How do we use Signing Exact English in educating the Filipino Deaf?

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  • SEE will not work effectively for all other subjects like Math and Science (Physics, Geography, Earth Science, and Social Science), Computer Lab, Critical Thinking, Home Economic, and all other subjects other than English and Reading. Instead, I introduce you to Pidgin Signed English (PSE) that would be akin to FSL.

    SEE is too stiff and to long to complete its sentence when converse in timely manner. Why would you say 'I' 'saw' 'lazy' 'fox' 'jump' 'over' 'there' 'in' 'the' 'backyard' 'while' 'ago' too long; the count: 12 long with 5 nonessential words. Here is my way saying in AmerSL: 'slow' 'fox' 'jump' 'over-there' 'me (I)' 'saw'; the count is just 6 words (include 2 words into 1 with dash). The listeners would get this messenger in less and concise timely manner! ;-)

    PSE is the solution. Pidgin means "n. A simplified form of speech that is usually a mixture of two or more languages, has a rudimentary grammar and vocabulary, is used for communication between groups speaking different languages, and is not spoken as a first or native language. Also called contact language."

    FSL and ASL should be recognized languages of Deaf community in the Philippines; In Japan Deaf people there choose one of 4 languages: Japanese SL and American SL, Japanese and English. Why fight? Classroom, every children is there to learn.

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