How do you feel about Christian Lopez giving up Derek Jeter's 3,000th hit ball without asking for anything?


  • robert - 13 years ago

    Yes everything is about money,there is something happning under the table!

  • Rachel - 13 years ago

    Wow you guys are all greedy! Everything is about money isn't it? I agree with Neil I would much rather be friends with Lopez then any of you guys you are all disgusting and greedy I can't believe people anymore there terrible I hope you guys are all ashamed of yourselves because you are not true American citizens Your immature and greedy. Im gunna go be sick now because of you guys.

  • Clem - 13 years ago

    LOL at "I would've done the same thing" winning. Fake morality sure goes far.

  • Neil - 13 years ago

    Seems the only people who are really crying about this are the exact opposite of who Christian Lopez is, he's a good and selfless man. He can go to bed with a satisfied mind. I'd rather be his friend than any of yours.

  • ta - 13 years ago

    I heard he has $100K in student loans. Doing the right thing would have been to get some money to pay that off.

    Doing the right thing? Jeter and the Yankees want you to believe that the right thing is to just hand it over. But are the Yankees always doing the right thing? Do you think the owners and the players were thinking of the right thing when they had the strike in the 90's? Do you think the NFL owners and the players are thinking of the right thing or the fans during the Lockout? What about the NBA? I'll tell you what they are all thinking about: money! They are thinking about all the money they have to split. Where does the money come from? Expensive tickets. Expensive jerseys and merchandise. Expensive cable programming from expensive broadcasting rights -- I remember the days when the games used to be on regular tv.

    So all of you who think doing the right thing was to just hand over the ball for free like this moron, think again. Jeter and all the other players, the Yankees, and the League think about how to get more all the time. As the players and the owners will tell you: It's all business...nothing personal. For the love of the game? That exists only in the movies. All of you have been brainwashed. Don't believe the hype. Money is the only motivation in the MLB, NFL, NBA...etc. Nowadays, it's all about the Benjamins.

  • Jon - 13 years ago

    Mike you sound like a pretty greedy guy and it was said the ball was only wort $250,000 at most. Not gonna cover that much. Lopez did the classy thing.

  • David Birmingham - 13 years ago

    Your poll so far indicates that 48% of people have an honorable streak to them, 39% have a greedy streak with a slight portion of honor and 12% are just plain jaded.

  • Angelo - 13 years ago

    I voted for "I would've done the same thing" and then jumped over to the comments out of curiosity. And I have to say after reading them that I'm convinced . . . convinced I was wrong. You're right, there's nothing immoral about asking a multimillionaire, who himself hit the lotto being born with such physical gifts, to pay market value for a baseball if he wants it. It's not like you'd be denying him the 3,000 hits. You'll have your kids' college money and of course can donate to any number of other charitable causes if so inclined.

    I guess it comes down to how valuable Derek Jeter's opinion of you is. To me, it's not worth $250k.

  • datjerseytexan - 13 years ago

    When this guy is 30, if not sooner, and all the crap he gets for the ball right now is worthless hes gonna be kickin himself about this whole thing.. I would even predicted needing therapy that he won't be able to afford... What a putz...

  • JT - 13 years ago

    So he catches a ball worth $250k.... and he's a regular guy, while Jeter makes $15m a year. Why not sell it to him? Or sell it at auction? It's not like it belonged to Jeter. What the hell is noble about doing something stupid?

  • Birdman73 - 13 years ago

    All you money grubbers are fools. Christian Lopez is a hero in NY, he met Jeter, he met other Yankee greats, including Reggie Jackson, he has 4 primo seats for the rest of the season and a bunch of stuff from Jeter. More than that, he is a hero to NYers, he gets all the free positive press he can handle. If Lopez decides to sell, he looks like a money grubbing douche, he would be ridculed, menaced, and abused for going for the buck. More than anything, when this guy has kids and grandkids, he can look them in the eye and say "I did the right thing." There is no amount of money worth that.

  • Big Walt - 13 years ago

    You people are insane. I mean I'd happily give it to Jeter too, for about $250K. That's life changing money that moron gave away. Let's see, hmm, should I sell the ball and be able to send both of my kids to college with no money out of my pocket or should I give it to a multi-millionaire for absolutely nothing?

  • Joe - 13 years ago

    You have got to be kidding. Jeter isnt doing charity work out there and the tickets you pay for aren't free. They say that ball is worth $250,000....make him pay for it. Wait...Jeter is also sitting out the All Star Game....that shows you what he thinks about the fans. If Yankee fan wants him to play in pay for it in higher ticket prices and $15 beers. If Jeter wants the baseball....make him pay for it.

  • KCiana - 13 years ago

    Mike is a smart man...these players make millions of dollars bc of the fans and the crazy prices we pay for stuff (i.e. tickets, food). And these players (not sure if Jeter is one of them) go to memor. shows and you have to pay for their authograph So this knuckle-head finally has a chance for some easy free money and he gives it up for a couple of items. Do you think Jeter or another star would do that - NO CHANCE.

  • Mike - 13 years ago

    Wow, there are a ton of liars responding to this poll. There are not this many selfless people out there. Catching that ball is like winning the lottery...twice. It just doesn't happen. There is nothing wrong with capitalizing on that. This ridiculous country of ours was built on, and is being ripped apart, by capitalism.

    Do the right thing, Jeter, and give this man something. A photo op isn't it. I would've held that ball hostage while grabbing my phone to call every auction house in the country.

  • Mike - 13 years ago

    You're all as stupid as he is then.

    You clearly auction this ball off for the sake of your family and your well being. You think a 5 time champion who is worth hundreds of millions cant handle buying it in an auction if he wanted it that badly.

    Signed memoribilia...? Are you kidding me? A bunch of crap that in the long run really means nothing and will sit in a box one day. I'll take the couple 100 thousand, get my kids in college and safely invest the rest to provide for my family. You can have your signed $12 baseball.

  • Lee - 13 years ago

    I would have done the same thing... This was a milestone for Derek and he should have that momento. If I had gone to the game, I would have had no other expectation but that the Yankees should win and that would be it.

  • Spike - 13 years ago

    Maybe it's just me, but a guy who's making 15 million plus a year should do alot better than just signing some trinkets for something like this. Hell give the guy front row season tickets for a few years or something!

  • Josh - 13 years ago

    I'd have given the ball to Jeter, but I would have asked him to sign some stuff in return. Nothing extreme.

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