Is NATO obsolete?


  • Fernando Vieira dos Santos - 13 years ago

    yes it si obsolete as the reasons that created it do not exist anymore but it can be as an aliance be renegitiated and updated if ther is areason to it , My sujestion is to renegociate as an aliance or aliances to promote peace, with membership arrangement in order to relive some countries of the economic burdin

  • watchful - 13 years ago

    yup - good to see someone else share my reasoning; until the USA gets off its' "perceived" white horse and stops interfering with every doggoned country in the universe- including Canada(eg. free trade- a laugh- and protectionism tactics etc.) there will be only a great need for countries across the world to answer the wake up call that Yankeeland is not - and never was - in spite of its' large mouth and yahoo cowboy mentality - the great protector it touts itself to be - and relearn to try to get along together without the influence of the eternal hubrus and blind charging of the USA into situations left better to heal themselves. After all, their own country needs serious looking after on the home front - how about attending to it first? Maybe we could then take that opportunity to exchange the many good things about other nations and countries of our vast world.

  • Alex von Sternkoenig - 13 years ago

    This is a very simple question to answer. Yes, it is obsolete! It was obsolete for 20 years now. NATO was created by the USA as a European Buffer against the perceived (or real - open to debate) threat from the USSR, which just finished the victorious campaign against the IIIrd (Nazi German) Reich. Most of the USSR transitioned into CIS in 1991 and since then can't be perceived as a threat for Europe any more. Europeans want to trade with new Russia and not follow Americans in invading different countries every 5 years and killing people all over the World.

  • Natasa - 13 years ago

    Finally! Finally! Somebody asked what I asked myself for long time. There is hope in the world. I am strong opponent of spending tax money to serve couple of rich families. Only if we had serious treat from aliens, NATO would have purpose.

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