Do you think ABC is preparing to cancel 'General Hospital'?


  • vacjan - 12 years ago

    A petition should be started to keep at least 1soap on each major station during the day. As was said above people need an escape from reality and what better way than to watch a soap. I dvr the soaps so I don't have to watch reality shows at night. They are boring and stupid. Also, all you hear about is how fat and how unhealthy people are in this country, so what do the networks do they add more cooking shows to their lineup. Most of the recipes are loaded with cream, heavy sauces, butter etc. Does this make sense?

  • vicki - 12 years ago

    Why do we have to be subjected to another stupid talk show. There are so many and none of them really know what they are talking about other then trying to out yell or talk about the stupidest things that really no one cares about. Everyone is trying to be an expert on everything but guess what, they know nothing. I enjoy General Hospital because when I get home from work it is just nice to sit back and watch something that is fiction and just watch how the people try to get on with there lives without being real. The writers do a great job of coming up with these story lines too bad it all has to come to an end I wish I had their imagination because they are great. Look how many talk shows have gone by the wayside? People are getting fed up with all of these talk shows.

  • shellie - 13 years ago

    I ABC cancels general hospital i will no longer watch this channel anymore. I watch a few shows on it now but cancel my soap and as the lady said above i will have the channel removed. General hospital is my escape from reality so please think about what people are saying!!!!!

  • dixie - 13 years ago

    I will NOT be watching any daytime tv if GH and OLTL is cancelled. If you think Katie Couric will be successful, you are very wrong. I am very tired of all the reality shows and ABC will lose alot of viewers if they cancel these programs.

  • Walter - 13 years ago

    Trust me, no one cares if people won't watch ABC because their precious soaps are cancelled. Hardly anyone watches them now, so you can't lose what you don't have.

  • ghewitt - 13 years ago

    I am one of the people who REALLY mean that I will not watch ABC after they take off my beloved soaps. I have wateched AMC, OLTL and GH since they came on the air. What a shame. I did see a good take on the new show at night named, REVENGE, but will not be wathcing it. I just don't like "the mainstream" media. They lie the "news" casts and the only good things about ABC is the soaps. I won't be watching any night line up as I won't know what will be coming on. After you have taken away my daytime entertainment then the insurance, "money for gold", auto industries will be paying for me NOT to watch. I can see them on any other channel. But no more ABC. As a matter of fact, my cable provider can remove it off of my bill each month once GH is gone, if they would be so kind! Good bye old friends. Hope to see you on line. Maybe everything can stream & I can do away w/ cable TV all together. Just hook up my computer to my TV "moniter". I love the cable shows, so what's there to miss at ABC once my soaps are gone? Really? Some young, dumbheaded guy comes in, thinks he's going to make money for ABC but I have to say that 1.6 million viewers are A LOT of people watching TV in the daytime.
    Can't stand Catie Couric so be careful there. None of us women will watch her. P-LEASE! And "The Chew"? ANOTHER COOKING SHOW? I like Rachel Ray but don't even watch that one. And Ellen Degenerace will be gone too. Stop the bleeding. Keep OLTL and GH.

  • Ruth Goldman - 13 years ago

    I really hope that ABC is not going to cancel General Hospital for Katie Couric. As the other ladies say there is too much talk and reality shows on all over the networks. I totally agree and ABC will definitely have lost a family of viewers if they cancel General Hospital. ABC executives beware of sit in's and demonstrations by people who pay for things.

  • Jamie - 13 years ago

    The last thing any of us want is more boring talk shows. @@

    The soaps may be more expensive to produce, but fans will DVR them and watch them loyally. Unlike talk shows, which are a dime a dozen and cover the same pop psych, fashion, etc. over and over. Why bother recording that to watch later - you can see it on twenty channels at any time of day.

    The soaps are like Today and Good Morning America. The networks should ALWAYS have at least one on during the day. It's a viewing staple. Women who work record them, women who stay home watch them.

  • Teresa - 13 years ago

    I will not watch ABC if they cancel General Hospital. I would never watch Katie Couric regardless of what network she's on...blech - stupid move by ABC to hire her.

  • Mary Ann - 13 years ago

    ABC lost another viewer.

  • Mary Ann - 13 years ago

    ABC lost another viewer.

  • carol - 13 years ago

    I will not be watching talk shows. The morning hours are filled with them: News, Kelly and Regis, Rachael Ray and then the View. Do you honestly think people want MORE all afternoon? People need to lose themselves in fantasy and other people's problems. If Katie Couric is going to bump General Hospital, then I for one, will not be watching her or any other ABC program. Let's get together an on-line petition to keep GH.

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