Can toddlers be bullies?


  • danielle - 13 years ago

    I saw a study that showed that if a child doesn't get enough sleep they show signs of being a bully. Now tell you child and time out and watch them 24/7 can only go so far what happens when you are not there and they are at day care or at a friend's house or a family member's house and well mom isn't there to be there to redirect or do the time out? Or even take that time to explain I do believe that it does have some thing to do with the lack of sleep and the age where they can really understand yes I am hurting so and so. But it is never to early to start teaching right from wrong.

  • Kandy - 13 years ago

    I am torn because I discipline my children and they know better than to hit but I have met very vicious children and is the patents fault because if the minute they start showing that type of behavior you don't stop it, children will think is ok to hit.

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