham LINCOLN, Theodore ROOSEVELT, or Dwight D. Eisenhower.

    The Republican Party is the TRUE party of evil. Everything that Christ prophesized about helping the poor and feeding those who are hungry, WELL, the REPUBLICANS are against that.fairness. But, still, alot of people who sit in Church every Sunday, they still vote REPUBLICAN. Because the Minister or the Priest tells them SO. what a Crock. These people who listen to FALSE PROHETS are a big ROOT to this countrys problems. There blind allegiance is just a big help for the rich, corporate politicians, (who support welfare Queens in the Corporation world & the Aristocracy,, and all other socio-economic injustice.

    Right will always prevail. But, currently, right will only prevail when ALL people have the GUTS to stand up to the right wing NAZIS, corporate politicians, the NRA Gun lobby, religion getting involved in politics, the LOW TAX for the RICH & corporation crowd, Rush Limbaugh, Beck, Sean Hannity, (all need to be admitted to a mental institution), the anti-education crowd and the anti environment & UNION crowd.

    If you WANT to be a good Republican, pick up a good book about what the historians have to say about Presidents : Gerald R. Ford, Abraham Lincoln, & Dwight D. Eisenhower. All of whom, were FAIR to all CLASSES od people in this land. They did not believe in government of religion, for the rich, and for gun owners. These HONORED men believed in government as President Abraham Linclon stated it in his Gettysburg Address, of November 1863.

    Republican Party better waken up.!!!!! They ARE collectively destroying our nation through their selfish interests. They won't admit it; but that is the truth.

    Long live the memory of that GOOD MAN : PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD. tim pawlenty, mitt romney, the hunts, the Bushes, m. bachmann, and the rest, would need to take some very learned political learnings from President Ford.

    In ending, this whole thing IS NOT about government spending and taxation. It is ALL truly about "WHO IS PAYING THIER FAIR SHARE OF TAXES , AND WHO IS NOT!!"" (the rich) (& corporate intersts helped by John Boehner.)


  • Dean Zimmermann - 13 years ago

    My grandfather always used to say, "Money is like blood, it doesn't matter how much you have; if it doesn't circulate, it doesn't do anybody any good." It is high time to tax the filthy rich and get some of that money circulating thru the pockets of the poor, so that they can buy the things they need, like clothing, food and housing. When the poor start buying these things, it makes the filthy rich richer. Taxes on the filthy rich, when to be used to get money flowing thru the pockets of the poor then on to the neighborhood businesses and local government is a win-win for all. Wake up Republicans and start voting in your own interest: tax the filthy rich to make the filthy rich richer.

  • Dustie - 13 years ago

    Tell me that this legislative session is a bad dream and I will wake up. If it wasn't so very sad, I would say it is a joke. Minnesotans are better than this. Trying to legislate discrimination against gays and why do we need to spend money on Voter IDs (what voter fraud has there been?). Governor Dayton has been more than available to work on a compromise. Now the taxpayers need to pay for a Special legislative session and possible face a state government shutdown. Does Minnesota have a right to recalls like Wisconsin or do we have to suffer through more of this awful nonsense until next year?

  • Wayne Onken - 13 years ago

    I heartily agree with all the above posters. Very well said. To pay mor edollars from these folks would not even be a sacrifice. Those Republicans better enjoy their last term in office. The people of Minnesota are not stupid. If these tax cuts for the so-called "job creators" created jobs, I'd like to know where those jobs are, other than Mexico, China, Indonesia, whatever.

  • Brittany - 13 years ago

    Republicans ran on jobs jobs jobs. Their enacted platform worked to take away the rights of Minnesotans in our constitution for the first time in our history. Where's a real budget that doesn't punish people for owning homes, that doesn't put the burden on the backs of poor people, that works toward an ethic of shared sacrifice? Where are the jobs? We as Minnesotans, can do much better.

    Governor Dayton has offered these types of solutions. The GOP is not interested. The GOP legislators are not there for Minnesotans, they are there for themselves. They are there to help a small number of rich people accumulate increasing amounts of wealth, and to exclude people they deem unworthy of equality and freedom. Apparently to the majority of elected Republicans in Minnesota, prosperity and freedom are only for the few they entitle.

  • kkk12 - 13 years ago

    When comparing to my field of study: BS, FCS and certification EBD, LD in special education, my thought is for each legislative member to look at and note what is happening around you at this moment. To base decisions on patterns noticed, and ask yourself if you can truly understand the shoes of others that have walked different steps than you; and to know what it's like to feel failure but to also know success of a child, your child, your grandchild, student's that have experienced success and growth because of people working together, especially at-risk students. I think the budget needs to focus on education and to see this as an opportunity, your opportunity to finish the session thinking about the people that need your consideration, and the consideration of those that can afford to give up a little extra this time around.

  • HMF - 13 years ago

    The newly elected Republicans do not know the word compromise. They are so intent on fulfilling every promise to the T that they made in the campaigns. They do not realize that no group, whether it is govt, business, schools, etc. can govern without the reality of compromise. The people of Minnesota got what they asked for because they liked all the sound bites on the campaign trail. Now as people of Minnesota start realizing that those promises they thought sounded so great in the campaigns are going to hurt every person in this state. The people of Minnesota really need to stand up, let everyone in government know that it is time to stop the stubborn, childlike actions, to start talking and be willing to give up some things in order to get other issues that are important. It is time to get off their bandwagon and act like a real governing body that wants to do the best for all of Minnesotans! We did not elect them to act like children. We have enough of that behavior in our own homes. We the people need to stop listening to sound bites and to really pay attention to how the actions being taken are going to affect & cost us in the long run. Enough is enough! Start concentrating on what is right for the people. Shutting the government down is not going to help anyone! You will hurt more people than you know and you will find out in 2012 how you did. Grow up!!!

  • Cheri Hedtke - 13 years ago

    Shame on the legislative leaders---obviously they do not understand what they keep referring to as a mandate,they did not get 100%vote to do what they think they need to do.They have created a mess, this will cost all of us--they do not deserve to get paid salary or perdiem! But you know while wanting to cut the budget--they should start with them selves. Who decided the only thing they could accomplish was to address Gay Marriage---frankly who cares??--Waste of time--waste of taxpayer money.They need to grow up , get to work and start to realize they do not have my mandate or that of many others to do what they have been doing. I have always voted as an Independant--you Republicans have done a poor job!!

  • Launie - 13 years ago

    I won't live long enough to ever vote for another Republican!

  • Sandy Haegele - 13 years ago

    What a joke this last legislative session was! They are not leaders because leaders know how to compromise and find solutions. Gov. Dayton deserves cheers -- the legislative leaders had no intention of working with him right from the start in January. Now our State is in another mess -- one that Pawlenty (who wants to lead the country?) created and Dayton inherited with the Republicans who promised jobs and a balanced budget. So much for their promises.

  • an85percentor - 13 years ago

    It may be too late to stop the radical Conservatives, but the people sure got smart in a hurry. It is time for the wealthy to belly up to the bar and invest in the State and Country that has given them so much!!!!

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